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University of Winnipeg
Plant Reproduction
Topic # 2022
Mr. Christensen
Pearson College
Asexual Reproduction
• Asexual reproduction is the formation of
new individuals from the cell(s) of a single
• It is common in plants, less so in animals.
Plant Asexual Reproduction
• Above ground Stems arch over and take
root at the tips, forming new plants
(Forsythia, Raspberry and Strawberry)
• Horizontal above ground stems are called
Plant Asexual Reproduction
• Underground stems that serve for food
storage and reproduction. Rhizomes, bulbs,
corms and tubers
Quackgrass Rhizomes
Irises and day lilies
Jeruasalem Artichoke, potato (tuber)
Plant Asexual Reproduction
Amaryllis Bulb
Gladiolus Corm
Pearson College
Plant Asexual Reproduction
• Leaves—Mitosis along the meristems at the
leaf margins produce tiny plantlets that fall
off and can take up an independent
Pearson College
Plant Asexual Reproduction
• Roots—Plants can send up stems from their
roots to reproduce. Dandelion, Poplar,
California Pictures
Plant Asexual Reproduction
• Plant Propagation—Deliberate
propagation by asexual means to
keep particularly desirable traits.
Grafting removal of a twig
(scion) from a desired plant and
inserting it into a notch of a cut
stump (stock plant).
University of Arizona
Plant Asexual Reproduction
• Cuttings—Using stems, leaves or roots of
plants for asexual reproduction.
Pearson College
Plant Sexual Reproduction
• Sexual Reproduction—Sperm carried in
the pollen from the male part of a flower
fuses with the egg in the female part of the
Plant Sexual Reproduction
• Pollination—Transfer of pollen from the
male to the female part of the plant.
• Self-Pollination—Pollen of a plant
pollinates a flower of the same plant (only
some plants can do this, apple trees for
example cannot)
University of the Western Cape
University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
Plant Sexual Reproduction
• Cross Pollination—Pollen of a plant
pollinates another plant.
• Hybrid—The offspring of genetically
different plants.
University of the Western Cape
Pollination Vectors
Wind (grasses)
Water (aquatic plants)
Insects (bees, beetles, butterflies and wasps)
Mammals (bats/rodents)
University of the Western Cape
Plant Sexual Reproduction
• Complete Flower—A flower having all
floral structures, including the calyx (sepals,
corolla (petals), stamen (anthers and
filaments) and pistil (stigma, style and
ovary). (Rose)
Plant Sexual Reproduction
• Incomplete Flower—A flower which lacks
one or more floral structures
• Perfect Flower—A flower which has male
and female floral structures in the same
flower. (Rose, Apple, Tomato and Wheat)
Texas Technological University
Plant Sexual Reproduction
• Imperfect Flower—A flower which has male and
female floral structures in separate flowers.
(Spruce, Ash and Maples
• Monoecious Plant—A plant species having
separate male and female flowers on the same
plant.(example corn, cucumber, Birch)
• Dioecious Plant—A plant species having male
and female flowers that are on separate plants.
(example buffalograss, Hollies, Yews, Ash,
Asparagus and Maple.)
Plant Sexual Reproduction
Male and Female flowers on a Pumpkin plant to/pollen.htm
Plant use of the Sun’s Energy
1% Photosynthesis
2% Heat the mass of the plant
6% Heat the air
10% Reflected
43% Converted to heat and radiated
48% Used to evaporate water
Plant Growth Cycles
Flower Structure
Fruit Classifications