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Lecture 3
Cultivation plants in Ukraine
as.- prof. Kernychna I.Z.
Cultivated plant taxonomy is the
study of the theory and practice of the
science that identifies, describes,
classifies, and names cultigens—those
plants whose origin or selection is
primarily due to intentional human
activity. Cultivated plant taxonomists
do, however, work with all kinds of
plants in cultivation.
Linen family (Linaceae)
Flax (Linum usitatissimum) is
annual grassy plant with the
simple lanceolate leaves located
by turns. Flowers are
actinomorphic, bisexual, with a
blue 5-membership chaplet. A
fruit is a small сapsule with
brilliant brown seed which
accumulate butters and mucus.
Active ingredients: mucilage.
Uses: seed as
protectivum,emollins and
laxans means.
is a species indigenous
to Africa, which is used as a
medical plant and
ornamental plant.
The leaves, flowers
and the root
have medicinal properties.
It is deciduous
shrub with simple
pinnate leaves.
The flowers are
borne in corymbs;
each flower is
white with five
petals. The fruit is
a small nigra
(ARONIA – Aronia
Uses: The fruit –
antisclerotic, vitamin
Valeriana officinalis
It is a grassy perennial
with vertical rhizomes,
additional roots and
specific smell.
Active ingredients:
rhizome and root contain
essential oil, organic
USES: root and rhizome as
a sedative means,
spasmolyticum mean.
Liqurice or sweet
root (Glycyrrhiza
Liqurice or sweet root
(Glycyrrhiza glabra) is a
grassy perennial with pinnately
compound leaves, covered by
grandular hairs. Has the well
developed rhizome and roots.
Flowers are violet, collected in
raceme. The fruit is an oblong
pod, 2–3 centimetres (about 1
inch) long, containing several
Active ingredients: root and
rhizome contain flavonoid,
USES: root and rhizome as a
expectorans, spasmolyticum
Datúra stramónium - THORNAPPLE
•Datura has long been used
as an extremely effective
for asthma symptoms. The
active anti-asthmatic agent
is atropine, which causes
paralysis of the pulmonary
branches of the lungs,
eliminating the spasms that
cause the asthma attacks.
•Uses: herbs and leaves.
Viburnum opulus –
Snowball tree
•deciduous shrub and s
an ornamental plant growing
to 4–5 m tall. The leaves are
opposite, three-lobed.
•cultivated as a component of
hedgerows, cover plantings,
and as part of other
naturalistic plantings in its
native regions
Dog rose
(Rosa canina)
• It is the shrub
with small thorns.
The leavers are
pinnate, with 5-7
leaflets. Usually
the flowers are
white. They have
five petals, and
mature into an
oval red-orange
fruit, or hip.
The fruit has a
five-angle space
on the apex
There is a round
hole on the apex
of fruit
Uses: hip as
illness, anemia
Cinnamon rose
(Rósa majális)
PURPLE CONEFLOWER – Echinacea purpurea
Is a native perennial plant growing
to 1 or 2 m in height. The root
system is fibrous and has short
woody rhizomes.The stems have
small purple streaks and scattered
white hairs. Leaves are alternate or
opposite. They are broadly
lanceolate, lanceolate, or ovate,
with widely spaced teeth along the
margins. The upper surface of the
leaves is often dark green and has
sparse white hairs. The flowers are
a composite inflorescence, with
purple (rarely yellow or white)
florets arranged in a prominent,
somewhat cone-shaped head —
Uses: roots, herbs and
inflorescence. Echinacea is
popular as immunostimulator.
Pot marigold
Calendula is annual or perennial herbaceous
plants The leaves are spirally arranged,
simple, and slightly hairy. The flower
heads range from pastel yellow to deep
orange with both ray florets and disc
florets. They have a spicy aroma and are
produced from spring to autumn in
temperate climates.
Calendula is easily grown from seed and may
be sown directly in the garden from early
spring on into summer, with plenty of time
left to get a good harvest of flowers.
Tolerant of poor soils, calendula will grow
in partial shade or full sun. The plant
requires regular watering. Sometimes
known as “pot marigold,” calendula is
easily grown in pots on the doorstep or in
window boxes. Keep weeded and thin to 6
inches to 1 foot apart. The first flowers
are produced only 40 to 50 days after
seed germination.
• Uses: flowers as antiphlogisticum,
advulnans, bactericidum,
hypotencivum means.
Common Chamomile – Chamomilla recutita
Chamomilla is an erect annual, up to
60cm in height, with wispy 2-3 pinnate
leaves and terminal peduncles
supporting single flowerheads. Yellow
tubular florets without membranous
bracts are implanted on a raised and
hollow receptacle. This is surrounded
by a single row of white ligulate florets.
Uses: flowers head as antiinflammatory, spasmolytic, vulnerary,
antimicrobial, mild sedative,
carminative (вітрогінний), antiseptic,
Elecampane or Horse-heal also called Wild Sunflower
(Inula helenium )
It is a perennial composite plant.
It is a rather rigid herb, the stem
of which attains a height of from
3 to 5 m. The root is thick,
branching and has a warm, bitter
taste. The leaves are large and
toothed, the flowers are yellow
and have many rays, each threenotched at the extremity.
Uses:root and rhizome as
stimulating expectorant, diaphoretic,
digestive tonic, relaxant, warming,
bacteriostatic, stomachic means.
Dwarf Everlast - Helichrysum
Grassy perennial plants with a
short dark-brown woody
rhizome. Stem is straight.
Leaves next lancet-linear, feltcovered. Lower leaves are
oblong. Flowers are shallow,
tubular, orange or yellow in
the numerous spherical small
baskets collected in
corymbose panicles.
Uses: An infusion of
the bright yellow flowers is
used in the treatment of gall
bladder disorders and as a
diuretic in treating rheumatism
and cystitis.
Mary Thistle - Silybum
Silybum marianum is a milk
thistle. This fairly typical thistle
has red to purple flowers and
shiny pale green leaves with
white veins. The medicinal
parts of the plant are the ripe
•Uses:in cases of liver
diseases (cirrhosis, jaundice
and hepatitis), gallbladder
disease, and is claimed to
protect the liver against
The Globe Artichoke (Cynara
• Uses: leaves, flowers.
Main actions (in order):
liver and gallbladder bile
hepatoprotective (liver
antihepatotoxic (liver
(lowers cholesterol). The
cokeed artichoke use in
Common Lavander
(Lavándula angustifólia)
is perennial evergreen hemi-shrub
growing to about 60 cm tall
with aromatic smell. Stem is
branching. Leaves are opposite,
narrowly linear, green-grey,
covered hairs. Flowers are blueviolet, collected in whorls of 48, and arranged in terminal
interrupted spikes. Corolla is
distinctly 2-lipped. Fruits are
Active ingredients: essential oil,
Uses: flowers and herb for treating
migraines and nervous
disorders, as sedative.
Wild Majoram
(Oríganum vulgáre)
is perennial grassy plant, growing
to about 50 cm tall with much
branched stem. Leaves are
opposite, ovate, short-stalked.
Flowers are pink,
collected in corymb-like panicles.
Corolla is 2-lipped.
Fruits are nutlets.
Active ingredients:
essential oil, flavonoids.
Uses: herb for treating loss of
appetite, digestive problems.
In homeopathy – for treating
female sexual disorders.
Further uses: for flavour
foods, in tea.
Lemon Balm
(Melíssa officinális)
is perennial grassy plant,
growing to about 80 cm tall
with aromatic lemon smell.
Leaves are opposite, oval, stalked,
with toothed margin.
Flowers are yellowish-white,
collected in whorls of 3-6,
and arranged in interrupted spikes. ,
and arranged in interrupted spikes.
Corolla is weakly 2-lipped.
Fruits are nutlets.
Active ingredients:
essential oil, flavonoids.
Uses: herb as
sedative, anti-depressant.
(Méntha piperíta)
is perennial grassy plant, growing
to about 80 cm tall with violet-tinged
stems and aromatic smell.
Leaves are opposite, narrowly ovate,
stalked, with toothed margin.
Flowers are pinkish-violet,
collected in whorls of 4–8,
and arranged in terminal interrupted
spikes. Corolla is weakly 2-lipped.
Fruits are nutlets.
Active ingredients: essential
oil, flavonoids.
Uses: leaves and herb
for treating nausea, stomach,
intestinal and liver disorders,
as mildly anesthetic and sedative.
(Salvia officinalis)
is perennial decidoues hemi-shrub
growing to about 70 cm tall
with aromatic smell.
Active ingredients: essential oil,
tannins, bitters.
Uses: leaves as anti-septic
for treating mouth and throat
infection, as anti-perspirant
Purple Foxglove
(Digitális purpúrea)
is biennial or perennial grassy
plant to 150 cm tall with upright
stem, covered with hairs. Leaves
are lanceolate, wrinkled. Lower
leaves are stalked, forming a
rosette, upper leaves unstalked.
Flowers are zygomorphic, with 2lobed margins, pink or purple,
with dark spots inside, collected
in raceme. Fruit is capsule.
Active ingredients: cardiac
glycosides (poisonous!)
Uses: leaves – for strengthen weak
(Digitális lanáta) – with
yellowish flowers and brownish
veins. Lower lip is pale-pink.
Greater Plantain (Plantágo májor)
The Plantain Family
is perennial grassy plant to
40 cm tall with upright unbranched stem.
Leaves are oval, with strong
arc-shaped veins, collected in basal rosette.
Flowers are little, yellow-green,
collected in spike. Fruit is capsule.
Test questions (KROK - 2)
Plant medicine «Salvin» is used as astringent, antiinflammatory and antimicrobial agent. What
medicinal plant material should be used for
manufacturing of the drug?
• A.*Sage leaves
• B. Sylvan horstail herb
• C. Common horstail herb (Equisetum),
• D. Peppermint leaves
• E. Motherwort herb
During the butch quality analysis of the plant material it was
determined that it consists of whole inflorescences which have a
form of heads up to 5 cm in diameter, with peduncules up to 3 cm
long, ligulate and tubular florets of more intense orange-yellow
colour; poorly fragrant odour, salted-bitter taste. It can be
concluded that the material comprises the flowers of:
• A. *Pot Marigold
• B. Chamomile
• C. Hawthorn
• D. Lily of the valley
• E. Linden
A pharmaceutical factory received a medicinal plant
material coneflower [Echinacea purpurea] rhizomes for
manufacturing of tincture. What action does the
medicine exhibit?
• A. *Immunostimulant
• B. Expectorant
• C. Purgative (cathartic)
• D. Cardiotonic
• E. Enterosorbic
A pharmaceutical factory received a medicinal plant material
coneflower [Echinacea purpurea] rhizomes for manufacturing of
tincture. What action does the medicine exhibit?
• A. *Immunostimulant
• B. Expectorant
• C. Purgative (cathartic)
• D. Cardiotonic
• E. Enterosorbic
The medicinal plant material „Valerian rhizome and roots" is
collected in a phase of:
• A. * Dying out of aerial part
• B. Budding
• C. Beginning of blossoming
• D. Complete blossoming
• E. Fruiting