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Genetic Engineering
The use of microorganisms or
biological substances to perform
specific industrial or
manufacturing processes
Recombinant DNA
Genes from different species are
combined and placed into host cells
• Example:
• Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP)
• Found in jellyfish, fireflies
Making Recombinant DNA
1. Isolate gene of interest
• “Cut” the GFP gene from a
jellyfish’s DNA using a
restriction enzyme
• Each restriction site
codes for a
restriction enzyme
2. Insert gene of interest
into a plasmid
• (GFP) gene + vector=
recombinant plasmid
• Vector is a small,
circular piece of DNA
• Plasmid transports
target (GFP) gene to
host cell
3. Transfer plasmid into cells of host
GFP Plasmid gets inserted into
EMBRYONIC cat cells
Cat’s Chromosomes
within nucleus
Transformation of host organism’s
•Plasmid will eventually be
incorporated into host organism’s
•In our example, cat will now be able
to produce GFP
• AKA the cat will now
Mr. Green Genes,
a transgenic cat
Green fluorescence
protein, or GFP, was
inserted into his genome
using recombinant DNA
GFP fluoresces (glows)
when exposed to a
Other uses for recombinant DNA:
1. Agriculture:
-Crops: Disease protection, drought & frost
resistance, increased growth
-Livestock: Increased muscle mass, hormone
acceleration, drugs in milk
2. Pharmaceuticals: HGH, Insulin: insertion of
human gene into bacteria for cheap proteins.
 Instead of putting plasmid into eukaryotic
cells, you can put it in bacteria, which will
undergo transformation, and produce a bunch
of the protein for human use
Other applications of
Genetically modified food
These fish are the same
age, but the one on the
bottom is growing much
slower. The fish on the top
has been genetically
modified to grow faster.
These tomatoes were grown in
the same field. The tomatoes
on the left have been eaten by
pests while the tomatoes on
the left are untouched because
they were genetically
modified to be pest resistant.
Genetically Modified (GM) crops can be made
resistant to viruses, fungi and bacterial growth.
-grow faster.
-tolerate extreme weather conditions
-engineered with added vitamins and minerals
What are the long term health effects?
Can GM foods cause new allergies?
What are the effects on the
What’s next…genetically modified
How can you tell your food is
genetically modified?
A warning label is currently not required
To know, look for common GM ingredients
Soy lecithin
Grapeseed oil
Cottonseed oil
Most corn syrups or corn starches
Some foods are labeled GMO Free
More common than you think….
DNA can be used in Crime Scene
DNA Fingerprinting
• Each person has their own unique
DNA “fingerprint” except for
identical twins
• Used for forensics, paternity
testing, and identification of
• Small quantities of blood, semen,
or body tissue can be tested for
DNA base sequences
DNA Fingerprints are made by
Gel Electrophoresis
Gel Electrophoresis is
a technique used to
separate molecules
based on size
The size of the
fragments are unique
to each person so it
creates a DNA
How does gel electrophoresis work?
1. Restriction enzymes cut DNA
2. Pieces of DNA are run
through a gel
3. The pieces of DNA are
separated by weight and
make a banding pattern that is
unique to an individual
4. Bands that align with each
other indicate a match
Gel Electrophoresis
A case for Maury
• Shown at the right are
DNA "fingerprints"
from a new mother
(M), her recently born
child (C), and two
possible fathers (F1,
Ross and F2, Rick).
• What do you think is Ross (F1) or Rick
(F2) the father of the
A crime scene case
• Shown to the right are
DNA "fingerprints"
taken from seven (7)
suspects (the numbered
• The bloodstain in the
middle is from the crime
scene, ostensibly from
the killer. Which
suspect is guilty?
How many genes do humans
have? What do they code for?
Human Genome Project
Identify ALL genes in human DNA
Determine sequence of the base pairs
We thought there were BILLIONS of bases in the
human genome
Store all information in database
Use information for disease/drug research, to compare
human genome to other organisms
Obama, State of the Union 2013: “For every $1 we
spent mapping the human genome, we got $104 back”
With the HGP, we have
discovered which genes are
affected when you have the
above diseases
What did we learn?
We only have about 30,000 genes
A huge portion of our genome is non-coding,
meaning it does not code for proteins
In order to make huge advances in diseases like
cancer, the environment has to be taken into
Gave rise to fields such as epigenetics
Is it possible to fix a
genetic mutation using
…Yes! It’s called gene therapy!
Gene Therapy
• Replacement of defective genes
with healthy genes
• Prevents or treats disease
• Examples: cystic fibrosis,
hemophilia, sickle-cell anemia,
Egg cell
Cloning is the production of
genetically identical organisms from
single cells
First gene cloned mammal= Dolly
the sheep
How it works…
Egg cell is enucleated (nucleus removed) and
replaced with a nucleus taken from an adult
somatic cell
The egg is then placed in the reproductive
system of a surrogate mother, where it
develops normally
Surrogate gives birth to offspring
identical to nuclear donor
Animals that have been cloned
• Goat
• Horse
•Rhesus Monkey
•Water buffalo
Pets cloned
These dogs, Mira and Missytoo, were both cloned from a
dog that died in 2002. They are owned by Lou Hawthorne
of California. Mr. Hawthorne owns BioArts, a company
with offices in California and laboratories in South Korea.
The company offers pet cloning for around $150,000.
Current debate
December 28th, 2007 - FDA said cloned
animals are safe to produce and eat
Waiting for consumer approval - has not
happened yet
United States bans human cloning of all types
including organs.
Stem Cells
Is it possible to grow a leg or an arm from
just one cell?
Stem Cells
Stem cells are cells that are
They can become any cell, in any part
of the body, and can divide without
limit to replenish other cells as long as
the person is alive
Found in all multi-cellular organisms
2 types of stem cells
Embryonic: taken from a fertilized egg,
about 4-5 days old. They can become any of
your 200 cell types.
Somatic: Found in bone marrow and the
umbilical cord. Not as effective as
embryonic stem cells and are limited to
what they can become.
What are the ultimate goals of
stem cell research.
Uses of stem cells
MANY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Possible cure for many genetic diseases
Limb, organ re-growth
Spinal cord injuries
The controversy
Requires destruction of a human embryo
Recently single cell biopsies have been done
that can allow cell creation without embryo