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ICPC-2 roadmap in Greece
and a greek EPR based on
Dimitris Kounalakis
WICC member
History of classifications in Greece
ICHPPC-2 Defined in Spili, Crete
ICPC-1 in Thessaloniki & Crete
ICD-9 (Hospitals, PHCCs, etc)
ICPC-2 / ICD10 in Crete
Why ICPC-2 ?
It is clinically relevant to primary care
Supports the uncertainty inherent in primary care.
Deals with the temporal evolution of clinical problems.
Small number of codes
Only symptoms & diagnosis found in primary care
– Inclusion/exclusion criteria
Supports mapping to ICD10
– facilitates all aspects of clinical practice and
– Allows the use of ICD-10 in real-life
ICPC-2 Translation: Methods
Bilingual translator, use existing translated
nomenclature which is widely accepted.
– Translated NHI MeSH in Greek Language
– ICD-9 Greek translation
Pilot study to use it and evaluate it for the
greek primary care setting.
Identify Greece’s needs for future ICPC
ICPC translation: Problems
Most english words can be translated in more
than one greek words. Which is the correct?
– pain => πόνος, άλγος
– Pregnancy => εγκυμοσύνη, κύηση
Exact translation -> words with different meaning
in every day's life
– urine test => [test = δοκιμή] <= εξέταση ούρων
– Clinical examination => [examination = εξέταση]
<= κλινική εξέταση
Gold standards do not agree
– Greek ICD9 ≠ Greek translation of NHI MeSH
ICPC today & future
ICPC is proposed as the classification in
primary care (Greek ministry of Health)
ICPC license: free for research only
EPRs with ICPC in Greece ???
Transhis for Windows
Based on transhis [Transitie Project]
University of Amsterdam [Prof Henk Lamberts]
ICPC-2 / ICD10 / ATC classifications
MS Windows / MySQL database / (Delphi)
Works in a standalone PC or Central archive in network
with password authentication
Use of key shortcuts and mouse for navigation
Use of a minimal dataset with user customized forms
Info for the doctor / reminders / drug info
Export of data
Developing an Appropriate EPR System for the Greek Primary Care Setting,
D. Kounalakis, C Lionis, I Okkes, H Lamberts, Journal of Medical Systems, June 2003
Transhis: Current status
Continuous additions and
Diagnosis support info
More functions
More customized forms
On-the-job training tool