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Chapter 7 – Plant Reproduction
• Plants come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and
• ____________ or ____________
Plant Organs
• Flowering plants make up the largest group of
plants on Earth.
• Has 4 main organs:
– 1) Roots
– 2) Stems
– 3) Leaves
– 4) Flowers
• 1) Roots – hold (anchor) plant in the
soil, absorb water and nutrients.
• 2) Stems – support part of plant that
is above ground, water and nutrients
move through stem to various parts of
• 3) Leaves – take in carbon dioxide and
release oxygen, capture energy.
• 4) Flower – contains the reproductive
Check List
• 1) What are two modes of reproduction that
plants use?
• 2) Which one requires fertilization?
• 3) Female reproductive organs produce
__________, while male reproductive organs
produce __________.
• 4) Which reproduction creates genetically
identical offspring?
• 5) List the 4 main organs of a plant.
• 6) In 3 sentences tell me which organ you feel like
is the most important out of the 4 organs of a
plant and back up with facts.
Section 2 – Seedless Reproduction
• Nonvascular Seedless – produced by spores
and are nonvascular
– Ex: moss
• Vascular Seedless – produced by spores but
are vascular
– Ex: Ferns
• Nonvascular:
– Non-complex
– Small
– Seedless
• Vascular:
– Complex
– Larger
– Seeds (usually)
– Vascular Tissue
Section 3 – Seed Reproduction
• Recall, that flowering plants made up the
largest group of plants on Earth.
• Flowering plants reproduce by making seeds.
• Seeds will eventually grow into a new plant.
• Seeds are formed through a process called –
sexual reproduction
• Some flowers have male reproductive parts.
• Some flowers have female reproductive parts.
• There are also, other flowers have both male
and female parts.
Male Reproductive Parts
• Stamens – the male
reproductive pare of a
• Pollen – is a powder
that contains male
reproductive cells that
is produced by stamen.
Female Reproductive Parts
• Pistil – contains the female
reproductive parts of a
• Ovary – part of the flower
in which seeds develop,
located at the bottom of
the pistil in a hollow
• Pollination – when pollen is
transferred from the stamens by
wind and animals to the top of
the pistil.
• Pollinators – animals that
transfer pollen
– Ex: bees, butterflies, insects, &
Steps of Pollination
• 1) Pollinator visits a flower
• 2) pollen rubs off the male part of flower onto
the animal’s body
• 3) pollen falls off onto the female part of that
flower or another flower.
• 4)once transferred, pollen travels down into the
ovary, where fertilizes the egg—fertilization
• 5) Each fertilized egg in a flowering plant can
develop into a seed  ovary into a fruit  fruit
contains seed that will grow into new plant
Anatomy of a Seed
• Embryo – a tiny new plant
contained in each seed.
• Cotyledon – parts where the stored
food is located
• 3 things each seed has:
– Embryo
– Cotyledon (stored food)
– Seed coat
Types of Pollination
• Self Pollination – pollen is
carried from stamen to
pistil of SAME flower
• Cross Pollination – pollen is
carried to from stamen to
pistil of a DIFFERENT
Dispersal Mechanisms
• 3 Types of Dispersal:
– 1)Self Dispersal – when ovary splits
or divides releasing seeds
– 2)Wind Dispersal – dispersal via
• Helicopters, dandelions, etc.
– 3)Animal Dispersal – dispersal via
• Animal feces, attaching to animals, etc.
• Once a seed is dispersed, if it lands in soil it
may germinate.
• Germination – is the sprouting of a new plant
from a seed (seed developing into a plant).
Steps of Germination
• 1) First, seed absorbs so much water that it
swells and bursts its seed coat.
• 2) Stored food inside provides energy for the
roots, stem, and leaves to start growing.
• 3) After plant emerges from soil, it can capture
sunlight and perform photosynthesis.
Chapter 7 – Plant Reproduction
Chapter 7 – Plant Reproduction
• Plants can reproduce in 2 different ways:
____________ & _______________
• Plants have 4 main organs:
__________ , ___________ , ___________ ,
Plant Organs
• 1) Roots _____________________________
• 2) Stem _____________________________
• 3) Leaves ____________________________
• 4) Flower ____________________________
How Flowers Reproduce
• All flowers reproduce by making a
• This _______________ will eventually grow
into a new species.
• A seed is the end product of a what type of
reproduction _______________________.
Male Reproductive Parts
• Stamen –
• Pollen –
Female Reproductive Parts
• Pistil –
• Ovary –
• Pollination ______________________________
• Pollinators ______________________________
Check List
• 1) What are two modes of reproduction that
plants use?
• 2) Which one requires fertilization?
• 3) Female reproductive organs produce
__________, while male reproductive organs
produce __________.
• 4) Which reproduction creates genetically
identical offspring?
• 5) List the 4 main organs of a plant.
• 6) In 3 sentences tell me which organ you feel like
is the most important out of the 4 organs of a
plant and back up with facts.
Check List
• 1) What type of reproduction in plants requires
• 2) Where does fertilization occur in a plant?
• 3) What is the male reproductive part of a flower?
• 4) What is the powdery substance that contains male
reproductive cells called?
• 5) The end product of sexual reproduction in plants is a
_____________. Which will eventually grow into a new
• 6) What is it called when pollen travels from the
stamen to the top of the pistil?
• 7)Draw out a flower and label: Pistil, Pollen, Stamen,
Ovary, Eggs.
• 8) List 3 types of Pollinators.
Section 3
• Pollination
– Pollinators
– Stamen, pollen, pistil
• Fertilization
Sex Cells (Gametes)
• Germination
– Seed, soil, water, sunlight
Anatomy of Seed
• Embryo –
• Cotyledon –
• 3 things each seed has:
– Embryo
– Cotyledon (stored food)
– Seed coat
Dispersal of Seeds
• Seeds must find their way to the __________.
• A seed needs 3 things to grow.
– ____________, ______________, ____________
• Animals and wind can help in dispersing
Dispersal Mechanisms
• 3 Types of Dispersal:
– 1)Self Dispersal –
– 2)Wind Dispersal –
• Helicopters, dandelions, etc.
– 3)Animal Dispersal –
• Animal feces, attaching to animals, etc.
• Germination _____________________________________
Steps of germination:
• 1) Seed absorbs so much _________, until
seed coat bursts
• 2)__________ provides food for the seed to
• 3)Grows above ground and can go through a
process of __________________ .
Check List
• 1) Draw out a seed and label these 3 parts: Cotyledon, Embryo,
Seed Coat
• 2)The __________ is the tiny new plant that is located inside of the
• 3) The _____________ is the stored food inside the seed.
• 4) The protective coat on the outside of the seed is called the
• 5) What are the 3 major steps in germination?
• 6) Once a seed is produced after fertilization, what are 3 things
needed for it to grow?
• 7) Dispersal is how a seed finds/gets to a place to grow, how many
ways of dispersal can there be?
• 8) If a seed is eaten by an animal, and digested through the
digestive system, what type of dispersal has occurred?
• 9) Give an example of an plant that has self dispersed seeds, wind
dispersed seeds, and animal dispersed seeds.
• 10) _______________ is the process in which a seed sprouts into a
new plant.