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Biomes are classified according
• Rain dictates Plants. Plants dictate Animals
• Plants want to maximize photosynthesis
– Big leaves
• Plants want to retain water and control temp.
– Small leaves, needles
– Waxy coating
4 Plant Types
1. Succulents
• Fleshy plants with modified leaves (spines), photosynthesize in
stems, store water in flesh.
• Where: dry, sunny enviros
2. Broadleaf evergreens
• Large leaves to capture as much sunlight as possible; keep leaves
all year.
• Where: tropical rainforests
3. Broadleaf Deciduous
• Large leaves to capture sunlight; lose leaves in dry, cold winters.
• Where: temperate (seasonal) areas.
4. Coniferous Evergreens
• Small, needle-like leaves; maintain leaves all year; waxy to
prevent water loss.
• Where: cold winters; brief summers.
• Biome – region that is characterized by climate, vegetation,
and animals that inhabit the area
• Climate – average precipitation and temperature of an area
• Altitude – height above sea level
• Latitude – distance from the equator
• Brackish – a mixture of fresh and salt water
• Permafrost – frozen layer beneath the topsoil
• Succulent – plants that store water in thick, fleshy tissue of
stems, usually have no leaves (ex. Cacti)
• Coniferous – cone-bearing plants that keep needles all year
• Deciduous – plants that shed their leaves to survive seasons
• Characteristics
– less than 10 inches rain/year
• Human Threats
– Long time to recover from disturbance due to slow plant growth, low
diversity, lack of water, & slow nutrient cycling.
– Overpopulation by new cities
– Recreationists destroy landscape; crush underground burrows
– Salinization of soil due to farming
– Depletion of groundwater
– Mining/Oil extraction
– Nuclear testing (Manhattan Project)
Desert Adaptations
• Waxy coating
• Deep taproot or wide
shallow roots
• Fleshy stem, spiny
• Small
• Nocturnal; hide
during the day
• Thick outer coverings
• Conserve water;
kangaroo rat
– Get moisture
from seeds
– Characteristics
• 10 inches rain/year (falls as snow)
• Dark winters; 24-hr sunlight in summer
• Permafrost = permanently frozen soil
– Human Impacts
• Most fragile biome on Earth due to slow growth & lack
of biodiversity
• Oil exploration
– Plant Adaptations
• No trees
• Knee height or lower to
survive winds
• Grow very quickly (3
months max)
– Animal Adaptations
• Migration (caribou, birds)
• Extremely thick fur,
huddle for winter
• Seasonal camouflage
Temperate Grasslands (prairie)
• Characteristics
Low to moderate precipitation
Precipitation limits plants to mostly perennial grasses.
Seasonal temperatures
Drought, fires, & grazing prevents most trees/bushes from growing.
• Human Impacts
– Conversion to croplands; deserts by accident
• Burning & plowing; contribute to CO2
• Dust storms in times of drought
– Overgrazing
Tropical Grassland (savanna)
• Characteristics
– Warm all year
– Dry & wet seasons
– Africa and Australia
• Human Threats
– Poaching
– Fires
Plant Adaptations
– Perennial grasses grow
from base of plant
– Thick mats of deep roots
maintain soils
• Prairies = most fertile
soil in the world
Animal Adaptations
– Large populations of
grazing herbivores
Tropical Rainforest
• Characteristics
– Evergreen broadleaf trees
– ~ 100 inches rain/year
– Greatest biodiversity on planet
• Human Impact
– Deforestation (clear cutting, fires)
– Farming lasts 5-10 years (soils are poor)
Tropical Rain forest
• Plants
– Grow in layers
– Drip-tips
– Above ground roots
– Vines – to compete for
– Minimal ground litter due to
quick nutrient cycling
– Soil quality is poor
– Greatest biodiversity on
– Bright colors for warning
– Live in layers to reduce
• Characteristics
– Evergreen cone-bearing trees
– Cold winters, cool summers with very short growing
• Human Impact
– Logging & mining
• Plant
– Tee-pee shape to prevent
snow damage
– Small, waxy leaves
– Photosynthesize all year
– Thick bark to prevent freezing
– EX: spruce, fir, pine, &
– Minimal understory due to
acidic soil and slow
• Animal
– Hibernation
– Migration
– Thick fur
Temperate Deciduous Forest
• Characteristics
– Deciduous broadleaf trees
– Seasonal temperatures with moderate precipitation
• Human Impact
– Greatest human population on Earth
– 99% of original forests have been cleared in N. America
Deciduous Forest
• Animal
– Migration
– Thick fur
– Ex: black bears, deer,
squirrels, birds
• Plant
– Trees lose leaves in winter
and drought
• EX: maple & oak
– Canopy not as blocking as TRF
– Soil is rich due to annual
decomposition of fallen
Aquatic “Biomes” are determined by
the salinity of the water
open sea
coast line
coral reef
coastal marsh
mangrove swamp
coastal wetlands
1. Lakes & Ponds
2. Flowing Streams
3. Inland wetlands
- warm, nutrient rich
- land to continental shelf
- covered at high tide, exposed at low tide
- 10% of ocean area but 90% of species
- connect with estuaries
- protects land
- where fresh & salt water meet (brackish)
- streams flow into ocean
- lots of nutrients available
- good breeding ground for organisms
- warm tropical coasts with an overabundance of silt (sediment & nutrients)
- 55 species of salt-tolerant trees & shrubs
- can be rocky or sandy (barrier)
• Found in shallow coastal zones of warm
tropical & sub-tropical oceans
• Underwater populations of polyps (animals
similar to jellyfish) that secrete limestone
• Most productive ALZ
• Divided into 3 zones, depending on the
amount of sunlight EUPHOTIC
• Phytoplankton - major photosynthesizers
Inland Wetlands
• Lands covered with water all or part of the
year (excluding streams, lakes, swamps)
• Examples include:
1. marshes (herbaceous plants)
2. prairie potholes (seasonal)
3. swamps (tress & shrubs)
4. mudflats
5. bogs
• Arctic soils are wet and nutrient rich. So why
are there no trees in the Arctic, and why are the
plants there so close to the ground?
• Why don’t desert plants such as cacti have
• Why do trees in most forests found in both the
warm tropics and in cold areas such as Canada
and Sweden keep their leaves year-round,
whereas most trees in temperate forests lose
their leaves in winter?