Download Periodic Table Vocabulary Alkali metals

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Periodic Table Vocabulary
1. Alkali metals- Any of the highly reactive elements lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium,
cesium, and francium, occupying Group IA (1) of the periodic table. Sentence- The alkali
metals react with water.
2. Alkaline Earth Metals- The alkaline earth metals are a series of elements comprising
Group 2 (IUPAC style) (Group IIA) of the periodic table: beryllium (Be),... SentenceThe alkaline earth metals have two valence electrons.
3. Halogens- Any of the elements fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine, and astatine,
occupying group VIIA (17) of the periodic table. Sentence- The Halogens have seven
valence electrons.
4. Inner transition elements- elements in the periodic table that have three shells filled with
electrons, the shells are usually the three outer shells. Sentence-The Lanthanide Series
are a part of the inner transition metals.
5. Lanthanide Series- the rare-earth elements with atomic numbers 57 through 71; having
properties similar to lanthanum. Sentence- The lanthanide series has 15 elements.
6. Actinide series- a series of 15 radioactive elements with increasing atomic numbers from
actinium to lawrencium. Sentence- The Actinide series contains radioactive elements.
7. Noble gases- Any of the gaseous elements helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, and
radon, occupying Group 0 (18) of the periodic table. Sentence- The noble gas neon is
used in neon signs.
8. Transition elements- Any of the metallic elements within Groups 3 to 12 in the Periodic
Table that have an incomplete inner electron shell and that serve as transitional links
between the most and the least electropositive in a series of elements. Sentence-The
number of valence electrons in the transition elements varies.
9. Representative elements-The representative elements are all the elements in groups one,
two, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen and eighteen of the periodic table.
Sentence- One group of the representative elements is the Halogens.
10. Chemical family- In Chemistry, family refers to a group of elements with similar
chemical properties. Chemical families tend to be associated with the vertical columns on
the periodic table. Sentence- One chemical family is the noble gases.
11. Atomic number- The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom. In electrically neutral
atoms, this number is also equal to the number of electrons orbiting about the atom's
nucleus. Sentence- The atomic number determines where the element is located on the
periodic table.
12. Periodic table- a table of the elements, arranged in order of increasing atomic number,
based on the periodic law. Elements having similar chemical properties and electronic
structures appear in vertical columns. Sentence-The periodic table is accredited to
13. Protons-a positively charged elementary particle that is a fundamental constituent of all
atomic nuclei. Sentence- The number of protons is equal to the atomic number of an
14. Neutrons-A neutron is a subatomic particle contained in the atomic nucleus. It has no net
electric charge. Sentence- Neutrons and protons make the atomic mass of an element.
15. Electrons-An electron is a negatively charged component of an atom. Electrons exist
outside of and surrounding the atom nucleus. Sentence-In neutral atoms, there are the
same number of electrons and protons.
16. Subatomic particle- Any of various units of matter below the size of an atom, including
the elementary particles and hadrons. Sentence- Protons, neutrons, and electrons are all
subatomic particles.
17. Nucleus- Nucleus means center. In chemistry, nucleus refers to the positively charged
center of the atom containing protons and neutrons. Sentence- The nucleus contains
almost all of the atomic weight an element.
18. Electric charge- A form of charge, designated positive, negative, or zero, found on the
elementary particles that make up all known matter. Sentence- The electric charge of
elements before a reaction, are all generally zero.
19. Valence electron- An electron in an outer shell of an atom that can participate in forming
chemical bonds with other atoms. Sentence- The number of valence electrons determines
elements reactivity.
20. Atomic mass- The mass of an atom, usually expressed in atomic mass units. The mass of
neutrons and protons. Sentence- The atomic mass is at the bottom of an elements’
rectangle on the periodic table of elements.
21. Groups- Columns of elements help define element groups. Elements within a group share
several common properties. Groups are elements have the same outer electron
arrangement. Sentence- Group one is the alkali metals.
22. Periods- A sequence of elements arranged in order of increasing atomic number and
forming one of the horizontal rows in the periodic table. Sentence- Elements in the same
period have different reactions to the same elements.
23. Metals- A substance with high electrical conductivity, luster, and malleability, which
readily loses electrons to form positive ions (cations). Sentence-Lithium is a highly
reactive metal.
24. Non-metals- One of the elements which do not exhibit metallic properties, generally
located in the upper right hand corner of the Periodic Table. Sentence- One famous
nonmetal is neon, because of its use in neon signs.
25. Metalloids- an element with properties intermediate between those of a metal and
nonmetal. Metalloids may also be defined according to their location on the Periodic
Table. Sentence- Silicon is a metalloid.
26. Chemical symbol- A chemical symbol is a notation of one or two letters representing a
chemical element. Sentence- The chemical symbol for gold is Au.