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The Adenosine triphosphate
It was found that chemical energy yielded in the
degradation of fuel molecules is recovered by coupled
phosphorylation of ADP to yield ATP.
The energy rich ATP so formed then transfers it’s
energy by donation of its terminal’ high energy
phosphate group, to energy requiring functions of the
- Biosynthesis
- muscle contraction
- Active transport against gradients.
Structure and properties of ATP
ATP is a nucleotide.
It consists of adenine (6 amino derivative
of purine, the 5-carbon sugar,ribose,
attached to adenine through glucosyl
linkage and 3 phosphate group joined to
5‘-position of ribose.
ATP is high energy compound because it
has a large negative free energy of
ATP, ADP and AMP occur in all cells.
The ATP molecule as it exists in the intact
cell is highly charged at pH 7, the three
phosphate groups are completely ionized
( 4 negative charges) near the linear
phosphate structure.
ATP also forms stable complexes with certain
divalent cations as Mg2+. Most of ATP in the
cell present as Mg2+-complex Mg2+.
Compounds with Δ G more negative than 7
Kcal/mole or 30 KJ/ mole are regarded as high
energy compounds.
ATP is Carrying four negative charges at pH
7.0 and is neutralized by complexing with Mg2+.
The four –ve charges that are very close to
each other, repel each other very strongly.
Mechanism of ATP hydrolysis
When the terminal phosphate bond is
hydrolyzed, some electrostatic stress is relieved,
the similar charges are separated as ADP3- +
HPO4 2- and they will have very little tendency to
combine again because their similar charges
repel each other.
ATP 4- + H2O
ADP3- + HPO4 2-
ADP and phosphate as soon as they are formed
undergo stabilization by resonance.
The first phosphate of ATP is an ester bonded
phosphate and this is not a high energy bond.
The outer two phosphates are linked by high
energy phosphoric anhydride linkages.
When ATP is incubated under suitable
conditions with muscle fibers, it undergoes
enzymatic hydrolysis to give ADP + Pi.
When this hydrolysis proceeds it gives large
liberation of heat.
Why G°' is so high for ATP
1- Hydrolysis reduces electrostatic repulsion between
negative charged oxygen atoms on the phosphorus
2- ADP and Pi are stabilised by resonance.
3- Entropy (disorder) is higher after the reaction.
These 3 factors make ATP hydrolysis favourable and
are responsible for the large amount of energy released
during hydrolysis.
Factors affecting free energy of
ATP hydrolysis
This value (-7.3 Kcal) does not represent the real
free energy of hydrolysis of ATP in the intact cells
(i.e (cellular ATP). This is due to:
1- The conc of ATP, ADP and Pi in the cell are
much lower than 1.0 M ( the st thermodynamic
2-These substances are not present in equimolar
forms complex with
different affinities with ATP and
also ADP.
Mg shifting
The presence of
equilibrium of ATP hydrolysis.
If appropriate corrections are applied of all
these factors, the free energy of hydrolysis
of ATP to ADP under intracellular
conditions will be about -12 Kcal/ mole.
So free energy of ATP hydrolysis inside
cells is not necessarily constant.
Free energy of ATP vary from one cell to
It may vary from time to time depending on
the concentration of Mg2+, ATP, ADP and Pi.
Examples of other high energy compounds
Enol Phosphates:
e.g: Phosphoenol pyruvate (PEP) is high
energy phosphate, but for a completely
different reason than ATP.
- PEP is formed in the glycolytic pathway
and is used to synthesize ATP from ADP.
- The reaction with ADP to form ATP is
essentially irreversible.
Enol form of pyruvic acid is less stable than the keto form
by about 10-12 kcal/mole. In addition an enol phosphate is
less stable than any ordinary phosphate ester by about
The phosphate can only exist as the high energy enol form.
Thus when phosphate group is removed, the pyruvate can
go back to the stable low energy ket form and the surplus
energy is released.
Thiol esters
e. g: thioesters of coenzyme A as
acetyl~Co A:
- In this compound, there is a diminshed
resonance interaction between electrons
of the sulfur and the carbonyl group
relative to the resonance in an oxygen
-The sulfur will not form a double bond as
readily as oxygen.
Biosynthesis work
as energy requiring process
Biosynthesis is a programmed process
that leads from very simple molecule to
the living cell itself.
The flow sheet of biosynthesis
For the biosynthesis of cell components, two
kinds of ingrediants are required.
1- precursors e.g C,H,N
2- ATP
Degradative and synthetic pthways between two
points given (e.g glucose and pyruvate are not
identical (i.e they are not the simple reverse of
each other).
Adenylate Energy Charge
Some enzymes respond to absolute
concentration, but most respond to ratios. Dan
Atkinson introduced the concept of ENERGY
CHARGE in 1968 to summarize the energy
status of a cell. It is a measure of the relative
concentration of high-energy phosphoanhydride bonds available in the adenylate
pool .
The energy charge, or E.C., has the range 0 to 1.0.
If all the adenylate is in the form of ATP, E.C. = 1.0,
and the potential for phosphoryl transfer is maximal.
At the other extreme, if AMP is the only adenylate
form present, E.C. = 0.
Then the relative amounts of the three adenine
nucleotides are fixed by the energy charge. The
following figure shows the relative changes in the
concentrations of the adenylates as energy charge
varies from 0 to 1.0.
Regulatory enzymes in energy-producing
catabolic pathways show greater activity at
low energy charge, but the activity falls off
sharbly as E.C. approaches 1.0.
In contrast, regulatory enzymes of anabolic
sequences are not very active at low energy
charge, but their activities increase as E.C.
nears 1.0 .
These contrasting responses are termed R, for
ATP-regenerating, and U, for ATP-utilizing.
Regulatory enzymes such as PFK and
pyrvuate kinase in glycolysis follow the R
response curve as E.C. is varied.
Note that PFK itself is an ATP-utilizing
enzyme, using ATP to phosphorylate fructose6-phosphate
fructose-1,6bisphosphate. Nevertheless, because PFK acts
physiologically as the valve controlling the
flux of carbohydrate down the catabolic
pathways of cellular respiration that lead to
ATP regeneration, it responds as an “R”
Regulatory enzymes
in anabolic
carboxylase, which initiates fatty acid
biosynthesis, respond as “U” enzymes.