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14 November 2013 Questions
• Trivia: This is responsible for between
6,000 & 7,000 deaths in America every
year. What is it?
• Health: What do you know or have you
heard about steroids?
Lesson 39
Avoiding Illegal Drug Use
• Students will be able to...
• (1) Explain the harmful effects of inhalants.
• (2) Describe the physical and emotional effects
of marijuana.
• (3) Determine how the illegal use of
hallucinogens, stimulants, narcotics, and
sedative-hypnotics harm health.
• (4) Determine how the illegal use of anabolicandrogenic steroids harms health.
• (5) Practice resistance skills that can be used to
resist peer pressure to use illegal drugs.
Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids
• A group of synthetic drugs that are related
to hormones.
• Anabolic steroids have the same affects
as testosterone.
• Legally used to treat some medical
• Illegally used to build muscles & improve
strength, athletic performance &
• Steroids are illegal without a prescription
How the Illegal Use of Steroids Can Harm
• By harming the body
– Potential negative side effects of steroids use
• By harming the mind
– Roid Rage: Outbursts of anger and hostility
caused by steroid use.
• By causing dependence
– Physical and/or psychological dependence
– Withdrawal symptoms include depression,
headaches, & nausea
• By increasing the risk of becoming
infected with HIV & hepatitis B
• By increasing the risk of accidents,
violence, & crime.
• Gregg Valentino
• Video Clip
Group Work
• I will divide you into groups
• Each group will have the responsibility of
researching and presenting information on
the drug or group of drugs assigned to
them. You will have that majority of the
period today to complete this project, and
will present the information at the end of
class today or on Friday. The worksheet I
gave you has all of the information you
need to find on it.
Group 1: Marijuana
Group 2: Ecstasy
Group 3: Stimulants
Group 4: Hallucinogens
Group 5: Narcotics
Group 6: Inhalants
Group 7: Sedative-Hypnotics
15 November 2013 Questions
• Trivia: 1 in 12 people have done this at
work, what is it?
• Brain Teaser: If a daddy bull weights 1200
pounds and eats 12 bales of hay, and a
baby bull weighs 300 pounds and eats 3
bales of hay, how much does a momma
bull who weighs 800 pounds eat?
Lesson 39
"Avoiding Illegal Drug Use"
• Students will be able to...
• (1) Explain the harmful effects of inhalants.
• (2) Describe the physical and emotional effects
of marijuana.
• (3) Determine how the illegal use of
hallucinogens, stimulants, narcotics, and
sedative-hypnotics harm health.
• (4) Determine how the illegal use of anabolicandrogenic steroids harms health.
• (5) Practice resistance skills that can be used to
resist peer pressure to use illegal drugs.
• Chemicals that affect mood & behavior
when inhaled.
• Often the first drug that a young person
• Produce a very quick, short-lasting high.
• Inhaling fumes to get high is called huffing
or sniffing.
• Bagging is inhaling fumes from a bag to
get high.
How the Illegal Use of Inhalants
Can Harm Health
• By causing immediate death
– Can cause heart failure & instant death
– Central nervous system slows down, which interferes with breathing &
can cause suffocation.
– Seizures & Unconsciousness
• By harming the body
– Euphoria, nausea, vomiting, headache, dizziness & uncontrollable
– Reduce the flow of oxygen to the brain & can cause permanent brain
– Damage kidneys, immune system, heart, blood & bone marrow.
– Can cause leukemia & lead poisoning
• By harming the mind
– Can't make responsible decisions due to impaired judgement.
– Hallucinations
– Normal brain vs. Inhalant user's brain
How the Illegal Use of Inhalants
Can Harm Health (continued)
• By causing dependence
– Develop physical and/or psychological
– Need to take more and more of the drug to
get the desired affects.
• By increasing the risk of accidents,
violence, & death
– Can't make responsible decisions.
– Might do things they normally wouldn't do.
Examples of Inhalants
• amyl nitrate & butyl
• nail polish remover
• furniture polish
• gasoline
• glue
• hairspray
• laughing gas
lighter fluid
marker fluid
paint thinner
paper correction fluid
rubber cement
spray paint
transmission fluid
• The dried leaves & tops of the cannabis
• Most commonly used illegal drug in the
United States.
• THC: Drug found in the cannabis plant that
produces psychoactive effects.
• THC is fat soluble
• Marijuana used to contain 1-5% THC; now
it is closer to 8-15% THC.
How the Illegal Use of Marijuana
Can Harm Health
• Hashish: One of the drugs that is made
from marijuana.
• Hashish Oil: THe liquid resin from the
cannabis plant.
• Marijuana is considered a gateway drug.
– A drug that increases the likelihood that a
person will use other harmful drugs.
How the Illegal Use of Marijuana
Can Harm Health
• By harming the body
– Feel relaxed, euphoric, drowsy & have increased
– Damages the lungs & respiratory system.
– Contains many of the same carcinogens as tobacco
– Long-term use can affect the reproductive system.
• By harming the mind
– Short-term memory loss & impaired concentration
– Amotivational Syndrome: A persistent loss of ambition
and motivation.
How the Illegal Use of Marijuana
Can Harm Health
• By causing dependence
– Tolerance is developed after high doses & long term use.
– Might feel they have to use marijuana to enjoy activities.
• By increasing the risk of becoming infected with HIV &
hepatitis B
– Can't make responsible decisions.
• By increasing the risk of accidents, violence, & crime
– Impairs ability to judge distances & slows reaction time, making it
difficult to drive or operate other machinery
Ecstasy (MDMA)
• An illegal psychoactive drug that has a
stimulating effect and the ability to cause
• Adam, XTC, hug, beans, roll, Y2K, & 007.
• Ecstasy is a synthetic drug.
• Typically taken in pill form, but can also be
snorted or injected.
How the Illegal Use of Ecstasy Can Harm
• Harmful psychological effects
– Similar to amphetamines & cocaine.
– Confusion, depression, insomnia, severe anxiety, &
paranoia or extreme fear.
• Physical Problems
– Muscle tension, involuntary teeth clinching, nausea,
blurred vision, faintness, chills, & sweating.
– Increase heart rate & blood pressure.
– Harm the memory & pleasure centers of the brain.
– Effects last between 3-6 hours.
– Increased risk of dehydration, heart, & kidney failure
• Ecstasy is becoming more dangerous
– There is no regulation of the contents of the
– Other substances are added that can cause
sever side effects.
• Warning signs
– Pacifiers & suckers used to control teeth
– Strobe lights enhance the hallucinogenic
effects of Ecstasy
– Candy dispensers are used to hide Ecstasy
Club Drugs
• Drugs that are often available at raves & parties.
• GHB: Creates intoxicating, euphoric effects on
the body.
• Flunitrazepam: A drug that belongs to the class
of drugs called benzodiazepines.
– What is this drug also know as?
• Ketamine: A drug that has been used medically
as an anesthetic for both human & animal use.
• LSD: A hallucinogen known as acid or yellow
• Nitrous oxide
• A group of drugs that interfere with the
senses & cause hallucinations.
• Also called psychedelic drugs.
• A hallucination is an imagined experience
that sems real.
• Effects may last for several days
How the Illegal Use of Hallucinogens Can
Harm Health
• Examples
• By harming the body
– Increased heart rate, & blood pressure, tremors, & nausea
• By harming the mind
– Alter perception of reality, time & environment, intensify mood, &
cause rapid mood swings.
– Flashbacks
• By causing dependence
– Tolerance
• By increasing the risk of accidents, violence & crime
– Impair reasoning, judgment & slow reaction time.
– Increase anger & aggression & can lead to violence.
• A group of drugs that speed up the central
nervous system.
• Also called "uppers" because they make people
stay awake & alert.
• Increase blood pressure, heart rate, & breathing.
• Followed by a crash, or intense down period.
• During the crash people may feel fatigued,
weak, sleepy & depressed.
• Physical & psychological dependence is
How the Illegal Use of Stimulants Can Harm
• By causing immediate death
– Within minutes, people on stimulants may have a
heart attack, seizure, stop breathing & die.
– Mixing stimulants with other drugs increases the risk
of overdose & death.
• By harming the body
– Body tremors, vomiting, increased alertness,
quickened movements, racing heart rate, increased
blood pressure.
– Snorting causes sores around the nose.
– People who snort may develop holes between their
• By harming the mind
– Confused, anxious, aggressive, & paranoid.
– Possible hallucinations
• By causing tolerance
– Tolerance is built up very quickly
– Doses are typically increased drastically
– Physical dependence can be developed after one use.
By increasing the risk of becoming infected with HIV & hepatitis B
By increasing the risk of accidents, violence & crime
Examples: 1 2
Before & After Pictures of Meth users
The Truth About Crystal Meth
• A group of drugs that slow down, or depress the
central nervous system & relieve pain
• Often prescribe to relieve pain.
• Include the following:
– Opium: A white milky fluid from the seedpod of the
poppy plant.
– Morphine: A naturally occuring substance extracted
from the poppy plant.
– Codeine: A pain killer produced from morphine
– Heroin: A narcotic processed from morphine
How the Illegal Use of Narcotics Can Harm
• By causing immediate death
– Narcotics depress the CNS
– Large doses slow down breathing & can cause coma & death.
• By harming the body
– Euphoria, drowsiness, nausea, rapid heartbeat, & clammy skin.
– Especially dangerous to people with respiratory problems
because narcotics interfere with breathing & coughing.
– Possible development of skin rash
• By harming the mind
– Cannot not make responsible decisions & judgements.
– Depressed & lazy
– Quick emotional changes & mood swings.
• By causing dependence
– Tolerance
– Physical dependence leads to withdrawal symptoms.
– May suffer from malnutrition, infection, illness and/or
• By increasing the risk of HIV & hepatitis B
• By increasing the risk of accidents, violence &
– Accidents from "nodding out"
• Examples
Sedative Hypnotics
• A group of drugs that depress the activities
of the central nervous system.
• Sedative: A drug that has a calming effect
on a person's behavior.
• Hypnotic: A drug that produces drowsiness
& sleep.
• Highly addictive & illegal without a
How the Illegal Use of Sedative-Hypnotics
Can Harm Health
• By causing death
– Combined with alcohol, this produces a fatal risk.
– Alcohol multiplies the depressive effects of sedative-hypnotics
on the central nervous system, causing slowed respiration, coma
& death.
• By harming the body
– Slows down functions causing slurred speech, lack of
coordination, clammy skin, dilated pupils, an inability to stay
• By harming the mind
– Cannot make responsible or reasonable judgments & decisions.
– Depression, laziness, & fatigue may develop
• By causing dependence
– Physical dependence causes withdrawal
– Symptoms include anxiety, sweating,
restlessness, agitation, & hallucinations
• By increasing the risk of becoming
infected with HIV & hepatitis B
• By increasing the risk of accidents,
violence, & crime
• Examples