Download Drugs 6th Grade

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 Drug: Any substance that changes how the
body or mind works
Types of Drugs
Medicine: A drug that is used to cure, treat, or
prevent pain, disease, and illness
Controlled Substance: A drug that is used illegally
without a prescription. Also known as an illicit drug
Types of Drugs
Over- the- counter- medicine: Medicines that
can be bought without a doctor’s written order
Prescription Medicine: Medicines that can be
bought only with a written order, or prescription,
from a doctor, or other licensed professional.
 Stimulants
 Depressants
 Hallucinogens
 Narcotics
 Inhalants
Stimulants: Classification of drugs that speed up
the brain and heart
Examples: Nicotine (found in tobacco) Caffeine (
found in beverages such as coffee, soda, and
energy drinks
Depressants: Classification of drugs that slow
down the body
Example: Alcohol found in wine, beer, and spirits
Hallucinogens: Classification of drugs that can
make people see and hear things that do not exist
Examples: LSD (Acid) and Magic Mushrooms
Narcotics: Classification of drugs that are used to
relieve pain. Narcotics often come from opiates/
poppy flowers
Examples: Heroin and Oxycodone
Inhalants: Classification of drugs that are chemical
products (poisons) that have strong fumes and
Examples: Nail polish remover, paint, air freshener
 Designer Drug: A drug that has been
chemically altered.
 Examples: Ecstasy and GHB
 Gateway Drug: A drug that introduces people
to drug use, increasing the risk that they will try
stronger drugs
 Examples: Alcohol, Nicotine, Marijuana
How Drugs Enter The Body
Injection: Using a needle to inject drugs into the
Oral Ingestion: Swallowing (eating or drinking)
drugs through the mouth
Absorption: Using a drug by allowing it to absorb
through the skin or in the mouth
Inhalation: Smoking or snorting a drug
Drug Terminology
 Drug addiction: The uncontrollable use of
drugs or the failure to control one’s use of
 Drug Abuse: The purposeful incorrect use
of a drug or use of an illegal drug
 Drug Misuse: The accidental incorrect use
of a drug
Drug Terminology
 Dependence: The physical or mental need for
engaging in a particular behavior
 Physical Dependence: The physical need
(body craves it) for a drug
 Psychological Dependence: The mental
need (you think you need it) for a drug
Drugs Terminology
 Tolerance: A condition in which a person
needs more of a drug to feel the original effects
of the drug
 Withdrawal: The body’s reaction to not having
a drug that is usually present in the body
 Drug Abstinence: Refraining from specific
behaviors that put your health or the health of
others at risk