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Brain Damage & Recovery
Causes of brain damage
Some examples of brain damage
Effects of brain damage
Recovery from brain damage
Myelination disorders
Causes of Brain Damage
Genetic (not necessarily hereditary!)
Environmental (toxins)
Apoptosis (programmed cell death)
Cerebrovascular problems
Head impact injuries (closed head)
Hereditary Brain Damage
• Passed from parent to child through DNA.
• Several types:
– Faulty chromosome duplication
• Rare
– Dominant gene disorders
• Rare, tend to be self-limiting.
– Recessive gene disorders
• Not all children express the defect.
– Polygenetic disorders
• By far the most common.
Faulty Chromosome Duplication
• Trisomies
– Patau’s Syndrome (trisomy 13)
• Cleft lip, polydactyly, heart, stillborn or die young.
– Edward’s Syndrome (trisomy 18)
• Multiple major abnormalities & MR
– Down’s Syndrome (trisomy 21)
• MR, Alzheimer’s
• Others
– Turner’s Syndrome (X0)
– Klinefelter’s Syndrome (XXY)
Dominant Gene Disorders
• Normally the disorders prevent their own
reproduction, with two exceptions:
– Disorder limited to rare environmental conditions.
– Disorder manifests itself later in life.
• Pubertal changes required for gene expression
• Adult onset.
• Huntington’s disease (Huntingtin, 4p16.3)
• Early-onset Parkinson’s (pre-50, chr. 4 & 6)
– (not all Parkinson’s cases are genetic)
Recessive Gene Disorders
• Single defective gene is passed from parents to
children, but only ~25% of children express (or
know of) the disorder.
• Often affects myelination of cerebral neurons.
• Pelizaeus-Merzbacher brain sclerosis
– PLP (proteolipid protein), Xq21.3-q22.
• Adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD)
– Xq28 mutation causes peroxisomes to lose the ability to
breakdown very long chain fatty acids (VLCFAs).
VLCFAs degrade both myelin and the adrenal gland.
Polygenetic Disorders
• Requires the presence of
multiple defective genes,
along with environmental
• Most psychological disorders
& personality traits.
• Genetics can also protect
against disorders.
Congenital Brain Disorders
• In-womb damage
– Typically due to maternal toxin exposure
– Fetal Alcohol/Narcotic Syndrome (FAS/FNS)
– Prescription drugs
• Thalidomide – “seal limb”
• DES (synthetic estrogen) – 50% vaginal cancer by age 10
• Birth Trauma
– Hypoxia due to umbilical strangulation
– Forceps damage during delivery
– Gonorrhea and herpes infections
• Toxins
– Ingested toxins (alcohol, drugs, etc.)
– Heavy metal (mercury, lead, etc.) poisoning
• Radiation (fallout, exposure, X-rays, etc.)
– Radiation can cause genetic mutations.
• Drugs
– Drugs of abuse
– Aspirin – Reye’s Syndrome
• Nutritional problems
Neoplasms (Cancers)
Mass of new tissue (= “new growth”).
Physiologically useless.
Growth is usually not controlled.
Neoplasms account for a relatively high
proportion of neurological disease.
• Brain is 2nd only to uterus as tumor area.
• Brain tumors typically not from nerves.
– Gliomas account for 45% of brain neoplasms
• Two types of tumors
– Benign (-omas)
• Regular, well-defined shape.
• Does not intrude into surrounding tissue.
• Effects only by pressure on the brain.
– Malignant (-carcinomas)
• Irregularly shaped.
• Intrudes (infiltrates) into surrounding tissue.
• Tend to be recurrent.
• Astrocytomas
– 40%, slow growing, good
• Glioblastomas
– 30%, M, >30, highly malignant,
< 1 year.
• Meduloblastomas
– 11%, children only, 1.5-2 years
• Meningioma
– Most benign of brain tumors,
well encapsulated.
• Metastatic Tumors
– Cancerous cells migrate from other parts of the
body, normally the lung or breast.
– It is not uncommon for lung cancers to first be
noticed in the brain.
– Normally multiple implant sites.
– All malignant.
– Very hard to treat.
Cell Death
• Necrosis
Externally caused
Death by injury
Cells swell and rupture
Death is swift, < 1 hour
Surrounding area
becomes inflamed
– Nucleus not affected
until the very end
• Apoptosis
Death by suicide
Normal housekeeping
Shrivel and waste
Slow death, days
No inflammation
– Nucleus affected from
the beginning
– More prevalent in
early development
Cerebrovascular Damage
• Brain is wellprotected against
vascular problems.
• Bilateral independent
arterial supply both
front and back.
• Circle of Willis
Cerebrovascular Damage
Cerebrovascular Damage
• Aneurysms = weakened/expanded blood
– Take up space normally occupied by brain.
• Ruptured aneurisms = hemorrhage
– Stroke / cerebrovascular accident (CVA).
• Arteriosclerosis
– Hardening/narrowing of arteries.
• Cerebral thrombosis
– Lodged embolus causes ischemia and infarction.
• Weakened and/or
expanded blood
vessels, or pouches.
• Can burst causing
hemorrhage, infarction
& ischemia.
Aneurysm of aortic arch
• Arteries get clogged
– Fat & cholesterol
• Blocks oxygen delivery.
• Partial obstructions
require increased blood
pressure to push blood
past obstruction.
• Elevated BP can rupture
• Floating body lodges in vessel.
• A 70-year-old woman
presented to the emergency
room with an acute onset of
left arm weakness, difficulty
walking and slurred speech.
• DX: Acute cerebral infarct
from right MCA thrombosis.
Cerebrovascular Damage
• Formerly assumed that most damage was
due to decreased oxygen and/or glucose.
• Now appears that most cerebrovascular
damage is due to excess glutamate release
by blood-deprived neurons.
• Excess Ca++ and Na+ influx, especially
through NMDA receptors, kills cells.
• Hippocampus is particularly affected.
• Ca++ channel & NMDA receptor blockers
helpful in preventing post-stroke damage.
Head Impact Injuries
• Car accidents
• Household accidents
– Falling down stairs
– Bike/scooter/Rollerblade accidents
• Shaken baby syndrome
• Physical abuse
Head Impact Injuries
• Contusions (= bruise)
– Damage to the vascular
– Hematomas - localized
collections of blood.
• Subdural - beneath
(inside) the dura
• Epidural - on top of
(outside) the dura
– Many are contrecoup,
opposite to blow.
Head Impact Injuries
• Concussion
– Disturbance of consciousness without evidence
of contusion or other structural damage.
• Common assumption is temporary
disruption with no long-term damage.
– Punch-drunk syndrome suggests otherwise.
– Boxers show cerebral scarring with dementia.
Other CNS Injuries
• Primarily spinal cord
• Slipped disk
– Intervertebral disk
presses into cord.
• Vertebral fracture
– Spinal cord can be
transected, with
varying disabilities.
• Bacterial
– Streptococcus
• Sore throat, OCD, ADHD
– Syphilis (shown)
• General pariesis –
insanity and dementia
– Neisseria meningitidis
– Campylobacter jejuni
• Common intestinal bacteria
– Clostridium tetani (tetanus)
• Neurotoxin that blocks
• Viral
Rubella (German measles)
Rubeola (measles)
Varicella/Zoster (chicken pox/shingles)
Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
Epstein-Barr virus
• Encephalitis - inflammation of brain
– Bacteria and/or viruses – herpes (shown)
measles, chicken pox, mumps, etc.
– Sometimes passed by mosquitos or animals.
– Can have high mortality rate.
• Meningitis - inflammation of the meninges
– Bacteria, viruses, funguses, toxins.
– Bacterial form (Neisseria meningitidis) most
– Viral form most deadly.
– Often mistaken for flu: fever, aches, stiffness.
– Drowsiness, stupor, seizures, then coma.
Effects of Brain Damage
• Kill neurons
– Damage to nerve itself
– Damage to glial cells/altered environment
– Damage to pre-/post-synaptic nerves
• Crowd out or put pressure on the brain
• Disable neurons
– Often by interfering with myelin
Recovery of Function
Recovery of Function
• What happens after (or during) brain damage?
– Degeneration
– Regeneration
– Reorganization
• Can anything be done to aid recovery?
• Damaged neurons
degenerate over days
by the process of
• By astroglia in CNS.
• By Schwann cells in
the PNS.
• Anterograde – segments distal to soma:
– Always die thru Wallerian degeneration.
• Swell within hours, fragment within days
– Distal neurons can also be affected.
• Retrograde – segments proximal to soma:
– Might die, might live.
• Early swelling = regeneration likely
• Early shrinking = degeneration likely
– Proximal neurons can also be affected.
• Damaged neurons may regrow.
• Regeneration is well developed in invertebrates.
– Accurate in both the CNS and PNS.
– Accurate even when not in a myelin channel.
• Mammals seem to lose their regeneration
capabilities during maturation.
– Almost non-existent in mammalian CNS.
– Hit-or-miss in mammalian PNS.
• Regeneration in mammals depends on the
balance of two competing factors:
– Growth promoting factors (higher in PNS)
• Neural growth factor (NGF)
• Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)
– Growth inhibiting factors (higher in CNS)
Myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG)
Chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan (CSPG)
Oligodendrocyte myelin glycoprotein (OMG)
Regeneration in PNS
• If myelin sheaths remain intact, nerve can
regrow at mm/day to original destination.
• If nerve sections are separated by more than
a couple mm, they can grow back thru the
wrong myelin tunnels.
• If nerves sections are widely separated, both
sections will die, or regenerating axon tips
will grow wildly into a spaghetti patch.
• Collateral sprouting
– When axons degenerate, adjacent healthy neurons send out
axon branches from terminal end or nodes of Ranvier to
sites vacated by the dying neuron.
– Appears to be mediated by neurotrophic factors released
by the denervated target tissue.
Neural Reorganization
• aka. Plasticity
• The ability of the brain to remap its functioning.
• 2 Mechanisms:
– Rapid reorganization
• Altered synaptic strengths
– Gradual reorganization:
• Establishment of new connections
• Collateral sprouting, etc.
• Damage repair
Neural Reorganization
• The extent and mechanisms of neural
reorganization are still being debated.
• 3 general conclusions
– Bona fide recovery is rare.
– Small lesions are more likely to be recovered.
– Recovery is more likely when young.
Therapeutic Implications
• Promotion of recovery by neurotransplantation
– PNS neurons secrete NGFs and will cause nearby
CNS neurons to grow.
– Cheng, Cao & Olson (1996) cut an optic nerve,
spliced in a PNS nerve segment, and found retinal
axon cells projecting to superior colliculus 4 months
– NGF injection into human CNS promotes a little
growth. Anti-nogo allows ~5% regrowth.
Therapeutic Implications
• Promotion of recovery by rehabilitative
– At least in motor cortex, greater use = less loss
of function (or greater recovery).
– Recovery of monkeys with hand motor cortex
lesions improved with hand motor tasks.
– Humans with spinal cord injuries learn to walk
better with rehabilitative treatment than with
just physiotherapy.
Therapeutic Implications
• Promotion of recovery by genetic engineering.
– The promise of the future.
– Since CNS nerves do not grow because of lack of
neural growth factor (NGF), the idea is to
introduce some from stem cells or altered viruses.
– Nogo also prevents the growth of nerves. Maybe it
can be artificially inhibited. Experimental nogo
antagonists have been found.
Myelination Disorders
Myelination Disorders
• Dysmyelination – poor myelin formation
– Early in life, mostly genetic.
– Many disorders
• Many affect connection between myelin layers.
• Demyelination – myelin destroyed
– Later in life, some genetic, mostly autoimmune.
Myelination Diseases
• Dysmyelination
– leukodystrophies (ALD, PMD, Krabbe) - CNS
• Demyelination
– Guillan-Barré Syndrome (GBS) - PNS
– Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis (ADEM) CNS
– Multiple Sclerosis (MS) - CNS
• Combination
– Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease (CMT) – PNS
Adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD)
• Rare genetic dysmyelination
disorder of the CNS with
progressive dysfunction of
the adrenal gland made
famous in the movie
“Lorenzo’s Oil.”
• (Lorenzo will be 29 in May, 2007. He can no
longer speak, see or move on his own, but he
can communicate by finger tapping and eye
Adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD)
• Etiology
– A genetic defect on Xq28 causes peroxisomes to lose
the ability to breakdown very long chain fatty acids
(VLCFAs). The accumulating VLCFAs degrade both
myelin and the adrenal gland.
• Course
– Poor prognosis, typical 1-10 years till death.
– Progresses to blind, mute and tetraplegic.
• “Treatment”
– Lorenzo’s Oil, lovastatin, bone marrow transplant
Acute Disseminated
Encephalomyelitis (ADEM)
• CNS demyelination, especially in corpus callosum
and white matter in the brain around veins.
– analogous to Guillan-Barré Syndrome in PNS.
• Probably autoimmune, often appears 1-3 weeks
after an antecedent infection or vaccination.
• measles, mumps, rubella, varicella, smallpox, herpes, etc.
• Monophasic, 30% mortality or 2 week recovery.
• A significant number will later develop MS.
• SX: fever, visual neuritis, ataxia, stupor, seizures
Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease
• Affects the PNS only.
• Most common inherited disorder 1 : 2500
• Characterized by:
– Progressive muscle dystrophy, starting with
distal extremities.
– Loss of proprioception and vibration.
– No loss of pain and temperature (no myelin).
Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease
• Hereditary
– Variety of genes, some dominant, some recessive.
• 2 major types:
– Demyelinating or hypertrophic type
• The myelin dies off or doesn’t form properly.
• Includes CMT 1, 3, 4 and most X forms.
– Axonal type
• The axon dies off, leaving the myelin intact.
• Includes CMT 2, 5, 6 and some X forms.
• Etiology
– All are mutations in
Connexin-32 gene.
– Thin myelin sheaths and
“onion bulbs.”
– CMT-X1, Xq13.1
• point mutation,
duplication, or deletion
– CMT-X2, Xp22.2
– CMT-X3, Xq26
Multiple Sclerosis
• Autoimmune disease of the CNS causes:
– Multiple white matter lesions (plaques).
– Multiple episodes of neurological deficits.
• 1:1000, F = 2xM, MZ = 25%, onset 20-50
• Most common neurological disorder in young
• Mild neuritis and paresthesias progress to ataxia
and paraplegia, with cognitive problems.
Multiple Sclerosis
• 5x more prevalent in
temperate than tropical
• Residence at puberty
determines risk.
• White>black>asian
• Native Eskimos, Bantu,
American (N&S) Indians
have very low risk,
despite area.
Multiple Sclerosis
• Etiology
– Autoimmune attack assumed.
– There is some genetic and environmental
– The DNA of HHV-6 (childhood roseola) has
been found in plaques.
– Proteins of the coronavirus have been found to
mimic the structure of MBP.
– Antibodies to nerve cells are often found in MS
Multiple Sclerosis
Plaques in actual brain slice and MR scan of MS brain