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Biology 392
Final Review!
Round 1:
The Cell Cycle and Mitosis
Question #1
What is the division of
cytoplasm called?
Question #2
Region where sister
chromatids attach to
one another
Question #3
What is the fanlike
microtubule structure
called that helps direct
chromosome movement?
Question #4
What phase of mitosis is
shown here?
Question #5
What 3 phases of the
cell cycle make up
Question #6
What is the purpose of
mitosis and cell division?
Question #7
What organelle found only in
animal cells sends out spindle
fibers during mitosis and
Question #8
In which phase of the cell cycle
does DNA replication occur?
Question #9
As cells grow which increases at
a greater rate the surface area
or volume?
Question #10
What is the difference
between haploid and
Question #11
During which phase of mitosis are
sister chromatids separted from
each other and pulled to the poles
of the cell?
Question #12
L x W x H tells you what about a
Question #13
What is a tumor?
Question #14
In which phases of mitosis
would you see X shaped
Question #15
How are in human
somatic cells?
Round 1 Answers
G1, S, G2
Produces more cells for growth, repair and differentiation
S phase (synthesis)
Diploid- two full sets of chromosomes, somatic cells,
Haploid- only one set of chromosomes, sex cells or
Volume of the cube
Mass of cancer cells
Prophase and metaphase
Round 2:
Probability and
Basic Genetics
Question #1
A son gets the Y chromosome
from which parent?
Question #2
The actual appearance or feature
that is shown for a trait is called
the ________________
Question #3
If a coin is tossed 3 times what is
the probability of getting tails all
three times?
Question #4
This Mendelian Principle
states that one of the alleles
always overpowers the other
Question #5
Which trait disappeared in
the F1 generation but then
reappeared in the F2
Question #6
Which of Mendel’s principles
states that each parent can
only pass on one of the two
alleles they have for a trait.
Question #7
The actual alleles an organism
possesses for a trait is called the
Question #8
If you rolled a pair of dice what is
the chance of getting double 6s?
Question #9
Someone who shows the dominant
phenotype could have which
possible genotypes?
Question #10
Which of Mendel’s principles
explains why a tall plant with
purple flowers and a short
plant with white flowers could
produce an offspring that is
tall with white flowers?
Question #11
A specific genetic
characteristic that can be
Question #12
Mendel’s term for organisms that were the
offspring of two different purebreds
Question #13
If the parental genotype for two
traits is AaBb what gamete
combinations are possible?
Question #14
A diagram used to show
possible outcomes from
a cross.
Question #15
When two hybrids are crossed, Aa x Aa,
what is the resulting genotypic ratio?
Round 2 Answers:
1. The father
2. phenotype
3. ½ x ½ x ½ = 1/8
4. Principle of dominance
5. recessive
6. segregation
7. genotype
8. 1/6 x 16 = 1/36
9. Homozygous dominant or heterozygous
10. Independent assortment
11. Trait
12. hybrid
13. AB, Ab, aB, ab
14. Punnet square
15. 1 AA, 2 Aa, 1 aa
Round 3:
More Genetics
Question #1
1 pair of the human chromosomes
are the sex chromsomes. What
are the other 22 pairs of human
chromosomes called?
Question #2
A picture of all the human
chromosomes properly paired
up is called _____________
Question #3
Why are traits carried on the
X chromosome more
common in males?
Question #4
Which type of trait
typically forms a bellcurve when graphed?
Question #5
If one parent has blood type AB
and the other parent has blood
type O what are the possible
blood types for their child?
Question #6
A diagram that shows
inheritance patterns with in a
family is called a
Question #7
When homologous pairs
exchange parts of their
chromosome it is called
Question #8
If a female has a gene for an Xlinked trait but does not show
the trait herself she is said to
be a _____________
Question #9
Down Syndrome is caused by
a chromosomal abnormality
Question #10
Neither allele truly dominates
and the heterozygous shows a
mix of both traits
Question #11
Because an individual can
inherit an A, B or O allele from
each parent this type of trait is
called ________________
Question #12
Colorblindness and hemophilia
are both examples of this type
of trait.
Question #13
In this type of trait neither allele
overpowers the other and the
heterozygous shows BOTH
Question #14
What is the probabilty that these parents
will have a child with O blood type?
Parents: AO x AB
Question #15
What is the probability that these parents
will have a child with B blood type?
Parents: AO x AB
Round 3 Answers:
1. autosomes
2. karyotype
3. Males only have one X chromosome
4. Polygenic trait
5. AO, BO
6. pedigree
7. Crossing over
8. carrier
9. Non disjunction (trisomy 21)
10. Incomplete dominance
11. Multiple allele trait
12. X-linked or sex linked
13. codominant
14. 0%
15. 25%
Round 4:
Speed Round!!!
Question #1
What is the result of
Question #2
What is this structure called and
when does it form?
Question #3
In which phase of the cell
cycle are chromosomes
Question #4
Process by which gametes
are made
Question #5
What are the four blood types?
Question #6
What id Mendel call the first
generation in his plant
Question #7
What is the likelihood that a
particular event will occur?
Question #8
Cells that no longer go through
the cell cycle are said to be in
this phase.
Question #9
Who is considered the Father
of Genetics?
Question #10
What sex chromosome(s)
can the egg have?
Speed Round Answers:
1. 4 different sperm
2. tetrad
3. Mitosis or M phase
4. meiosis
5. A, B, O and AB
6. P generation
7. probability
8. G0
9. Mendel
10. X
Round 5:
and Protein Synthesis
Question #1
A sequence of DNA that
codes for a protein and thus,
determines a trait
Question #2
Name 3 differences
between RNA and
Question #3
How do the
nitrogenous bases
pair up?
Question #4
A ____________ is a set of
three nucleotides that codes
for a specific amino acid.
Question #5
This enzyme is responsible for the
replication of DNA
Question #6
This type of RNA carries amino
acids to the ribosome and adds
them to the growing
polypeptide chain.
Question #7
During this process mRNA is
read and a polypeptide chain is
Question #8
A virus that attacks bacteria
Question #9
What 3 parts make up a DNA
Question #10
The process of synthesizing
mRNA from a DNA
template is called
Question #11
The enzyme that unwinds and unzips DNA
is called ________________
Question #12
When a mutation in the DNA causes every
subsequent codon to be read wrong it is
called a _____________
Question #13
The coding regions of a gene that are not
spliced are called ____________
Question #14
DNA loosely coiled around histones in the
nucleus is called _____________
Question #15
Where does translation
Round 5 Answers:
1. gene
2. RNA- contains uracil, sugar is ribose, single stranded, 3 kinds
DNA- contains thymine, sugar is deoxyribose, double-stranded
3. Adenine- thymine, cytosine- guanine
4. codon
5. DNA polymerase
6. tRNA
7. transcription
8. bacteriophage
9. sugar (deoxyribose), phosphate, nitrogenous base
10. Transcription
11. helicase
12. frameshift
13. exons
14. chromatin
15. At a ribosome
Round 6:
Question #1
Inherited traits that allow an
organism to fit better with in
its environment are called
Question #2
The idea that all life have a
common ancestor is called
Question #3
The two classification groups
that make up the scientific
name of an organism
Question #4
Organisms that do not have a true
nucleus are called
Question #5
What did Darwin notice about
the organisms on the different
islands of the Galapagos??
Question #6
The formation of a new
Question #7
The study of an
evolutionary history is
Question #8
Random changes to a
gene pool in a small
Question #9
When something prevents
organisms of the same species
from reproducing they are
experiencing …
Question #10
Environmental factors
determine which organisms
will get to survive, reproduce
and pass on their traits based
on their fitness
Question #11
All of the alleles that exist
within a certain population
Question #12
When segments of a population are
separated by a structure such as a
mountain, river, canyon, etc.
Question #13
He is responsible for
binomial nomenclature
Question #14
Structures that have different
mature forms in different
organisms but stem from the
same initial tissues
Question #15
Any remnant of a long dead
organism found in the Earth
Round 6 Answers:
1. adaptations
2. genus, species
4. prokaryotes
5. They were somewhat similar but had different traits fit for their
particular environments
6. speciation
7. phylogeny
8. Genetic drift
9. Reproductive isolation
10. Natural selection
11. Gene pool
12 geographic isolation
13. Linneaeus
14. Homologous structures
15. fossil
Round 7:
Circulation and Respiration
Question #1
Blood in the pulmonary artery
will go here next.
Question #2
These vessels have thin
walls and valves.
Blood moves slowly
through them.
Question #3
At their thinnest
these vessels one
cell thick
Question #4
The job of these blood cells is
to function as the immune
Question #5
The main job of these cells is the
transport of oxygen
Question #6
The two types of circulation
occurring simultaneously from
the heart are…
Question #7
What characteristics of arteries
allows them to withstand the
pressure of blood surging from
the heart?
Question #8
The tube that leads from the
pharynx down into the lungs
Question #9
Structure in the trachea
that contains the vocal
Question #10
Build up of plaque on
the inner walls of the
Question #11
Large, dome-shaped
muscle that contracts
and flattens during
Question #12
Air sacs in the lungs where
gas exchange takes place
Question #13
Blood returning from the
body enters which part of
the heart?
Question #14
What type of blood vessel
surrounds each alveoli?
Question #15
Straw-colored fluid that makes
up about 55% of the blood
Round 7 Answers:
1. The lungs
2. veins
3. capillaries
4. White blood cells
5. Red blood cells
6. Pulmonary circulation and systemic circulation
7. elastic, strong walls
8. trachea
9. larynx
10. Atherosclerosis
11. diaphagm
12. alveoli
13. Right atrium
14. capillaries
15. plasma
Round 8:
Speed Round!
Question #1
What did Griffith call it when
one strain of bacteria is altered
by the intake of a gene from
another bacteria?
Question #2
Proteins found in the nucleus in
which DNA coils around in
order to condense
Question #3
Any change in DNA sequence
Question #4
Where does transcription occur?
Question #5
Name a vestigial organ in
Question #6
The wall that separates
the right side of the heart
from the left side of the
Question #7
System that collects, cleanses
and returns leaked fluid from
the circulatory system
Question #8
Influenced Darwin by staing
that the Earth is continually
Question #9
The ship that Darwin sailed on
around the world
Question #10
Part of the brain that
regulates the level of O2
in the body
Round 10 Answers:
1. transformation
2. histone
3. mutation
4. In the nucleus
5. appendix, tail bone
6. septum
7. Lymphatic system
8. Lyell
9. The HMS Beagle
10. Medula oblongata