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Social Studies 6
Egypt Study Guide
Vocabulary to know: (Use your text for vocabulary)
Concepts/Questions to know:
How did the ancient Egyptians depend on the Nile?
Egypt is a region that receives little rainfall therefore people were dependent on the flooding of
the Nile to provide silt, and rich fertile soil that would be good for farming. The crops grown on
the banks of the Nile and near the Nile with the use of irrigation systems were what the
Egyptians depended on for food. They also depended on the Nile for drinking water, bathing, a
source of food for fish, and of course the water to grow crops.
How were the Egyptians protected by their physical environment?
The location of Egypt is right along the Nile River. Outside of the lush greenery surrounding the
Nile River valley is the harsh deserts that border the civilization. The Libyan Desert is on the west
and to the east of the river is the Western Desert which extends all the way to the Red Sea.
Egyptians called this area the “Red Land” because of the scorching heat. These deserts helped
keep Egypt isolated from invaders. Cataracts on the river also helped protect against a water
Be able to identify the following and explain their importance:
Narmer: Also known as Menes, united the kingdoms of Upper and Lower Egypt.
Tutankhamen: The boy king who ruled for about 9 years (took the throne when he was about 9 as well)
and died around 18/19 years old. We know much about him because of his tomb.
Ramses II: Ruled for about 66 years. Said to have about 100 children. Made a peace treaty with the
Hittite King.
Ahmose: First Pharaoh of the New Kingdom. Drove the Hyksos out of Egypt. Egypt was at the height of
its glory under his rule.
Hatshepsut: First female Pharaoh in her own right. Took power from her nephew. Believed in trade
rather than conquest.
Hyksos: These were the people from Western Asia who overtook Egypt and ruled it for 150
Akhenaton: This pharaoh introduced new religion into Egypt which threw out the old gods and
stated only one god, Aton, was to be worshipped. Father of Tutankhamen.
Thutmose III: This pharaoh was Hatshepsut’s nephew and expanded Egypt’s territory from Nubia
to the Euphrates River through conquest.
Draw a pyramid below and identify the social classes found in Ancient Egypt:
Merchants, craftsmen,
Enslaved people
What role did women have in ancient Egypt? What rights did they have?
They could own property
They could make wills and gets divorces
They could perform religious ceremonies
What influence did Egypt have on Kush?
Like the Pharaohs of Egypt, the Kings of Kush were buried with personal belongings such as
gems, gold, jewelry, pottery, etc. When a king died they met at the temple to ask the Egyptian
god Amon-Re to appoint a new leader. They built white sandstone temples and monuments
similar to those in Egypt. As a result of Egyptian rule the Nubians adopted many of the beliefs
and customs of Egyptian culture. Nubians worshipped Egyptian gods and goddesses, as well as
the use of hieroglyphics to fit their own language.
Where was Napata located? Why was the location important?
Located where trade caravans crossed the upper part of the Nile River. This was important
because all the caravans stopped here, bringing ivory and other goods. They stopped to trade
before moving on to Egypt.
What was the purpose of the temples in ancient Egypt?
Store valuables
Worship and make offerings to the gods
What advantages in war did the Hyksos have over Egypt?
They rode in horse drawn chariots, fought with sturdy weapons made of bronze and iron
What was the purpose of the pyramids? Why/how were they built?
Purpose was to protect the body and belongings of the pharaoh who had passed away
Stone blocks were brought down the Nile by boat, transported to the pyramids on wooden
sleds, and hauled up the pyramid on ramps
What was the process of mummification? Why was it important to get to the afterlife?
The people of Egypt believed in the concept of an afterlife and that the body had to be
protected in order for the person to enjoy the afterlife. If the body decayed after death his soul
would not have a place to live. The pharaoh would not survive.
The embalming process was important so that the body would be protected. Before embalming
all organs were removed from the body and stored in special jars that were buried with them.
Then the priests covered the body with a salt called natron and stored it for several days. The
natron dried up the water in the body, causing it to shrink. The shrunken, dried body was then
filled with burial spices and tightly wrapped with long strips of linens. The wrapped body was
then known as a mummy.
Look back at your Egypt map! Be able to label the major areas and the Nile River!