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Document related concepts
Meiosis - $100
The number of nuclear divisions.
What is two?
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Meiosis - $200
The fruit fly’s haploid chromosome
What is 4?
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Meiosis - $300
The phase when Independent
Assortment occurs. It creates this.
What is Metaphase I, Variation?
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Meiosis - $400
The exchange of DNA in non-sister
What is crossing-over?
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Meiosis - $500
The final product of meiosis I.
What are 2 haploid unique daughter
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Alelles - $100
The genetic expression of a trait.
What is a Genotype?
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Alelles - $200
A homozygous dominant individual would
have its alleles expressed this way:
What is AA; two capital letters?
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Alelles - $300
Different alleles combined together.
What is Heterozygous?
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Alelles - $400
When chromosomes that have the same
genes pair up this is formed.
What is a homologous pair/tetrad?
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Alelles - $500
Alleles from mom and dad combine to
create a physical trait called a:
What is a Phenotype?
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Squares - $100
This many traits are crossed in a
What is 1?
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Squares - $200
Homozygous brown crossed with
heterozygous. The probability of having a
pure breed.
What is 50%?
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Squares - $300
Using incomplete dominance, a
homozygous yellow flowered plant (BB) is
crossed with a blue plant. The offspring
probability is:
What is 100% Bb; 100% Green flowers?
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Squares - $400
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Squares - $500
The number of possibilities for offspring in a
What are 16?
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Dominance - $100
An example of a dominant trait in humans.
What is brown hair/eye; tongue rolling?
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Dominance - $200
The alleles combine during this process
where two gametes fuse together.
What is fertilization?
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Dominance - $300
Condition in which a trait is
intermediate between two parents.
What is incomplete dominance?
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Dominance - $400
Anytime the dominant allele is present
it masks the recessive allele.
What is complete dominance?
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Dominance - $500
Two different alleles for a trait that are
expressed unblended in the phenotype of
heterozygous individuals where neither
allele is dominant or recessive.
What is Codominance?
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Chromosomes - $100
Total number of chromosomes in a
What is 46?
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Chromosomes - $200
The number of chromosomes in a
What is 23?
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Chromosomes - $300
The reason why sexual reproduction creates
more variation.
What is Meiosis and fertilization?
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Chromosomes - $400
Before chromosomes are condensed, DNA
is in this form and goes through this
What is Chromatin & DNA Replication?
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Chromosomes - $500
DNA in a eukaryotic cell is contained in the
_______ and goes through __________
before it enters the cell cycle.
What is nucleus; Interphase?
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Potpourri - $100
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Potpourri - $200
Mrs. Hoffman’s 2nd favorite holiday.
What is St. Patrick’s Day (it’s coming up!)?
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Potpourri - $300
In a deck of cards, this King does not have a
What is the King of Hearts?
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Potpourri - $400
The only animal with 4 knees.
What is an elephant?
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Potpourri - $500
Today (Feb. 10th) is this national day.
What is National Umbrella Day & National
cream cheese brownie day?
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Daily Double
Tongue rolling is dominant over not being
able to roll your tongue. Dimples are
dominant over not having dimples. If a
man heterozygous for both traits is
crossed with a purebred tongue roller with
dimples. Write the cross for the P
What is TtDd x TTDD?
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Daily Double
1st person to use the word “nerd”
Who is Dr. Seuss in “If I Ran the Zoo”?
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How is an organism formed from another?
Explain how meiosis starts & ends.