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Chapter 3
Igneous Rocks
PowerPoint Presentation
Stan Hatfield . SW Illinois College
Ken Pinzke . SW Illinois College
Charles Henderson . University of Calgary
Tark Hamilton . Camosun College
Copyright (c) 2005 Pearson Education Canada, Inc.
Magma: The Parent Material of
Igneous Rock
Igneous rocks form as molten rock cools
and solidifies
General Characteristic of magma
• Parent material of igneous rocks
• Forms from partial melting inside the Earth
• Magma that reaches the surface is called lava
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Magma: The Parent Material of
Igneous Rock
General Characteristic of Magma
• Generally formed by partial melting in Upper
Mantle (~1200° C) or Lower Crust (~850° C)
• Rocks formed from lava at the surface are
classified as extrusive or volcanic rocks
• Rocks formed from magma that crystallizes at
depth are termed intrusive or plutonic rocks
• Magmas are buoyant, gas laden & transport Heat
• Flow rates vary over many orders of magnitude
from cm/yr to supersonic
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Magma: The Parent Material of
Igneous Rock
The Nature of Magma
• Consists of three components:
– A liquid portion, called melt, that is composed of
mobile ions derived from the partial melting of
– Solids, if any, are silicate minerals that have
already crystallized from the melt:
– Phenocrysts are large, Microlites are small
– Volatiles, which are gases dissolved in the melt,
including water vapour (H2O), carbon dioxide
(CO2), sulphur dioxide (SO2) & minor HF, HCl,
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Magma: The Parent Material of
Igneous Rock
From Magma to Crystalline Rock
• Cooling of magma results in the systematic
arrangement of ions into orderly patterns,
cations + anions = minerals
• The silicate minerals resulting from
crystallization form in a predictable order
• Textures & inclusion relations tells order of
crystallization (early small crystals get
surrounded by later larger phenocrysts)
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Magma: The Parent Material of
Igneous Rock
From Magma to Crystalline Rock
• Texture in igneous rocks is determined by
the size and arrangement of mineral crystals
• Igneous rocks are typically classified by
– Textures
– Mineral compositions & proportions
– Rocks with similar textures can have different
compositions (glasses all appear similar)
– Rocks with similar compositions can have different
textures (rhyolite and granite look different because
of different cooling histories)
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Textures + Minerals = Igneous Rock
Texture is used to describe the overall appearance of a
rock based on the size, shape, and arrangement of
interlocking minerals
Factors affecting crystal size:
• Cooling Rates
– Fast cooling forms glass or may tiny crystals (microlites)
– Slow cooling rates promote the growth of fewer larger phenocrysts
• Volatiles are Solvents
– Volatiles lower viscosity & increase diffusion leading to larger
• Nucleation
– More crystal nuclei promote the growth of more, but smaller
crystals which impinge on each other
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Igneous Textures
Factors affecting crystal size
• Cooling Rate for magma
– Slow cooling (°C/yr) allows crystals to chemically react with magma
– Fast rate (~few °C/hr) forms many small crystals
– Very fast rate (~hundreds of °C/sec) forms glass (disordered ions)
• Amount of Silica (SiO2) present
– Mafic (Low silica) magmas like basalts (<50% SiO2 ) flow easily
– Felsic (High silica) magmas are stiff and explosive
• Nucleation of crystals
– Contamination with crustal rocks promotes nucleation
• Amount of Dissolved Gases
– Affects viscosity, diffusion and explosivity
– <5% dissolved volatiles allows flows of km/day
– More than ~5% volatiles exsolve and form explosive foams
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Igneous Textures
Types of igneous textures
• Aphanitic (fine-grained) texture  Volcanic!
– Rapid rate of cooling of lava or magma (in air, water)
– Microscopic crystals
– May contain vesicles (holes from gas bubbles) and thus rocks that
contain them have a vesicular texture
• Porphyritic = large phenocrysts & smaller groundmass
– Generally lava flows or sub-volcanic intrusions (dykes/sills)
– Phenocrysts grew slowly then eruption quenched the lava
• Phaneritic (coarse-grained) texture  Plutonic!
– Crystals can be identified without a microscope (>2mm)
– Generally caused by slow cooling (heat loss at depth)
• Pegmatitic (very coarse-grained) texture  Plutonic!
Crystals (>2cm)
Generally caused by very slow cooling
Also caused by abundant volatiles (increases diffusion rates)
Rare metals (Au, B, Be, Sn) & unusual minerals can occur
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Igneous Textures: Volcanic
Fe Staining: Weathering
Andesite with twinned Plagioclase laths,
birefringent Augite, Magnetite & Glass
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Thin Section
Igneous Textures: Plutonic
Granite with:
Pink K-Feldspar,
White Plagioclase,
Grey Quartz &
Black Biotite
Biotite-birefringent, Qtz-grey/white
Feldspars-Twinned Black/white
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Igneous Textures: Volcanic
Types of igneous textures
• Porphyritic texture: 2 different crystal sizes
– Minerals form at different temperatures as well as
crystallizing at differing rates
– Large crystals, called phenocrysts, are embedded in a
matrix of smaller crystals, called the groundmass
– Sudden loss of volatiles can arrest crystallization
• Glassy texture (Vitreous & Conchoidal fracture)
– Very rapid cooling to volcanic rock in air or water
– This is common in very viscous, Hi-Silica magmas
– Resulting rock is called obsidian
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Volcanic Textures
Flattened & fused
Glassy shards
Indicate flow &
Horizontal directions
Black Magnetite as
dust sized particles
darkens the glass
Pale green patches are
altered to chlorite.
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Igneous Textures
Types of igneous textures
• Pyroclastic texture (volcanic)
– Various fragments ejected during a violent volcanic
eruption (rocks, crystals, glass shards, foams)
– Textures often appear more similar to sedimentary
rocks, but usually angular & partly glassy
• Pegmatitic texture (plutonic)
– Exceptionally coarse-grained
– Form in late stages of crystallization of magmas
• Xenolithic / Xenocrystic texture (plutonic)
– Accidental rock fragments from mantle or crust
– Included crystals from other rocks or magmas
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Igneous Textures: Plutonic
Large K-Feldspars,
White Plagioclase,
Grey Quartz,
Black Magnetite
Phaneritic Porphyritic
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Igneous Compositions
Igneous rocks are composed primarily of
silicate minerals
• Dark (or ferromagnesian) silicates, ∑= Colour Index
• Depends on Mg + Fe content of magma
• Crystallize in order of falling Temperature
• May react with magma to form a lower T°C phase
– Spinel or Magnetite (oxides not silicates) Fe3O4
– Olivine (Mg,Fe)SiO4 , lone tetrahedra
– Pyroxene Ca(Mg,Fe)Si2O6 , single chains
– Amphibole Ca2(Mg,Fe)5Si8O22(OH)2 , double chains
– Biotite mica K(Mg,Fe)3(Al,Si)3O10(OH,F)2 , sheets
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Igneous Compositions
Igneous rocks are composed primarily of silicate
• Light (or nonferromagnesian) silicates (with falling
– Plagioclase Feldspar: framework silicate
– Anorthite CaAl2 Si2O8 to Albite NaAlSi3O8
– K-Feldspar KAlSi3O8 , framework silicate
– Quartz SiO2 , framework silicate
– Muscovite mica K(Mg,Fe)3(Al,Si)3O10(OH,F)2 , sheets,
(this mineral is only found in plutonic rocks)
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Igneous Compositions
Felsic versus Mafic Compositions
• Rhyolitic composition
– Common in explosive strato-volcanoes (arcs)
• Granitic composition
– Composed of light-coloured silicates
– Designated as being felsic (feldspar and silica) in
– Contains high amounts of silica (SiO2), >68%
– Low temperature melts but high viscosity
– Major rock type in continental crust
– Common in batholiths of continental margin arcs
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Igneous Compositions
Mafic versus Felsic Compositions
• Basaltic (or Gabbroic) composition
– Composed of dark silicates and calcium-rich
– Designated as being mafic (magnesium and
ferrum, for iron) in composition
– High Temperature magmas but low viscosity
– More dense than granitic rocks
– Comprise the ocean crust as well as many
volcanic islands
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Igneous Compositions
Other compositional groups
• Intermediate (or andesitic) composition
– Contain at least 25 percent dark silicate minerals
– Associated with explosive volcanic activity
– Present in arc volcanoes and plutons
• Ultramafic composition
– Composition that is high in MgO and FeO > 55%
– Dense, high Temperature, Low viscosity melts
– Composed entirely of >90% ferromagnesian silicates
– Common in mantle (plutonic) but rare in crust
– More common in lower crust and in Precambrian rocks
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Igneous Compositions
Silica Content as an Indicator of Composition
• Silica content in crustal rocks exhibits a
considerable range
– A lower than 45% in ultramafic rocks
– Over 75% percent in some felsic rocks
– Tends to increase during fractional crystallization
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Igneous Rock Classification
Rock Names
Depend on
Mineral %’s
of common
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Inc. and the magmas from which they form.
Igneous Compositions
Silica content influences a magma’s behaviour
• Granitic magma
– High silica content > 68%
– Extremely viscous, flows slowly, explosive
– Liquid exists at temperatures as low as 700oC
– Forms by differentiation from more Mafic magmas
– Can also form by partial melting of Lower Crust in
collisional orogens
– Often high volatile contents: H2O, CO2 etc.
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Igneous Compositions
Silica content influences a magma’s behaviour
• Basaltic magma
– Much lower silica content <54%
– Fluid-like behaviour
– Low volatile content < a few %, usually not explosive
– Crystallizes at higher temperatures
– Most common Magma on Earth (or Moon!)
– Partial melt of Peridotite (5% to 25%)
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Igneous Compositions
Naming Igneous Rocks – Felsic (Granitic) Rocks
• Granite
– Phaneritic
– Over 25 percent quartz, about 65 percent or more
– May exhibit a porphyritic texture
– Very abundant as it is often associated with mountain
– The term granite covers a wide range of mineral
compositions but mostly alkali feldspar & quartz
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Plutonic Igneous Compositions
K-spar > Plagioclase
CI < 15
Collisional varieties
have 2 micas
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Igneous Compositions
Naming Igneous Rocks – Felsic (Granitic) Rocks
• Rhyolite
– Extrusive equivalent of granite
– Found in stratovolcanoes & calderas
– May contain glass fragments and vesicles
– Aphanitic texture
– Less common and less voluminous than granite
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Volcanic Igneous Compositions
may be any colour
Vesicles & glass
are common
May contain
Quartz phenocrysts
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Felsic Volcanic Compositions
Naming Igneous Rocks – Felsic (Granitic) Rocks
• Obsidian
– Dark-coloured, often flow banded
– Glassy texture, conchoidal fracture
– Gas bubbles (vesicles) are common but flattened
• Pumice
– Low density & Light Coloured Vesicular Volcanic
– Glassy texture with few if any crystals
– Frothy appearance with numerous voids
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Felsic Volcanic Compositions
in fractures
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Felsic Volcanic Compositions
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Intermediate Volcanic Compositions
Naming Igneous Rocks – Intermediate
(Andesitic) Rocks
• Andesite
– Volcanic origin usually in arc stratovolcanoes
– Aphanitic or aphanitic-porphyritic texture
– Often crystal rich with 25% to 40% phenocrysts
– Essential Plagioclase with Pyroxene or Hornblende
– Often resembles rhyolite when pyroclastic (tuffaceous)
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Felsic Volcanic
From Black to White!
Abundant Plagioclase
phenocrysts with small
hornblende microphenocrysts.
Magnetite is opaque.
Groundmass is smaller
by 50X.
High phenocryst content
makes these viscous &
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Intermediate Plutonic Compositions
Naming Igneous Rocks – Intermediate
(Andesitic) Rocks
• Diorite
– Plutonic equivalent of andesite
– Coarse-grained
– Intrusive (like in the roots of the Andes!)
– Composed mainly of intermediate plagioclase feldspar
and amphibole
– K-feldspar is minor if present, < 1/3 of total feldspar
– 16 < CI < 45 is intermediate
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Intermediate Plutonic Compositions
Grey Rocks
½ Plagioclase
½ Pyroxene or
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Igneous Compositions
Naming Igneous Rocks – Mafic (Basaltic)
• Basalt
– Volcanic origin
– Dark green to black in colour
– Aphanitic texture
– Composed mainly of pyroxene and calciumrich plagioclase feldspar
– Most common extrusive igneous rock
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Igneous Compositions
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Igneous Compositions
Naming Igneous Rocks – Mafic (Basaltic)
• Gabbro
– Intrusive equivalent of basalt
– Phaneritic texture consisting of pyroxene and
calcium-rich plagioclase
– Makes up a significant percentage of the
oceanic crust
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Igneous Compositions
Naming Igneous Rocks – Pyroclastic Rocks
• Composed of fragments ejected during a
volcanic eruption
• Varieties
– Tuff – ash-sized fragments
– Volcanic breccia – particles larger than ash
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Origin of Magma
Highly debated topic
Generating magma from solid rock
• Produced from partial melting of rocks in
the crust and upper mantle
• Role of Temperature
– Temperature increases within Earth’s upper
crust (called the geothermal gradient) average
between 20oC to 30oC per kilometre
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Origin of Magma
Estimated temperatures in the crust and mantle.
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Origin of Magma
• Role of Temperature
– Rocks in the lower crust and upper mantle are
near their melting points
– Any additional heat (from rocks descending
into the mantle or rising heat from the mantle)
may induce melting
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Origin of Magma
• Role of Pressure
– An increase in confining pressure causes an
increase in a rock’s melting temperature or
conversely, reducing the pressure lowers the
melting temperature
– When confining pressures drop,
decompression melting occurs
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Origin of Magma
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Decompression melting
Origin of Magma
• Role of volatiles
– Volatiles (primarily water) cause rocks to melt
at lower temperatures
– This is particularly important where oceanic
lithosphere descends into the mantle
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How Magmas Evolve
A single volcano may extrude lavas
exhibiting very different compositions
Bowen’s reaction series and the
composition of igneous rocks
• N.L. Bowen demonstrated that as a
magma cools, minerals crystallize in a
systematic fashion based on their melting
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How Magmas Evolve
Bowen’s Reaction Series shows the sequence in which minerals crystallize
from a magma.
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How Magmas Evolve
Bowen’s reaction series
• During crystallization, the composition of
the liquid portion of the magma
continually changes
– Composition changes due to removal of
elements by earlier-forming minerals
– The silica component of the melt becomes
enriched as crystallization proceeds
– Minerals in the melt can chemically react and
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How Magmas Evolve
Processes responsible for changing a
magma’s composition
• Magmatic differentiation
– Separation of a melt from earlier formed
crystals to form a different composition of
• Assimilation
– Changing a magma’s composition by the
incorporation of foreign matter (surrounding
rock bodies) into a magma
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Processes responsible for changing a
magma’s composition
• Magma mixing
– Involves two bodies of magma intruding one
– Two chemically distinct magmas may produce
a composition quite different from either
original magma
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How Magmas Evolve
Magma mixing, assimilation and magmatic differentiation.
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How Magmas Evolve
Partial Melting and Magma Formation
• Incomplete melting of rocks is known as
partial melting
• Formation of a Mafic Magma (basaltic)
– Most originate from partial melting of
ultramafic rock in the mantle
– Basaltic magmas form at mid-ocean ridges by
decompression melting or at subduction zones
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How Magmas Evolve
Partial Melting and Magma Formation
• Formation of Basaltic Magmas
– As basaltic magmas migrate upward,
confining pressure decreases which reduces
the melting temperature
– Large outpourings of basaltic magma are
common at Earth’s surface
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How Magmas Evolve
Partial Melting and Magma Formation
• Formation of Andesitic Magmas
– Interactions between mantle-derived basaltic
magmas and more silica-rich rocks in the crust
generate magma of andesitic composition
– Andesitic magma may also evolve by
magmatic differentiation
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How Magmas Evolve
Partial Melting and Magma Formation
• Formation of Felsic (granitic) Magmas
– Most likely form as the end product of
crystallization of andesitic magma
– Granitic magmas are higher in silica and
therefore more viscous than other magmas
– Because of their viscosity, they lose their
mobility before reaching the surface
– Tend to produce large plutonic structures
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End of
Chapter 3
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