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Download 第III部分:种群生态学
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第II部分:种群生态学 ( Population Ecology) Population种群:A group of individuals of a single species inhabiting a specific area.居住在特定区域的某种生物所有个体) 第5章Population Distribution and abundance 种群分布与数量 Environment limits the geographic distribution of species On small scales, individuals within populations are distributed in patterns that may be random, regular, or clumped On large scales, individuals within populations are clumped Population density declines with increasing organism size 9.1 Distribution Limits Environment limits the geographic distribution of species (1)Kangaroo Distributions and Climate 大袋鼠 灰袋鼠 红袋鼠 澳洲三种袋鼠的分布与气候的关系 (2) A Tiger Beetle of Cold Climates During the last glacial period, C. longilabris lived far south of its present range limits. Then with climate warming and the retreat of the glaciers, the beetles followed their preferred climate northward and up in elevation into the mountains of western NM. C. longilabris confined to cool environments Physiological ecology: (续) Water loss rates (水分散失率), metabolic rates (代谢速率) 分 开 一 万 年 Body temperature preference (体温偏好) , et al. The studies show that environmental limits may be stable for long periods of time and across an extensive geographic range Uniform temperature preference across an extensive geographic range (3)Distributions of plants along a moisture-temperature gradient(梯度) 夏季叶密被毛, 反射约40% 无毛被, 反射约15% 叶面光滑 略被毛, 反射约26% The humidity declines, but temperature increases The distribution of four Encelia species in southwestern North America (续) E. farinose and E. frutescens are overlapped in distribution. Though they have different densities of pubescent leaves, they have similar leaf temperatures. How can that be? Light absorption by leaves of Encelia (续) Losing heat by transpiration(蒸腾降温) needs more water Smooth leaves Temperature regulation and distributions of E. farinosa and E. frutescens (4) Distributions of Barnacles (藤壶) along an intertidal(潮间) exposure gradient Why does Chthamalus stay at higher levels if it survives well at the lower? ? Distributions of two barnacle (藤壶)species within the inter-tidal zone (续) Vulnerability to Desiccation(干燥)? Yes. But it is enough? Chthamalus survives very well in the lower zone. But why not? larvae adults 上潮间带藤壶的死亡率 9.2 Patterns on Small Scales On small scales, individuals within populations are distributed in patterns that may be random, regular, or clumped Small scale:areas over which there is little environmental change significant to the organism under study. Large scale: areas over which there is substantial environmental change. Scale ! (1) Three distribution patterns on small scales 随机 均匀 聚集 (a)Distribution of tropical bee colonies (蜜蜂群) Bees: Stingless bees (Trigonalydae) in tropical dry forest in Cost Rica Habits: Feeding pollen and nectar; nesting on trees; some species are highly aggressive and foraging in groups, while others are not. question:Is there a relationship between aggressiveness and colony distribution pattern ? Research methods: (i) Mapping distributions of trees suitable for nesting, and then (ii) mapping nests. Results: (b) Distribution of desert shrubs 荒漠灌木的空间分布 Regular, Random, Clumped, or Both? Are local population of the creosote (木馏油)distributed regularly? (续) & MacMahon (1981): Phillips 续 Methods: Competition belowground? Excavating(挖) roots, and then mapping them. Conclusion: The competition influences the distribution. Creosote bush root distributions: hypothetical versus actual root overlap (1994) 9.3 Distribution on large scales (1) Geographic range sizes Most of species are distributed in small areas, while only a few in large areas. (2) Range size and abundance A positive relationship 9.4 Organism size and population density (1) Animal size and density J. Damuth (1981): 307 herbivorous mammals from as small as 10g in a small mice to as large as 106 g rhino, Negative correlation Body size and population density of herbivorous (植食性)mammals(哺乳动物) (i)overall pattern: negative correlation between S and D (ii)Aquatic invertebrates tend to have higher densities than terrestrial invertebrates. (iii) Mammals tend to have higher densities than birds Animal size and population density (2) Plant size and Density White(1985)found a similar relationship between plant size and density in plants as that in animals. 浮萍 红树 The value of such relationships? Plant size and population density 9.5 Factors that Limit Distributions 限制分布的因素 Temperature, Moisture, and Other Physical Factors Dispersal Distribution Habitat Selection Interrelations with other species 9.6 Methods for Analyzing Distributions (1) Transplant (移植) Experiments Liebig’s Law of the Minimum (李比希最小因子定律):the rate of any biological process is limited by the factor in least amount relative to requirements. 低于某生物需要的最小量的 任何特定因子,是决定该种生物生存和分布的关键因素。 移植存活 实际分布区 潜在分布区 (2)Physiological Ecology Shelford’s Law of Tolerance (Shelford耐受性定律):The distribution of a species will be controlled by that environmental factor for which the organism has the narrowest range of tolerance. 物种的分布范围受忍耐性最窄的环境因子限制 (3)Adaptation 适应性 (i) A process of genetic change in a population whereby, as a result of natural selection, the average state of a character becomes improved with reference to a specific function, or whereby a population is thought to have become better suited to some feature of its environment. (ii) Also, an adaptation: a feature that has become prevalent in a population because of a selective advantage conveyed by that feature in the improvement in some function. 剪谷颖 (4)Habitat Selection 生境选择 寻觅寄主 找到寄主 交配 评价寄主 羽化 产卵 结茧 爬出幼虫 卵和幼虫发育 迁徙鸟的生 境选择 Applications: Rarity and Extinction (稀有和绝灭) ? Three factors Geographic range: extensive restricted Habitat tolerance: broad narrow Large small Local population size: Most common Rarest 7 combinations – rarity; 1 combination - common 思考题 1. 假设你在沙漠中发现了一种新蜥蜴,如何描述它的生境? 如何研究其生境范围? 2. 环境结构(如土壤类型和土壤湿度的分布)对植物的分 布格局有何影响?植物间的相互作用是如何影响其分布 格局的? 3. 有2种植物,一种是以种籽繁殖的,种籽随风传播;另 一种无性繁殖,靠枝蔓发芽繁殖。这两种繁殖方式对其 分布格局有何影响? 课堂作业 选择2个坐标图,概括出其所表达的结果或结论。