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On a new response page
R.P. Describe two different
organisms that depend on
each other for their survival.
Today in Science:
•Organisms’ Interdependence: Cornell notes
•S7L4d categorize relationships between organisms
•Finish “Deer of Kaibab”
•Exit Pass Food Webs
•HW study for Wed. quiz
What are these?
• S7L4d categorize relationships between organisms
• S7CS1a keep honest, clear, and accurate records
These are two of our Georgia Performance Standards.
Does everyone know how to get to Daniell’s site?
Organisms’ Interdependence:
Cornell notes
• Cornell notes are a type of two column
• Questions are on the left and the major
notes are on the right side.
• You can write questions as you go, or as
you reread notes add questions.
Types of Questions:
What I still do not understand.
What else I’d like to know.
A good test question.
What is a
Number of one species
that lives in an area.
What are
limiting factors?
Food, water, living space
and other resources that
limit the size of a
What is the
The largest population an
Carrying capacity?
environment can
Lion King Video Clip
Pay attention to all the different animals and
plants that you see or hear.
On the left
Organisms in
list them here
animal one, two, etc
Lion King:
Share your list with the person next to you.
How do the organisms interact?
• There are three main ways that organisms
interact. Some organisms pretty much are
dependent on another for survival. Any
Back to your notes
Describe how 1. Predation – relationship
where one animal hunts
and kills for food.
predator – organism that
kills and eats another.
predator adaptations –
speed, sharp teeth & claws.
ex. Lions
Coral snake
prey – organism that is killed
and eaten. (din din)
prey adaptations –
stay in groups, camouflage,
warning color, defensive
chemicals, shells
ex. Deer, turtles pg 492-493
Scarlet king snake
2. Competition – two or
more organisms trying
to use the same limited
ex. Squirrels and
ex. Plants competing
for sunlight p 491
• Take 5 minutes to update your T of C
• Late work
– 11 Vocab words which are on Friday’s test
– Directed Reading NB#14
• Turn in the Relationships Ecosystems (the
page with the bear on it – if you are done back too)
Pull out your NB # 9 – Cornell Notes
We are still not finished
Here with
Symbiosis – a close long
term relationship
between two organisms
where at least one
Don’t write this
Mutualism, commensalism
parasitism – sounds like?
Describe the 3
types of
ex. Egret and rhino
3 types of
b. commensalism – only
one benefits; other is
not harmed or helped.
ex. Hawk and cactus
remora and shark
3 types of
c. Parasitism relationship
between two species in
which one species, the
parasite benefits from
the other species the
host which is harmed
ex flea (parasite) dog (host)
kudzu (parasite) oak tree (host)
P 495
What is
Long term change that
takes place in two
species because of
their close interactions
with one another.
Ex ants and acacia
tree pg 495
Cornell Notes - Summary
The professor at Cornell who is credited
with these notes learned that if he didn’t
make his college students stop, re-read
notes and summarize, these young adults
didn’t remember the material as well.
So, future college students, take a few
minutes to read over every word, then
write a summary in the summary section.
What type of interaction is . . .
• Nemo (clown fish) and anemone?
– Symbiosis - mutualism
• Tapeworm and cats?
– Symbiosis - parasitism
• Sea anemone and jellyfish?
– predation
• Corals and algae?
– Symbiosis - mutualism
• Corals and tiny shrimp?
– predation
• Pull out the video notes from Friday that you did
for Mrs. Goldman and Mr. Gust – NB# 13
• Write 1 – 8 either at the bottom or on the back.
• Listen to the examples and write the two
organisms and what type of interaction each is.
This will be turned in today.
• ..\..\..\..\Documents and
Settings\homeuser\Desktop\Ecology 2\Raymond
• Study your Ecology Vocabulary for a test
this Friday. It is just vocab but it is all 25
words – and some of you have not even
defined those words).