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In order to discuss plants in a meaningful way,
it is important to know the proper names for all
the different parts a plant can have.
Flowering plants have four major part types:
Leaves make all the food for the plant. They do
this by changing light, water and gases into
food. This process is called photosynthesis.
How are the leaves structurally adapted as
photosynthesizing organs?
This refers to the morphology of the leaf(outer
 All leaves are responsible for: absorbing the
sun's rays
 the majority of photosynthetic production
(which can take place in any green part of a
 taking in carbon dioxide and releasing
oxygen and water vapor (breathing)
 removing waste products from the plant
 using osmotic pressure to draw water up
from the roots
Tip of the terminal point of the leaf is the
leaf Apex. Lamina the flattened,
green, expanded portion of a leaf. Margin
edge of a leaf. Midrib the most prominent
central vein in a leaf. Lateral veins
secondary veins in a leaf. Petiole the leaf
stalk (connects blade to stem).
The leaf is covered by two layers. The Upper epidermis
and the Lower epidermis. Between these two layers is
a Mesophyll tissue layer made up of the Palisade cells
and the spongy cells.
• Cuticle: - Is non-cellular, water proof and transparent. It allows light to pass
• Upper epidermis: - Is a single layer of cells on the upper surface of a leaf. It allows
light to pass to the cells below.
• Palisade mesophyll: - has cells vertically arranged such that many can fit into a
small space. The cells have large number of chloroplasts.
• Chloroplasts:- contain chlorophyll for absorbing sunlight.
• Spongy mesophyll: - Have large air spaces for fast diffusion of gases to and from
the photosynthesizing cells. The cells have few chloroplasts.
• Veins (Vascular bundles): - They act as drain pipes distributing raw materials to the
leaves and conducting away manufactured food to other parts of a plant.
• Stoma: - A pore that allows gaseous exchange to take place. Carbon dioxide enters
and oxygen leaves the leaf through stomata.
• Thin lamina: - Provides a short distance over which diffusion of gases take place.
• Broad lamina: - Some leaves have a broad lamina which provides a large surface
area for absorbing sunlight energy.
Name 4 main parts of the leaf
Which of these above mentioned parts serve a vital role for
Fill in the missing words
• ---------- Is non-cellular, water proof and transparent. It allows light to
pass through.
• ---------------- Is a single layer of cells on the upper surface of a leaf.
It allows light to pass to the cells below.
• ----------------- has cells vertically arranged such that many can fit
into a small space. The cells have large number of chloroplasts.
• ---------------- contain chlorophyll for absorbing sunlight.
• ---------------- Have large air spaces for fast diffusion of gases to
and from the photosynthesizing cells. The cells have few chloroplasts.
• ---------------- A pore that allows gaseous exchange to take place.
Carbon dioxide enters and oxygen leaves the leaf through stomata.
1.Mckean D.G (1973), introduction to Biology, Hodder Murry
(UK) London.
2. Ian J. Burton (2001), the Cambridge Revision Guide GCE,
level Biology,
Cambridge University Press.
3.Maxwell – Ojo.B (1998), Modern Tropical Biology, Evans
and Brothers London(UK)
4.Stone R.H and Cozens A. B. (2002), New Tropical Biology
(3rd Edition)
Longmans, London (UK).