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• Are biological catalysts
• Catalysts are substances that that increase the
speed of a chemical reaction by lowering the
energy requirement
• Although a catalyst influences a chemical
reaction, it is not itself permanently changed, nor
does it cause the reaction to occur.
• A catalyst can increase the rate of a chemical
reaction but cannot cause the reaction .
• Catalysts are not used up so they can be used
over and over again.
• Enzymes are organic catalysts produced by the
• The reactant in an enzyme catalyzed reaction is
called the substrate
• The active site of an enzyme is the small portion
of the molecule that is responsible for the
catalytic action of the enzyme.
• Enzyme provide a chemical pathway that has a
lower activation energy than that without the
• Enzymes are highly specific with varying
degrees of specificity.
• Some enzymes exhibit absolute specificity
• That is they act on substrate and only on that
• Some enzymes also exhibit stereo specificity.
Such enzymes can detect difference between
optical isomers.. mirror images and select only
one of such isomers.
• Some enzymes are linkage specific i.e they
catalyze the reaction that breaks the bond only
between specific groups.
• For example the enzyme thrombin will break the
bonds between amino acids arginine and glycine
and does not affect bonds between other amino
• Other enzymes exhibit reaction specificity i.e.
they catalyze certain types of reaction
• E.g. Carbohydrases catalyzes the hydrolysis of
• Other enzymes exhibit group specificity e.g.
chymotrypsin catalyzes the hydrolysis of only
those proteins that contain phenylalanine,
tryptophan or tyrosine
• The activities of enzymes is closely regulated .
• There are substances in the cells that can
increase or decrease the activity of the enzyme
and thus control the rate of that particular
• Enzymes are proteins and so undergo the same
• They are coagulated by heat, alcohol, strong
• Temperature
• PH
• Effects of concentration.
Optimum Temperature
Activators and inhibitors
• Inorganic substances that tend to increase the
activity of an enzyme are called activators.
• For example, the magnesium ion (Mg2+) is an
inorganic activator for the enzyme phosphatase,
and zinc ion (Zn2+) is an activator for the
enzyme carbonic anhydrase.
• An enzyme inhibitor is any substance that will
make an enzyme less active or render it inactive.
• Enzyme inhibitors that bind reversibly to the
active site and so block access by the substrate
are called competitive inhibitors.
Activators and inhibitors
• Their effect can be overcome by increasing the
concentration of the substrate.
• Other inhibitors that bind to another site on the
enzyme to render it less active or inactive are
called non competitive inhibitors.
• They act by changing the conformation of the
enzyme, thereby reducing or stopping its activity.
• Irreversible inhibitors form strong covalent bonds
with the enzymes rendering it inactive.
• This effect cannot be overcome by increasing
the concentration of the substate.
• Zalcitabin ( DIDEOXYCYTIDINE ) is used in
patients with advanced HIV infection.
• Inside the cell, Zalcitabin is converted into its
active metabolite dideoxycytidine 5’-triphosphate
• This in turn act as a competitive inhibitor of the
natural substrate deoxycytidine triphosphate
(dCTP) for the active site of the viral reverse
transcriptase ..
• As a result of this competitive inhibition, the
replication of the HIV 1 is inhibited.
Activators and inhibitors
• Heat changes in PH, heat, strong acids, alcohols
can all denature protein.
• These are examples of nonspecific inhibitors.
• They affect all enzymes in the same manner.
• Specific inhibitors affect one single enzyme or
group of enzymes
• In this category are most poisonous substances,
such as cyanide ion (CN) which inhibits the
activity of the enzyme cytochrome oxidase.
• Many enzyme inhibitors are poisonous because
of their effect on enzyme activity.
• Mercury and lead compounds are poisonous
because they react with the sulfhydryl group (SH) of an enzyme and so change its
• The subsequent loss of enzyme activity leads to
the various symptoms of lead and mercury
poisoning such as loss of equilibrium, hearing,
sight and touch which are generally irreversible.
• While some enzyme inhibitors are poisonous,
others are beneficial to life.
• Penicillins act as an enzyme inhibitor for
transpeptidase, a substance that bacteria need
to build their cell walls.
• If the cell wall is lacking, osmotic pressure
causes the bacteria cell to burst and die.
• Cyclic AMP acts a chemical messanger to
regulate enzyme activity within the cells that
store carbohydrates and fat.
• Without cAMP, the activity of all enzymes
working at maximum speed within the cell would
soon create chaos.
Mode of Activity
• Each enzyme contains an active site.
• Active site is that section of the molecule
at which combination of the substrate
takes place.
• The active site consists of different parts of
the protein chain (the enzyme)
• These parts are brought together by the
folding and bending of the protein chain
(the secondary and tertiary structures)
Mode of Activity
• So that the active site occupies a relatively small
• The fact that enzymes can be denatured by heat
indicates the importance of structural
• It is believed that enzyme activity occurs in 2
• First the active site of the enzyme combines with
the substrate to form an enzyme – substrate
Lock and key
• The Enzyme – substrate complex then breaks
up to form the product and the free enzyme
which can react again
• This theory is known as the LOCK AND KEY
• According to this theory, the substrate must
‘’FIT” into the active site of the enzyme.
• This accounts for the Specificity of the enzyme.
Lock and Key
Induced – Fit model
• A more recent version of the activity of an
enzyme ..the induced fit model suggests
that the active site is not rigid , as in the
lock and key model but flexible.
• That is the site changes in conformation
upon binding to a substrate in order to
yield an enzyme-substrate fit.
Induced Fit model