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Ecosystems of
The World
A hawk eats a mouse. Who is the predator?
The Hawk
A mouse eats grass.
A hawk eats a mouse.
What is this an example of?
Food Chain
Who gets their energy from breaking down dead
If a cow eats grass, who is the consumer?
The cow
Who gets their energy from using sunlight, water,
and nutrients from the soil to make their food?
A remora attaches itself to a shark to get a free
ride. What kind of relationship is this?
A tomato hornworm is eaten from the inside by
young wasps. What kind of relationship is this?
A follicle mite may live in 97% of people’s eye
lashes or eye brows. It can consume skin cells
for energy. What kind of relationship is this?
Certain bacteria live in your intestines. This type
of bacteria takes in nutrients from food that you
eat and gives you vitamins. What kind of
relationship is this?
Ants collect food made from the Acacia tree and
protect the tree from potential predators. The
tree has learned to produce this food and ants
learned how to protect the tree over a long period
of time. What kind of relationship is this?
If a number of trees is significantly reduced in a
forest, what type of gas would increase?
Carbon dioxide
What has increased due to better farming
techniques and advances in medicine?
The human population growth
What happens when sulfur dioxide mixes with
moisture in the air and falls to the earth as rain,
snow, or sleet?
We get acid rain.
An Asian carp makes its way into the Great
Lakes after swimming through the Chicago Ship
and Sanitary Canal. The Asian carp is a
nonnative species. What kind of organism is
An exotic species
What is the removal of trees on a
large scale called?
A rose is a plant that makes its energy from
sunlight. What type of organism is this?
A mushroom absorbs matter from a dead
organism. What type of organism is this?
A rabbit eats grass. What type
of organism is the rabbit?
A bear eats berries and fish meat. What type of
organism is this?
A coyote eats a prarie dog. What type of
organism is this?
A group of rabbits, foxes, squirrels, hawks, and
worms interact in an area. What level of the
environment is this?
All of the ecosystems of the world are put
together. What level of the environment is this?
All of the living things and abiotic factors of an
area make up this level. What level of the
environment is this?
A group of rabbits live in an area. What level of
the environment is this?
A single zebra muscle is found in Lake Michigan.
What level of the environment is this?