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Why do Scientist study
Nicole Hamlett
Miss Brown
• The study of bacteria is bacteriology.
• Pasteur proved that bacteria causes many
• Pasteur is often called the father of
• Louis Pasteur
Bacteria and Food
• Bacteria in the digestive tract can help
digest nutrients.
• Your digestive tract contains billions of
bacteria that help digest nutrients.
• Many food products are made with the
help of bacteria.
1. Buttermilk
2. Yogurt
3. Cheese
Bacteria and soil
• The plant disease that causes flowers,
young, leaves, and stem to die quickly is
• Bacteria breaks down dead materials such
as leaves and animals waste.
• Its important because it puts important
nutrients back into the soil.
Bacterial Diseases
• Bacteria can also cause disease in
animals including humans.
• The symptoms of Lyme disease include
swollen and pain joints.
• It makes plants sick.
Bacteria and food delay
• It can spoil food.
• Eating foods that contain bacterial poisons
can make you sick.
• There are many ways that you can get
sick by bacteria and many ways you can
kill bacteria.
• Because some food needs to be cold if the
food isn't cold it could rot.
1. The study of bacteria is called ________.
2. Bacteria in the digestive tract can help
digest _______.
3. Bacteria that can change nitrogen from the
air into compounds that plants can use are
4. The plant disease that causes flowers,
young, leaves, and stems to die quickly
5. Some bacteria produce______ while acting
on foods.