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1. Greek geography
a. helped to produce a civilization that was composed of cooperative and peaceful communities.
b. contained mountainous areas that impeded Greek unity.
c. prohibited a relationship with the sea that produced colonization.
d. encouraged industrialization
4. The earliest Aegean civilization was located
a. in the Peloponnesus.
b. on the island of Delos.
c. in Attica.
d. on Crete.
5. Mycenaean Civilization
a. first developed in eastern Asia Minor.
b. had its major trading center on the island of Crete.
c. was founded by Indo-Europeans who migrated into Greece as early as 1900 B.C.E.
d. reached its high point between 2100 and 1800 B.C.E.
7. Mycenaean civilization was characterized by
a. a democratic system of government.
b. an introspective commercial system.
c. a militaristic program of conquest, perhaps even of Crete.
d. disinterest in agriculture.
8. Homer’s legacy to the Greeks was
a. an accurate historical record of past Greek events.
b. important in inculcating the aristocratic values of courage and honor.
c. a foundation of egalitarianism in Greek politics.
d. actually written by a Phoenician trader.
9. Which of the following statements is not an accurate characterization of the Greek polis?
a. It was composed of a central town or city, and the countryside surrounding it.
b. It was a communal environment of individuals, some who were citizens with rights, others who
were citizens without rights, and others who were not citizens.
c. It played a significant role in unifying all Greeks throughout the entire region under a single
d. It developed simultaneously with the creation of the new system of Greek military
10. By about 700 B.C.E., which of the following replaced the aristocratic cavalryman in Greek warfare?
a. the helots
b. the hoplites
c. the poleis
d. mercenaries
11. Greek colonization
a. resulted from overpopulation, an increase in trade, and a widening of the gap between rich and
b. brought to an end the hopes of those who were prospering from expanded commercial
c. ended rule of tyrants who had the support of those who were opposed to the oligarchic
d. failed.
13. Spartan society
a. secluded women and forbade them to appear in public.
b. was the first ancient society to attempt to save all premature and crippled infants.
c. adopted democracy a century earlier than in Athens.
d. was organized as a military state.
14. Spartan males were enrolled in the army at the age of
a. fifteen.
b. eighteen.
c. twenty.
d. twenty-three.
16. The ultimate result of the formation of the Delian League was to
a. limit commercial opportunities throughout the region.
b. create a cultural alliance of equal and independent city-states in Asia Minor.
c. make Athens the dominant city-state in the region.
d. foster closer ties with Sparta.
18. Cleisthenes
a. was Sparta’s greatest legal reformer.
b. invaded Boetia from his secret base in Helvetia.
c. reformed Athenian government thus creating the foundation for political democracy.
d. argued that a polis was too small an area to govern.
21. The Greeks decisively defeated the Persians
a. at the pass of Thermopylae.
b. near the island of Salamis.
c. at Euboa.
d. at Syracuse.
22. Under Pericles
a. Sparta dominated the Greek world.
b. Thucydides developed the first comedy.
c. Athenian democracy became less democratic.
d. the Delian League was used to expand Athenian imperialism.
23. All of the following was true about the Peloponnesian War except
a. the foundation of Athenian strategy, initially, was the exploitation of its naval power.
b. the foundation of Spartan strategy was the exploitation of its strength in fighting face-to-face
military confrontations on land.
c. a plague killed one-third of the population of Athens.
d. the ultimate result of the war was a unified Greece headed by the city by Thebes.
25. The Greek historian who wrote the History of the Persian Wars was
a. Herodotus.
b. Homer.
c. Thucydides.
d. Themistocles.
26. Thucydides believed that
a. the past held no lessons for understanding the present.
b. there was an exact pattern of repetition in human affairs.
c. human nature showed no signs of order.
d. historical sources needed to be closely examined.
29. The tragic Greek tale of the man who killed his father and married his mother was written by
a. Thespis.
b. Sophocles.
c. Aeschylus.
d. Euripides.
31. Which of the following is an accurate statement about classical Greek architecture?
a. It was highly ornate.
b. It was decidedly unclear and confusing.
c. It was turbulent.
d. It reflected calmness, clarity, and freedom from excessive detail.
32. Socrates
a. was a popular hero of the Peloponnesian War.
b. was a merchant prince by trade.
c. developed a teaching system which employed students’ reasoning to help them to learn.
d. wrote The History of the Peloponnesian War.
34. Which of the following best summarizes Aristotle’s three good forms government?
a. monarchy, aristocracy, and constitutional government
b. oligarchy, anarchy, and tyranny.
c. monarchy, aristocracy, and oligarchy
d. aristocracy, democracy, and oligarchy
35. Greek philosophy
a. was characterized by a lack of leading thinkers.
b. contained thinkers holding only absolutist views.
c. has not made as lasting an impact as that of Mesopotamia.
d. was distinguished by the ideas of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle.
38. In their effort to uncover the will of the gods, the ancient Greeks made use of
a. oracles.
b. prophets.
c. soothsayers.
d. shaman clans.
39. Which of the following statements is an accurate depiction of life in classical Athens?
a. It was a male-dominated environment that used slaves, was predominantly agricultural,
employed a limited number of craftsmen, gave a major role to the family, and accepted
the practice of male homosexuality.
b. It was an environment in which total egalitarianism, wage labor, industrial production,
socialistic family structures, and female homosexuality were predominant.
c. It was a society in which men ruled, women were impotent in all areas of social life,
international trade was nonexistent, and there were no public works programs.
d. It was a society emphasizing militarism, which secluded its young men at a relatively young
age in order to “harden” them for war.
40. Which of the following statements is not a true observation of Greek-Macedonian affairs?
a. The rapid spread of Macedonian control under Philip II provoked the Greeks to resist.
b. Philip II gained control of all of Greece.
c. Philip II’s assassination ended all Greek involvement in a Macedonian-led invasion of the
Persian Empire.
d. Alexander ended the Greek rebellion that developed after the assassination of Philip II.
42. By the time he died, at the age of thirty-two, Alexander had conquered all except
a. western Asia Minor, Syria, Palestine, and Egypt.
b. ancient Mesopotamia, including Babylon, Susa, and Persepolis.
c. northern India as far east as modern Pakistan.
d. central Gaul.
45. The Hellenizing process
a. created Greco-Macedonian domination of the population centers of the Middle East.
b. provided the means for the spreading of Roman democracy to the Middle East cities.
c. was hindered by the establishment of Greek cities throughout the Middle East.
d. was much less significant in rural areas.
46. The legacy of Alexander the Great
a. was entirely cultural in nature.
b. included an historic change in world development, as elements of Latin culture were spread to
the Middle East.
c. embraced a major clash and fusion of cultures across a huge area as Greco-Macedonian elite
assumed power in highly diverse cultures.
d. did not outlast his own lifetime.
49. Pursuing pleasure rationally, and not only in a physical or hedonistic sense, as the only true good, was
a precept of
a. Epicureanism.
b. Stoicism.
c. Hellenism.
d. Euphemism.
50. If one lived in a way that was harmonious with the natural law, or was submissive to the will of God,
then one was living a life of virtue. The preceding statement would be a position advocated by the
a. Epicureans.
b. Stoics.
c. Hellenists.
d. mystery religions.