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Gregor Mendel got the following results in his
investigations on peas:
Shape of
round x
0 wrinkled
Shape of
round x
Explain the results using genetic diagrams and
comment on how close the results were from the
expected outcome.
Give evidence from the
family tree that night
blindness could be a
recessive condition.
Suggest genotypes for
individuals 5,6,12,13 and 14.
Give evidence from the family tree that PTC tasting must
be the result of a dominant allele.
Parent phenotype
Parent phenotype
Offspring phenotype
tall plants
short plants
1012 tall plants
tall offspring
from cross 1
tall offspring from
cross 1
787 tall
277 short
all parents were self fertilised tall
offspring from cross 2
some gave only tall plants but
most produced tall and short
all parents were self fertilised short
offspring from cross 2
all the offspring were short
tall offspring from
cross 1
short plants
467 tall
483 short
A pedigree Highland bull always produces offspring
that are black. A second pedigree bull sometimes
produces offspring that are brown.
Suggest a hypothesis to explain these observations.
Briefly describe a way to test your hypothesis.
In fruit flies, normal wings are
produced by the dominant
allele M and miniature wings
by the recessive allele m. In
an experiment, a purebreeding female fly with
normal wings was crossed
with a male having miniature
wings. All the offspring had
normal wings. When these
offspring were allowed to
interbreed, the following
results were obtained:
105 females, with normal
52 males, with normal wings
46 males, with miniature
Give a reasoned explanation
for the results.
A recessive mutant allele of a
gene responsible for the
synthesis of chlorophyll in the
tomato gives an albino plant
when homozygous. The albino
dies in the seedling stage after
using up the food reserves in
the seed. Heterozygotes give
pale-coloured plants, but they
survive. A normal green tomato
plant was crossed with a
heterozygote and the seed
harvested. These seeds were
planted and gave rise to
progeny which were then selfpollinated. A further generation
was grown using this selfed
seed and the progeny were
found to be a mixture of normal
green and pale-coloured plants
in a ratio of 5:2. Explain these
The inheritance of coat colour in
cattle involves a multiple allelic
series with a dominance hierarchy
as follows:
S > sh > sc > s
The S allele puts a band of white
colour around the middle of the
animal and is referred to as a
‘Dutch belt’; the sh allele produces
‘Hereford’ type spotting; solid
colour is a result of the sc allele;
and Holstein-type spotting is due
to the s allele.
Homozygous Dutch-belted males
are crossed to Holstein-type
spotted females. The F1 females
are crossed to Hereford-type
spotted male of genotype shsc.
Predict the genotypic and
phenotypic frequencies in the
Tomato plant leaves show
variation in colour and shape.
Leaves can be green or purple
and their edges can be cut or
The gene controlling leaf colour
has two alleles; P (producing
purple) and p (producing green
The gene controlling leaf shape
also has two alleles; C (producing
a cut edge) and c (producing an
uncut edge).
A plant with Purple, cut leaves
was crossed with a green, uncut
plant. All the offspring had purple,
cut leaves.
Predict the outcome if two of
these offspring were crossed.
Coat colour in Galloway cattle
is controlled by a gene with
two alleles. The R allele
produces red hairs and
therefore a red coat colour.
The r allele produces white
A farmer crossed a truebreeding, red-coated cow with
a true-breeding white-coated
bull. The calf produced had
roan coat colouring
(composed of an equal
number of red and white
Explain the result and draw a
genetic diagram to predict the
outcome of crossing two roan
coloured animals.