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• Viruses are essentially made up of genetic material, they are not
living cells. They must insert this
genetic material into a living cell. The material then can merge with
the genetic material of the new cell
and be copied into all daughter cells.
• Vaccinations can protect us from viruses. In a vaccination a
weakened copy of the virus is injected into
our body. Our body then fights the weakened virus and in doing so
builds up the antibodies it would
need to fight the real virus if exposed to it.
• Bacteria are living cells. They get energy from other cells to
reproduce and form colonies. They can be
harmful, but much of the time they are either harmless or helpful. In
fact, our digestive systems rely on
“good” bacteria to help us digest.
• Harmful bacteria can be treated with antibiotics. Antibiotics can
only be used to treat bacterial
infections, it is not an effective treatment for a viral infection.