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Water and Aqueous Solutions
Learning goals: to understand
What kind of interactions occur between molecules
Why water is a good medium for life
Why nonpolar moieties aggregate in water
How dissolved molecules alter properties of water
How weak acids and bases behave in water
How buffers work and why we need them
How water participates in biochemical reactions
Biochemistry Part 2
Lehningers Biochemistry
Physics of Non-covalent Interactions
Non-covalent interactions do not involve sharing a pair
of electrons. Based on their physical origin, one can
distinguish between
Ionic (Coulombic) Interactions
– Electrostatic interactions between permanently charged species,
or between the ion and a permanent dipole
Dipole Interactions
– Electrostatic interactions between uncharged, but polar molecules
Van der Waals Interactions
– Weak interactions between all atoms, regardless of polarity
– Attractive (dispersion) and repulsive (steric) component
Hydrophobic Effect
– Complex phenomenon associated with the ordering of water molecules around
non-polar substances
Examples of Noncovalent
Hydrogen Bonds
• Strong dipole-dipole or charge-dipole interaction that arises
between an acid (proton donor) and a base (proton acceptor)
• Typically 4-6 kJ/mol for bonds with neutral atoms,
and 6-10 kJ/mol for bonds with one charged atom
• Typically involves two electronegative atoms (frequently
nitrogen and oxygen)
• Hydrogen bonds are strongest when
the bonded molecules are oriented to
maximize electrostatic interaction.
Ideally the three atoms involved are in a line
Hydrogen Bonds: Examples
Importance of Hydrogen
Source of unique properties of water
Structure and function of proteins
Structure and function of DNA
Structure and function of polysaccharides
Binding of a substrates to enzymes
Binding of hormones to receptors
Matching of mRNA and tRNA
Biological Relevance of
Hydrogen Bonds
Van der Waals Interactions
• Van der Waals interactions have two
– Attractive force (London dispersion) Depends
on the polarizability
– Repulsive force (Steric repulsion) Depends
on the size of atoms
• Attraction dominates at longer distances
(typically 0.4-0.7 nm)
• Repulsion dominates at very short distances
• There is a minimum energy distance (van der
Waals contact distance)
Origin of the London Dispersion
• Quantum mechanical origin
• Instantaneous polarization
by fluctuating charge distributions
• Universal and always attractive
• Stronger in polarizable molecules
• Important only at a short range
Biochemical Significance of
Van der Waals Interactions
• Weak individually
–Easily broken, reversible
• Universal:
–Occur between any two atoms that are near each other
• Importance
– determines steric complementarity
– stabilizes biological macromolecules (stacking in DNA)
– facilitates binding of polarizable ligands
Water is the Medium for Life
Life evolved in water (UV protection)
Organisms typically contain 70-90% water
Chemical reactions occur in aqueous milieu
Water is a critical determinant of the structure
and function of proteins, nucleic acids, and
Structure of the Water
• Octet rule dictates that there are four
electron pairs around an oxygen atom
in water. These electrons are on four
sp3 orbitals
• Two of these pairs covalently link two hydrogen atoms to
a central oxygen atom.
• The two remaining pairs remain nonbonding (lone pairs)
• Water geometry is a distorted tetrahedron
• The electronegativity of the oxygen atom induces a net
dipole moment
• Because of the dipole moment, water can serve as both a
hydrogen bond donor and acceptor.
Hydrogen Bonding in Water
• Water can serve as both
– an H donor and
– an H acceptor
• Up to four H-bonds per water molecule gives water the
– anomalously high boiling point
– anomalously high melting point
– unusually large surface tension
• Hydrogen bonding in water is cooperative.
• Hydrogen bonds between neighboring molecules are
weak (20 kJ/mole) relative to the H–O covalent bonds
(420 kJ/mol)
Water as a Solvent
• Water is a good solvent for charged and
polar substances
– amino acids and peptides
– small alcohols
– carbohydrates
• Water is a poor solvent for nonpolar
– nonpolar gases
– aromatic moieties
– aliphatic chains
Water Dissolves Many Salts
• High dielectric constant reduces attraction
between oppositely charged ions in salt
crystal, almost no attraction at large (> 40
nm) distance
• Strong electrostatic interactions between the
solvated ions and water molecules lowers the
energy of the system
• Entropy increases as ordered crystal lattice is
Water in a Solid State
• Water has many different crystal forms;
the hexagonal ice is the most common
• Hexagonal ice forms a regular lattice,
and thus has a low entropy
• Hexagonal ice has lower density than
liquid water; ice floats
The Hydrophobic Effect
• Refers to the association or folding of nonpolar molecules in the aqueous solution
• Is one of the main factors behind:
– Protein folding
– Protein-protein association
– Formation of lipid micelles
– Binding of steroid hormones to their receptors
• Does not arise because of some attractive
direct force between two non-polar molecules
Solubility of Polar and Nonpolar Solutes
Why are non-polar molecules poorly soluble in water?
Low Solubility of Hydrophobic Solutes
can be Explained by Entropy
• Bulk water has little order:
- high entropy
• Water near a hydrophobic solute is highly ordered:
- low entropy
Low entropy is thermodynamically unfavorable, thus
hydrophobic solutes have low solubility
Origin of the Hydrophobic
Effect (1)
• Consider amphipathic lipids in water
• Lipid molecules disperse in the solution;
nonpolar tail of each lipid molecule is surrounded
by ordered water molecules
• Entropy of the system decreases
• System is now in an unfavorable state
Origin of the Hydrophobic effect
Non-polar portions of the amphipathic molecule
aggregate so that fewer water molecules
are ordered. The released water molecules
will be more random and the entropy increases.
All non-polar groups are sequestered
from water, and the released water
molecules increase the entropy further.
Only polar “head groups” are exposed
and make energetically favorable H-bonds.
Hydrophobic Effect Favors
Ligand Binding
• Binding sites in enzymes and receptors are often
• Such sites can bind hydrophobic substrates and
ligands such as steroid hormones
• Many drugs are designed to take advantage of
the hydrophobic effect
Colligative Properties
• Some properties of solution — boiling point,
melting point, and osmolarity — do not depend
strongly on the nature of the dissolved
substance. These are called colligative
• Other properties — viscosity, surface tension,
taste, and color, among other — depend
strongly on the chemical nature of the solute.
These are non-colligative properties.
• Cytoplasm of cells are highly concentrated
solutions and have high osmotic pressure
Effect of Extracellular Osmolarity
Ionization of Water
H2O  H+ + OH-
• O-H bonds are polar and can dissociate heterolytically
• Products are a proton (H+) and a hydroxide ion (OH-)
• Dissociation of water is a rapid reversible process
• Most water molecules remain un-ionized, thus pure water
has very low electrical conductivity (resistance: 18 M•cm)
 H+ + OH- is strongly to the left
• The equilibrium H2O 
• Extent of dissociation depends on the temperature
Proton Hydration
• Protons do not exist free in solution.
• They are immediately hydrated to form hydronium
(oxonium) ions
• A hydronium ion is a water molecule with a proton
associated with one of the non-bonding electron pairs
• Hydronium ions are solvated by nearby water molecules
• The covalent and hydrogen bonds are interchangeable.
This allows for an extremely fast mobility of protons in
water via “proton hopping”
Proton Hopping
Ionization of Water:
Quantitative Treatment
Concentrations of participating species in an equilibrium process
are not independent but are related via the equilibrium constant
 H+ + OHH2O 
Keq = ————
[H2O] -16
Keq can be determined experimentally, it is 1.8•10 M at 25 °C
[H2O] can be determined from water density, it is 55.5 M
• Ionic product of water:
K w  K eq  [H 2 O]  [H  ][ OH - ]  1 10 14 M 2
•In pure water [H+] = [OH-] = 10-7 M
What is pH?
pH = -log[H+]
• pH is defined as the negative
logarithm of the hydrogen ion
• Simplifies equations
K w  [H  ][OH- ]  11014 M 2
• The pH and pOH must always
add to 14
 log[ H  ]  log[ OH- ]  14
• pH can be negative ([H+] = 6 M)
pH  pOH  14
• In neutral solution, [H+] = [OH-]
and the pH is 7
pH Scale: 1 unit = 10-fold
Dissociation of Weak Electrolytes:
+ H2O
+ H3O+
• Weak electrolytes
dissociate only partially
in water
K a  Keq  [H 2O]
• Extent of dissociation is
determined by the acid
[H ][CH 3COO ]
dissociation constant Ka
Ka 
 1.74 10 5 M
[H ]  Ka 
[CH 3COO  ]
• We can calculate the
pH if the Ka is known.
But some algebra is
pKa measures acidity
pKa = -log Ka (strong acid  large Ka  small pKa)
Buffers are mixtures of weak
acids and their anions
• Buffers resist change in pH
• At pH = pKa, there is a 50:50 mixture of acid and
anion forms of the compound
• Buffering capacity of acid/anion system is
at pH = pKa
• Buffering capacity is lost when the pH differs from
by more than 1 pH unit
Henderson–Hasselbalch Equation:
HA 
 H+ + A-
[H  ][ A - ]
Ka 
[A ]
pH  pK a  log
Biological Buffer Systems
• Maintenance of intracellular pH is vital to all cells
– Enzyme-catalyzed reactions have optimal pH
– Solubility of polar molecules depends on H-bond donors and acceptors
– Equilibrium between CO2 gas and dissolved HCO3- depends on pH
• Buffer systems in vivo are mainly based on
– phosphate, concentration in millimolar range
– bicarbonate, important for blood plasma
– histidine, efficient buffer at neutral pH
• Buffer systems in vitro are often based on sulfonic acids of cyclic amines
Water as a reactant in biochemistry
Bound Water in Proteins
The nature of intermolecular forces
The properties and structure of liquid water
The behavior of weak acids and bases in water
The way water can participate in biochemical