Download GCSE Physical Education Healthy active lifestyles & how

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GCSE Physical Education
Lifestyle, Drugs & The Muscular
Learning Objectives
By the end of this lesson pupils should:
Understand how the muscular system is
affected by rest
Understand how the muscular system is
affected by diet
Understand how the muscular system is
affected by performance-enhancing drugs
Rest allows muscles to repair the
damaged caused by exercise
Rest also allows them to rebuild and
strengthen for next exercise session
Short-term and long-term breaks should
be considered when participating in a
personal exercise programme
Proper nutrition is also important for the
recovery process
Energy stores need replenished after
exercise, with carbohydrates and fluids
Protein in a diet helps muscles to be
repaired and rebuild, preventing muscle
Performance Enhancing Drugs
Performance Enhancing Drugs
Anabolic steroids are the most
common performing enhancing drug
used on the muscular system
They are used to build the muscles
both in size and strength
They can also help athletes recover
more quickly from injury and training
How does a strong muscular system help in
everyday life?
Increased work capacity
Decrease the chance of injury
Prevent lower back pain and poor posture
Improve athletic performance
Aid rehabilitation after illness and injury
Learning Objectives (Revisited)
By the end of this lesson pupils should:
Understand how the muscular system is
affected by rest
Understand how the muscular system is
affected by diet
Understand how the muscular system is
affected by performance-enhancing drugs
Thank you
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