Download Part 2: Identify the producers and consumers in your

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Name: _____________________________________________________________________ Period: ________
Build a Biome Project
Due Friday, November 7th
Part 1: Choose your biome.
My biome is__________________________.
Coastal Desert
Hot Desert
Tropical Forest
Temperate Forest
Alpine or Artic Tundra
What kind of climate does your biome have? Explain using sentences.
Part 2: Identify the producers and consumers in your biome.
List 3-5 producers that are found in your biome.
Fill in the chart below. You need to find 2 herbivores, 2 carnivores, 1 omnivore, and 1 carnivore that is at the
top of the food chain.
Organism’s Name
Primary consumer (herbivore)
Primary consumer (herbivore)
Secondary consumer (carnivore)
Secondary consumer (carnivore)
Secondary consumer (omnivore)
Tertiary consumer (carnivore)
What does this organism eat?
Which animals are classified as predators?
Which animals are classified as prey?
Part 3: Create your biome.
Choose 1 of the 3 options to create your biome.
Option 1: Shoebox Model
Create a shoebox model of your
biome. It must include:
 Consumers and producers
of that biome. Be sure you
label EACH producer and
consumer and write the
species name.
 It needs to show the food
web that exists there,
beginning with the
producers. Show how it
links together!
 Label the predators and
 Attach an energy pyramid
by selecting 1 food chain to
focus on.
Option 2: Ecosystem Poster
Create a poster with pictures of
what your biome looks like. It
needs to include:
 Images of the biome, either
drawn or printed. Be sure it is
an accurate representation of
your biome’s climate and
 A food web with consumers
and producers labeled and
species name.
 Label the predators and prey.
 An energy pyramid (select 1
food chain to focus on.)
Option 3: Travel Brochure
Create a brochure for a travel
agency. The brochure needs to
 A description of the climate the
types of animals and plants
that exist in your biome.
 A food web with consumers
and producers labeled and
species name.
 An energy pyramid (select 1
food chain to focus on.)
 Make sure to include pictures!
Your Food Web must include:
 3-5 producers
 2-3 primary consumers (herbivores)
 1-2 secondary consumers (omnivores and/or carnivores)
 At least 1 tertiary consumer (top carnivore)
Your Energy Pyramid only needs to be drawn from one link of your food web. Make sure your food chain is
representative of your biome!! Your energy pyramid needs to be colored, neat, and label the species name
and their energy role (producer, primary consumer, secondary consumer, tertiary consumer, etc.)
Part 4: Natural Disaster Article.
A natural disaster has occurred in your biome! Choose one of the following to be your natural disaster:
 Hurricane
 Earthquake
 Tornado
 Drought
Now write an article about how the natural disaster affects the different species in your biome. It needs to be
1 page, typed, 12-point font.
 What happened to your biome when the natural disaster occurred?
 Discuss the different species that were affected and how they were affected.
 How does this impact the rest of the ecosystem in your biome?
 How will each species respond to the impact? (Will they survive? Will they be forced to move?)