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Destinations & Tourist Services Chapter 12 Tourism units & categories Units Domestic travel Inbound tourism Outbound tourism Categories Internal tourism (domestic inbound) National tourism (domestic outbound) International tourism (inbound outbound) Tourism criteria 1. Purpose of trip 2. Distance of travel 3. Duration of trip 4. Residence of traveler 5. Mode of transportation Reasons for travel 1. Leisure, recreation, holiday 2. Visiting friends or relatives 3. Business and professional 4. Health treatment 5. Religious or pilgrimages 6. Homeland or cultural discovery Travel cycle Trip planning and expectations Tourist leaves home > > Uses transportation to destination • Experiences destination • Gathers trip markers < Uses transportation from destination Tourist arrives back home Recalls trip from purchased or collected markers Tourists in Red Square Tourism market segments SEGMENT Adventure Budget Family Gay Luxury Baby boomer Eco-traveler MESSAGE experience value, deals things for everyone quiet locations special service discovery orientation nature orientation Organizations WTO - coordinates global travel NTO - provide marketers with research data, workshops and tradeshows, familiarization trips, Internet sites, trade manuals, brochure development, joint marketing ventures, reservation system, consumer protection, & general industry advisory services. Travel motivations Hedonism - self-gifting, indulgence Self-improvement -new sporting skills; culture, art and culinary immersions Spiritual needs - meditation, retreats Travel markers and souvenirs Local products - arts,crafts, food Markers - clothing, artifacts with destination name on them Miniatures - tiny attraction replicas Pieces of the rock - natural elements Treasures - artifacts Visual representations - photos, books Destination brand positioning map High emotional pull High celebrity Value Low emotional pull Low celebrity value Destination brand benefit pyramid Level 5 Brand character Level 4 Brand value for repeaters Level 3 Psychological benefits and emotional rewards from visit Level 2 Benefits of destination features Level 1 Verifiable objectives & measurable characteristics of place Branding cities Pro-active, cooperative partnerships Appeal to ‘creative class’ Livable city with brand attributes Positive tourist perceptions Stands for something Appearance Internet images Branding San Francisco Place brand promotion strategies Film & fashion shoot locations Media / product liaisons = branded entertainment Magazine special advertising sections Advertising brand constellations Marketing tourism services VENUE TARGET Hotels groups, corporations Tour operators singles & couples, alumni associations Transportation passengers, charters Attractions local residents, day visitors, schools Hospitality industry Non-serviced - furnished units, hostels, flathotels Serviced - luxury hotels & resorts, spas Image management Sales force Advertising Editorials, travel television Spa market Stand alone or hotel affiliated Club spas Day spas Resort & hotel spas Other spas Accommodations Kids market Timeshares Rating systems Internet booking sites Transportation industry Cruise ships Homeport packaging Niche cruises Destination brand ports Packaged tours Standardized Price guarantees Convenience Accessibility to consumers Image and branding in brochures High standards , sense of security All-inclusive Transportation & accommodations packaged in advance Accommodations with optional transport; hotels & attractions marketed together Hybrid or modular packages on short notice Capadoccia, Turkey: Star Wars film set Eco-tourism Marketed to niche traveler Benefits to host country Educational Works towards sustainable development: - philosophy for healthy balance between tourists and local resources Questions How should a travel agency identify prospective buyers for eco-tours? What resources are available to a destination marketer to brand a place? What combination of inputs and financial support provide a successful marketing effort? What is the image of ‘brand America’? What aspects of the US contribute to the global audiences’ perception of the country? How can the US brand be redefined to improve this image?