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Bacteria Classification
Chapter 7 – Section 1
• Bacteria are classified into two kingdoms:
– Eubacteria
– Archaebacteria
• Largest bacteria kingdom
• Very diverse
• Classified into smaller groups by:
Cell shape and structure
How they obtain food
Type of food they eat
Wastes they produce
Whether they are aerobes or anaerobes
How they move
• Cyanobacteria
– Producers
• Use carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight to make food.
– Produce oxygen as a waste product.
• This oxygen is used by other organisms.
– Contain chlorophyll and a blue pigment.
• May also be red, yellow, or black.
– Live in colonies
– Source of food for other organisms in lakes, ponds, and oceans.
• Cyanobacteria Blooms
– When large amounts of nutrients enter the water, the
number of cyanobacteria increase significantly,
eventually forming a bloom.
• The organisms in the bloom use up the nutrients very quickly
and the cyanobacteria die.
• Aerobic consumers feed on the dead cyanobacteria, using up
the oxygen in the lake during the feeding process.
• Organisms such as fish die because of the decrease in
• Consumer Eubacteria
– Grouped according to the thickness of the cell wall.
• Different groups will stain different colors and be affected
differently by antibiotics.
– One unique organism within this group is
Mycoplasma pneumoniae because it has no cell wall
and can change shape.
• Divided into groups based on where they live or
how they get energy.
• Salt-loving bacteria (halophiles)
– Live in salty environments, such as the Great Salt
• Heat and acid loving bacteria
– Live in hot, acidic environments, such as hot pools
and hydrothermal vents.
• Methane producing bacteria (methanogens)
– Anaerobic
• Live in places like swamps and intestines
– Use carbon dioxide for energy and produce methane
as a waste product.