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Section A: Polymer principles
Copyright © 2002 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
• Draw three water molecules and label:
• Covalent bonds
• Charges
• Hydrogen Bonds
• Describe how the three properties of water
(thermal, cohesive and solvent) are important for
biological organisms.
Day 2 - Polymers
• AIM: DWBAT describe polymerization and its
importance in biochemistry.
• Homework: Flashcards 8-12. Packet pgs. 5-6.
Quick Check – Hands Up!
What is a consequence of hydrogen bonding
between water molecules?
A. Water is able to evaporate easily.
B. Water is transparent.
C. Water can dissolve carbohydrates, lipids and
D. Ice melts and water boils at relatively high
Inorganic Molecules
• Typically smaller than organic molecules
• Ionic compounds, small covalent compounds
(CO2, H2O, etc.)
• Metal ions important in transmission of nerve
• Elements include metals and non-metals
• Tetravalent  4 different bonds  variety 
• Forms long chains (polymers)  macromolecules
and ring structures
• Tetrahedral structure  3-D variation  optical
Organic compounds
• Compounds containing carbon found in living
• Not including carbonates, hydrogen carbonates, CO2
or CO
• Often based upon a skeleton of carbon
• An infinite variety possible
• Evolution has chosen a few for use in living
• There are four principal groups: sugars, fatty acids,
amino acids and nucleotides
Organic Molecules
• A cell is mostly water (inorganic).
• The rest of the cell consists mostly of carbon-based
• Organic chemistry is the study of carbon compounds.
Carbon Chemistry
• Carbon is a versatile atom.
• It has four electrons in an outer shell that holds eight.
• Carbon can share its electrons with other atoms to
form up to four covalent bonds.
• Carbon-Carbon bonds are strong and can therefore
serve as the backbone to many organic molecules
• Carbon can use its bonds to:
• Attach to other carbons.
• Form an endless diversity of carbon skeletons.
Figure 3.2
• The simplest organic compounds are hydrocarbons.
• These are organic molecules containing only carbon
and hydrogen atoms.
• The simplest hydrocarbon is methane.
Figure 3.3
• Larger hydrocarbons
• Are the main molecules in the gasoline we burn in our
• The hydrocarbons of fat molecules provide energy for our
Quick Check – Hands Up!
Which of the following is not a property of carbon?
• A. Carbon-to-carbon bonds are limited to single
• B. Carbon has four valence electrons.
• C. Carbon can form bonds to various other atoms.
• D. Two carbon atoms can share three electron
pairs with each other.
• E. Carbon-to-carbon bonds are strong.
Quick Check – Hands Up!
What aspect of long carbon chains makes them ideal
for forming the backbones of long biomolecules?
a. The carbon atom itself is strong and hard to split.
b. Carbon can form a maximum of five covalent bonds
with other atoms.
c. Carbons can form a maximum of three covalent bonds
with other atoms.
d. Carbon-to-carbon covalent bonds are strong.
e.Carbon-to-carbon hydrogen bonds are weak and
Quick Check!
How many electrons pairs are shared between
carbon 2 and carbon 3 in this picture?
Figure 3.4
• Each type of organic molecule has a unique threedimensional shape that defines its function in an
• The molecules of your body recognize one another
based on their shapes.
• The unique properties of an organic compound depend
not only on its carbon skeleton but also on the atoms
attached to the skeleton.
• These atoms are called functional groups.
Figure 3.5
Giant Molecules from Smaller Building
• On a molecular scale, many of life’s molecules are
• Biologists call them macromolecules.
• Examples: DNA, carbohydrates
• Most macromolecules are polymers.
• Polymers are made by stringing together many smaller
molecules called monomers.
• Cells link monomers by dehydration reactions.
Figure 3.6a
Figure 3.10
• Organisms also have to break down macromolecules.
• Cells do this by a process called hydrolysis.
Figure 3.6b
Biological Molecules
• There are four categories of large molecules in cells:
• Carbohydrates
• Lipids
• Proteins
• Nucleic acids
• Cells join smaller organic molecules together to
form larger molecules.
• The four major classes of macromolecules are:
carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids.
Copyright © 2002 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
1. Most macromolecules are polymers
• Three of the four classes of macromolecules form
chainlike molecules called polymers.
• Polymers consist of many similar or identical building
blocks linked by covalent bonds.
• The repeated units are small molecules called
• Some monomers have other functions of their own.
Copyright © 2002 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
• The chemical mechanisms that cells use to make and
break polymers are similar for all classes of
• Monomers are connected by covalent bonds via a
condensation reaction or dehydration reaction.
• One monomer provides
a hydroxyl group and
the other provides a
hydrogen and together
these form water.
• This process requires
energy and is aided
by enzymes.
Copyright © 2002 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
Fig. 5.2a
• The covalent bonds connecting monomers in a
polymer are disassembled by hydrolysis.
• In hydrolysis as the covalent bond is broken a hydrogen
atom and hydroxyl group from a split water molecule
attaches where the covalent bond used to be.
• Hydrolysis reactions
dominate the
digestive process,
guided by specific
Fig. 5.2b
Copyright © 2002 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
Quick Check – Hands Up
Refer to Figure 03-1. The process illustrated in the figure
is called:
a. condensation.
b. protein synthesis.
c. hydrolysis.
d. dehydration synthesis.
e. denaturation
Quick Check – Hands Up
Which of the following illustrates hydrolysis?
a. the reaction of two monosaccharides to form a
b. the reaction of two amino acids to form a dipeptide
c. the reaction of a hydrogen atom and a hydroxide ion to
form water
d. the reaction of a fat to form glycerol and fatty acids
e. the formation of ATP from ADP and inorganic
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• Outline how monosaccharides are converted into