* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
The Story of „AN ADVENTURE IN THE ZOO” Story by students from Greece Illustrations by students from Poland One summer day, in July, six friends: Kostis, Thanasis, Ourania, Bill, Love and Barbara went to the zoo. At the beginning all was pleasant as the children ran and laughed because there were for the first time in a beautiful big zoo, full of greenery with various kinds of animals and a lot of them were rare animals Children were walking in the walk paths of the zoo and they saw turtles in a fenced place. Some of them were in small pool while others were in the grass. After that they saw different species of snakes with unusual colours in a huge cage of glass. Some of them were slithering on the earth while others were up on plants. Kostis, Bill and Barbara were impressed when they saw the snakes but the other three children: Love, Thanasis and Ourania were afraid that the snakes might go out of their cage. So they began to tremble and asked the others to leave and see the rest of the animals in the zoo. Next to the reptiles, was a huge cage with monkeys. They were climbing on trees, swinging from the branches, jumping from branch to branch to find baskets filled with bananas. Some even hung by their tails. After that the children strolled past a huge place in which lived a bear’s family. They were eating fish and honey. Suddenly one of the bears growled loudly and the children got scared. Further down they saw two elephants. The elephants were taking in water with their trunks from the nearby lake and they sprayed it and all the children got wet. Strolling further along, the children saw enormous cages with birds. In one of them were a lot of budgies with colorful feathers. Kostis was impressed. As he carelessly put his finger in the cage, the smaller bandgies bit it because it thought that it was food. Immediately he pulled out his finger regretting his action. Ambling further along, the cages they saw vultures, eagles, falcons which had enormous claws and beaks, looking at the children widely. The children looked at them and were both with admiration and fear. Walking along the zoo’s paths they saw wolves and a giraffe, stretching its long neck eating leaves. There were also crocodiles and alligators in a small lake. Moreover a hippo, a rhinoceros, some beautiful flamingos, a panda and squirrels were also seen. They also saw lions and tigers. A tiger was circling anxiously in its cage. That meant it was hungry. The lions were stretching up the bars of their cage. The children froze with fear and they hurriedly left. At the end of the zoo they attended a performance of dolphins and seals in a pool. Suddenly they heard a big noise and roars behind them. The lions had escaped from their cage and started to chase the children and all other people there. Children trying to escape, ran into a dark, scary cave at the end of the zoo. Bill was holding a flashlight and as they were running it went off and suddenly in front of them scary, black bats flew. Luckily, when the lions escaped from their cage the alarm was heard and the zookeepers reacted immediately mobilized them and finally managed to catch them easily and pulled the children out of the cave. When the children were rescued, they suggested to the zookeepers to place the animals in huge natural parks, so they won’t feel imprisoned. The zookeepers listened to the children’s suggestion and they promised that they will try to do what they can.