* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Nekton (fish, squid, whales and other free swimmers) Synthesis question: Why is there so much more plankton biomass than nekton biomass? • • • • What are nekton? What are plankton? Which are bigger? Why? Can a species be both? At the same time? • Species fit in one or more of these levels. • How does size change with pyramid level? • Who inhabits these levels in the ocean? Are there more levels in the ocean? Why? • Cetaceans (Marine Mammals). What are they? • Two main kinds • Which have a greater biomass? • Whale “fishing” • Some of the first international treaties on fisheries. • Why international? • Seals • Where are they on the food chain? • Except some! • Crab eater seal • What is the most common seal by biomass? • Squid! • Good eating… • Fish • Where in the chain? • Herring, Anchovies, sardines • Cod, bluefish, flounder • Tuna, Sharks • Which fish are most likely to be overfished?