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Reading Project
Where the Lilies Bloom
Second Period
Mrs. Kathy Boren
Grade 8
• Historically, the black root
of wild indigo was used to
make blue dye as well as
to treat several types of
infections, including those
affecting the mouth and
gums, lymph nodes,
throat, and ulcers.1 In the
past, wild indigo was
used to treat more
severe infections, such
as typhus.
• The rhizomes have a long
history as a medicine among
Native North American tribes.
They used to gather the
rhizomes in the autumn, dry
them and grind them to a
powder. They would eat or
drink a brew of the powder as a
laxative or to get rid of
intestinal worms. The powder
was also used as a poultice to
treat warts and tumorous
growths on the skin
• The herb passion flower is
one of nature's best
tranquilizers. Passion
Flower relieves muscle
tension and other
manifestations of extreme
anxiety. The herb is
especially good for
nervous insomnia - the
kind that keeps you lying
in bed worrying until the
late hours
• Prolific cream flowers
with delightful sweet
aroma and sweet
muscatel grape
flavour. Add to salads,
punches, fruit
compote, muffin mix,
corn fritters, cordials,
jellies, champagne.
: Catnip tea, made preferably from the
fresh cut herb, makes an excellent cure
for insomnia and hyperactivity. Add
honey for flavor. Also is very good for
reducing fevers, the miseries of
hayfever, and nausea. A small, honey
sweetened cup of warm tea is good for
calming hyperactive kids. Rural
residents of the Ozark have used
mashed fresh catnip leaves as a crude
poultice to relieve the pain of aching
teeth and gums almost instantly.
A strong, cooled catnip tea can be
effectively used as a eyewash to relieve
inflammation and swelling due to
certain airborne allergies, flu and cold
and excess alcoholic consumption.
• It is common knowledge
to most of us that sassafras
was used as a spring tonic
and blood thinner
• The roots, bark, and leaves
of the sassafras have a
spicy scent and the oils
extracted from them have
been used in soap making
and in flavoring drinks,
such as sassafras tea.
• In the Cashew Family
• Cultivated for its green flowers and brilliantly colored leaves.
• The result of contact with one of these plants is a red, bumpy skin rash,
usually on areas of the body where the skin is thinnest, like the arms,
shins and face
• There may be swelling near the rash
• side effects:
 insomnia,
 nervousness or irritability,
 stomach upset, or
 weight gain.
• Poison sumac is found in some of the wooded swamps of southern
Ontario and southern Quebec
• It is a tall shrub or small tree with 6-12 leaflets arranged in pairs, and
an additional single leaflet at the end of the midrib
Blue Cohosh Roots
• An excellent uterine tonic that may be used in any situation where
there is a weakness or loss of tone
• Blue Cohosh just before birth will help ensure an easy delivery
• It has a reputation for easing rheumatic pain. recommends it for the
following situations: chronic uterined isorders, amenorrhoea,
dysmenorrhoea, scarlet fever, to prolong gestation, to increase strength
of contractions in labor, as a partus preparator, to prevent premature
delivery, hysteria, ovarian irritation, bronchitis, pneumonitis &
whooping cough.
• Preparations & Dosage : Decoction: put l teaspoonful of the dried
root in a cup of water, bring to the boil and simmer for l0 minutes. This
should be drunk three times a day. Tincture: take 0.5-2ml of the
tincture three times a day.
Black Haw
• It is a powerful relaxant of the uterus and is used for dysmenorrhoea,
false labour pains as well as in threatened miscarriage
• . It may be used as an anti-spasmodicin the treatment of asthma.
• Specific Indications and Uses - Uterine irritability and hyperasthesia;
threatened abortion; uterine colic; dysmenorrhoea with deficient
menses; severe lumbar and bearing-down pains; cramp-like, expulsive
menstrual pain; intermittent, painful contractions of the pelvic tissues;
after-pains and false pains of pregnancy; obstinate hiccough."
• Its principal use at the present day is in disorders of the female organs
of reproduction
• Preparations & Dosage : Decoction: put 2 teaspoonfuls of the dried
bark in a cup of water, bring to the boil and simmer for l0 minutes.
This should be drunk three times a day.
Fringe tree Bark
• This valuable herb may be safely used in all liver problems, especially when they
have developed into jaundice
• It is a specific for the treatment of gall-bladder inflammation and a valuable part of
treating gall-stones
• specific indications : Duodenal catarrh, hepatic torpor, catarrhal jaundice, gallstones.
Alimentary glycosuria. Pancreatic disease & glandular disorders. Chronic disease of
• considered it specific for "the liver. It is a remedy for hepatic engorgement; jaundice
more or less pronounced; pain over the region of the gall-bladder; pain in the
epigastrium; pain radiating from the navel over the abdomen; soreness in the region
of the liver, extending to the umbilicus; enlargement of the of the liver, determined
by percussion; nausea; occasional vomiting; constipation with dry faeces,
temperature slightly above normal; skin usually yellow."
• Preparations & Dosage : Infusion: pour a cup of boiling water onto l-2
teaspoonfuls of the bark and leave to infuse for l0-l5 minutes. This should be drunk
Boneset Herbs
• Family: Asteracea
Herbaceous perennial. Native to southern and
Eastern United States. Large and showy,
bearing masses of long-lived white flowers.
Dried leaf and flowering tops may be made into
a tea or tincture to treat colds and flu, especially
when there is an alternating chill and fever.
When Echinacea fails, the second line of
defense is Boneset.
Red Clover Flowers
• This perrinial plant
gives you red or
purple flowers shaped
like a ball and can
grow up to 18 in. Red
clover is rich in
phytoestrogens so it
will help to bring the
body’s hormone into
better balance.
• Red clover acts as an
antibiotic and is very
good for bacterial
infections, kidney
problems, and liver
disease. Red clover
may help prevent
cancer, HIV, and Aids.
• Hydrongea is the common name for some
deciduous and evergreen shrubs.
Hydrangeas are native to Asia and the
Americas. The wild Hydrangea of the
Eastern U. S. is a shrub, growing up to 10
feet high, that bears white flowers in round
cluster. The showier Hydrangeas are
cultivated Asian species that produce white,
blue or pink flowers in round or flat
• The Hellebore is known to be very exotic
on all its parts and it decreases the heart rate
along with decreasing the blood pressure
and depresses the central nervous system.
Commonly known as a part of the buttercup
family. Native to Eurasia. Green Hellebore
produces yellow flowers in late winter and
early spring, also known as the Christmas
Native to the central, southern and
eastern United States. Diminutive
plant with white flowers spotted
with light blue which give way to
the characteristic “inflated”
seedpods. Lobelia is an almost
indispensable anti-spasmodic and
expectorant when combined with
other, more soothing herbs (like
Mullein) in cough preparations. A
vinegar extraction of the seed is
commonly used, and can cause the
impressive expulsion of thick, ropy
mucous from sinuses and bronchii.
*The juice of hemlock was
frequently administered to
*Hemlock is a tall, much
branched and gracefully growing
plant, with elegantly-cut foliage
and white flowers.
*The entire plant has a bitter taste
and possesses a disagreeable
mousy odour
*this was the fatal poison which
Socrates was condemned to drink
*Different locations of Balsam
produce different effects.
*Some of these uses are skin
disease, cough vapor,urinary tract
diseases heart stimulant and an
*White Balsam leaves can be
used as a sedative.
White Pine
• *Expectorant,demulce
remedy for
l effect on bladder and
• *Habitat:Northern US
from Georgia to
• *Part used: leaves
• *Medical Uses: Tonic.
Stimulant, astringent,
• Have sharp scales, they need
to be avoided
• Color- reddish to olive brown
• Older trees become black and
fissured “cornflake” bark
• Grows in non-extreme soil
• Grows in many different areas
• Good wood is used for
furniture and paneling, bitter
cherries are used in jelly and
alcoholic beverages, the bark
is used to make cough syrup
and sometimes used a
The Lady Slipper
is in bloom from April until June.
It is found from Nova Scotia to the Southland's
They boiled the extract of
of Alabama and
the root to calm nerve
westward to
disorders. During the 19th
Missouri and
century, American
Minnesota. It is
doctors prescribed the
part of the orchid
root for hysteria,
family. The
delirium, headaches,
American Indians
epilepsy, neuralgia,
used it as
muscle spasms and
• The root is used for medicine for poor
digestion and skin condidtions.
•It is found all throughout America.
•It has a long history of uses and as an
alteratvie. Alterive herbs have non-specific
effects on the gastrointestinal tract and the
liver. As a result it helps to treat skin
conditions cause by poor liver function.
•The side effects are mild diarrhea or loose
stools in some people.
Before Marshmallows were used as candy it was
used as a medicine to soothe sore throats and coughs.
The leaves and the light pink flowers of the
marshmallows contained a gooey substance called
mucilage. The mucilage soothes sore throats and helps
stop coughing. Doctors in the 19th century made candy
medicine out of the marshmallow plants to soothes
peoples sore throts.
Skunk Cabbage
Habitat: Swamps, bogs, seepage areas,
and very moist depressions in woods.
The first flower to bloom in late
winter, as early as late January. Skunk
cabbage produces heat which melts the
surrounding snow or ice in order to
produce a flower. (The skunk cabbage
produces heat by uncoupling oxidative
phosphorylation from the electron
transport system. Thus, the
temperature might be as high as 60o F,
regardless if the air/ground
temperature is below freezing).
, common name for about 20 mostly creeping
but also erect herb species of the genus
Anagallis, of the primrose family, and found
nearly worldwide. The scarlet pimpernel, A.
arvensis, is a small, spreading annual native
to Europe and now found in North America. It
grows in fields as a weed, reaching from 6 to
30 cm (2.7 to 12 in) in height, and has red,
pink, or blue bell-shaped flowers 6 mm (0.2 in)
wide. The flowers close at the approach of rain
and open in bright sunshine; therefore, the
plant has been called shepherd's barometer
and poor man's weatherglass. The blue
pimpernel, A. monelli, is abundant in parts of
Europe. The bog pimpernel, A. tenella, is
common in bogs in England.
The ointment known as the
"Balm of Gilead" comes
from a kind of balsam
poplar. A balsam is a fir
tree, but a popular is a
deciduous tree. In ancient
times the healing
properties of the "Balm of
Gilead" were known
throughout the world. The
Balm is described from
antiquity as being a 'rare,
fragrant and intoxicating
unguent'. Its properties to
heal wounds bordered on
the miraculous. It was
extremely valuable and
Description: Small scrub or a
arbolilo caducifolio that can
reach up to 8 meters in height,
with simple leaves elliptical to
oblong, 4-6 cm in length and
1, 5-3 cm in width. Cleared
base; margin finely sawed in
the superior part. White
flowers appearing before the
leaves the measure 6-8 mm in
diameter and they are ranged
in turgid. Fruit of around 6mm
of diameter.Original species in
East of North America.