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Chapter 7 Starr text
6 CO2 + 6 H2O
C6H12O6 + 6 O2
________________ generate their own energy by
converting _______________energy into the
_________________energy of sugar (glucose)
Basis of most of the earth’s ______________ chains
Produces and maintains all of the earth’s
• Sunlight (_____________ ) has characteristics of
matter as a packet of energy = _____________
• Photons travel in _____________
Chloroplasts are an organelle in plants that
contain photosynthetic ____________that
utilize the photons energy
– Two outer membranes
– Contain matrix stroma- where ___________ is
– Contains folded thylakoid membranes- form
_____ and __________
– photosystems- where light energy is converted to
____________ energy
Photosynthetic Pigments
• Pigments absorb a particular wavelength of light in
the _____________ spectrum
– Chlorophyll a and Chlorophyll b
• _____________ violet and red light
• _____________ green and yellow light
– Accessory pigments:
• Carotenoids- orange
• Anthocyanins- blue
Overview of the
Light Dependent Reactions
• Think of the light reaction, as a process by
which organisms “___________________"
radiant energy as they produce oxygen gas.
This energy is stored in the form of chemical
bonds of compounds such as NADPH and ATP.
Step I: Light Dependent Reactions
• Sunlight photon energy is _____________ !
• Chlorophyll a and b within the chloroplast are
Photosystem II
–A photon enters the chloroplast and bounces
around in photosystem II within the
thylakoid membranes
–This action _____________ a bond within
the chlorophyll releasing energy (e-) and a
Hydrogen ion (H+) from chlorophyll
Step I: Light Dependent Reactions
Photosystem II
• The energy (e-) from the photon is used to
split water (H2O ) to generate 2 H+, 2 e- and
oxygen. (________________)
• The e- helps maintains a H+ concentration
gradient within the thylakoid
• When enough water is split - the __________
is released into the atmosphere as O2
Step I: Light Dependent Reactions
Photosystem II
• The Electron Transport Chain is located within the
thylakoid membrane
• H+ diffuses thru ATP synthase and this combines
ADP + P to make _________ .
Photosystem I
• Another photon hits chlorophyll releasing energy
• This energy (e-) and the H+ from water is reduced
by NADP+ to form _____________ (an
electron/energy carrier)
Step I: Light Dependent Reactions
Overview of the Light Independent
• AKA Dark Reactions
AKA Calvin Cycle
• Carbon dioxide is broken and “_____________ ”
into sugar (glucose/sucrose/fructose) molecules in
• _____________ subunits can make cellulose or
other polysaccharides, such as fruit sugars.
• The carbon skeleton in glucose also helps to
synthesize other important biochemical compounds
such as, lipids, amino acids, and nucleic acids.
Step II: Light-Independent Reactions
• Does not require light ; can happen at any time of
• CO2 enters the cell through pores called
_____________ in the leaves and is brought the
stroma within chloroplasts
• The energy from NADPH and ATP is used to
rearrange Carbon, Oxygen and Hydrogen into
_____________ C6H12O6 in a process called
carbon fixation.
Diagram of Photosynthesis