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Community Ecology
• Overview
• Brief history
• Selective examples
• Background for papers
Ecological Hierarchy
• Organismal ecology = autecology:
Evolutionary ecology, Behavior, ecophysiology, morphological
adaptations of individuals.
• Population: group of conspecific individuals:
Population regulation, intraspecific interactions.
• Community: multiple species in same area.
Interplay of multiple species, interspecific interactions.
• Ecosystem: biotic and abiotic factors in a bounded but open system.
Energy flow, recycling.
• Landscape, Global, Macroecology…
Class Poll?
Community Ecology is the quintessential study of
It is the proprietary domain of ecologists… (very little sharing
or co-option by other sciences or managers)
Traditional Ecological Hierarchy
• Organismal ecology – strong links to physiology, evolution, systematics…
(Endangered Species Act)
• Population – strong management implications…Resource management
• Community – the how and why of plants, animals and microbes in space
and time, and their interactions (biotic and abiotic)…historically, not very
• Ecosystem – Interdisciplinary combining geology, soils, atmospheric
studies…also strong management links…Ecosystem services, Ecosystem
Within vs. Among Trophic Level Approaches…
Focus on the biota….
In the Ecological hierarchy, typically mechanistic
explanations come from below…
Genetics, Ecophysiology, Demography used to explain
community patterns…
“Hierarchical one-upmanship” = One scientist’s
mechanism is another’s pattern….
But – historically, community structure has been ignored
in Ecosystem Studies – the black box approach
Only recently, have the consequences of altered
community composition on ecosystem structure and
function been emphasized…
Community Ecology
Roots are:
Pattern  Mechanism
Observation  Theory
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Focus is on “interactions”….
Ghosts of paradigms past - The degree of interaction among species
and populations in communities differentiates the more Holistic
perspectives of communities from the more Individualistic perspective
(think Clements vs. Gleason).
Community: An association of interacting populations, usually defined
by the nature of their interaction and the place in which they live.
A community is "an assemblage of species populations which occur
together in space and time"
(Begon, Harper & Townsend).
(Community + environment = 'Ecosystem')
Most ecologists today are between these two extremes.
Largest subdiscipline of Ecology at ESA is community
ecology (data source: me!)
Interests and domain:
Historically: Succession, Niche and niche partitioning,
community and diversity patterns, Island
biogeography…temporal & spatial aspects of community
Community assembly rules/restoration ecology
Trophic interactions
Invasive species
Biodiversity and ecosystem stability and function
Mechanisms of species coexistence in communities
Impacts of species loss….conservation issues
Interesting & long history…
1898 - Frederick Clements publishes "The Phytogeography of Nebraska",
first American "ecology" book
1899 - Henry Chandler Cowles - studies dune succession and develops
“dynamic ecology”, U. of Chicago School
1900-1930 - Clements, with support of the Carnegie Institute publishes
numerous volumes on succession, research methods in ecology,
Early 1900s William Skinner Cooper - a student of Cowles at Chicago,
Ph.D. thesis on forests of Isle Royal; studied succession in Glacier Bay;
joined University of Minnesota; Rexford Daubenmire was student
1913 - Victor Shelford publishes book on Animal Communities of the
Chicago area, Shelford is first president of Ecological Society of America
(1915) “Shelford’s law of tolerance”
1926 Henry Allan Gleason - publishes on individualistic hypothesis in
1927 Charles Elton, famous British animal ecologist - refines
concepts of ecological niche, proposes negative relationship
between diversity and invasion…
1940-78 G.E. Hutchinson - limnologist and zoologist, publishes many
influential books and papers, wrote on niche, Ph.D. advisor for Robert
MacArthur (Yale School)
1940s-50s John Curtis - developed concept of importance values,
strong inductive approaches to vegetation analysis (Wisconsin school)
1956 R.H. Whittaker publishes ordination study of Great Smoky
Mountains; becomes major influence in ordination, gradient analysis
and succession
1950s- 1960s Robert MacArthur, mathematical/theoretical ecologist,
developed island biogeography theory, Ph.D. student of Hutchinson.
Thus, major scientists in this subdiscipline of ecology:
Historically-F. Clements
H. Gleason
G.E. Hutchinson
E. Lucy Braun (1st female ESA president and award named after her)
R. MacArthur
R. Whittaker
More contemporary--Connell (Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis)
Paine (Food webs and Keystone Species concept)
Grime (Species trade-offs and coexistence)
Tilman (Resource ratio hypothesis for species coexistence and
Biodiversity-Ecosystem function studies)
Hubble – Neutral Theory
Historically: Strong interest in describing and categorizing communities
GRADIENT ANALYSIS (Wisconsin School and Whittaker)
Gradient analysis - the portrayal and interpretation of the abundances
of species along environmental gradients of physical conditions.
Examples of environmental gradients:
•soil nitrogen
•soil temperature
•soil moisture
•soil depth
•annual precipitation
•prey availability
•soil texture (for burrowing animals)
•height above low tide (for intertidal
Classification and Ordination: Objective ways to seek trends and
patterns in community data.
Classification is the allocation of species to groups so that members
of the same group share many species in common, and members of
different groups share relatively few species. This assumes species
can be grouped into relatively distinct groups (communities have
abrupt boundaries).
Ordination is an alternative approach to analysis and is based on the
idea that the environment, and therefore species composition, changes
gradually, rather than abruptly. Ordination describe gradients in species
composition and often relate these to known or suspected environmental
Ordination of plant communities of the Jackson Purchase
Region of Kentucky: A. Bottomland Hardwoods; B. Swamps;
C1. Flatwoods-Wet Phase; C2. Flatwoods-Dry Phase; D. OakHickory (Open or Savanna-Like); E. Oak-Hickory (White Oak
and/or Black Oak); F. Mixed Mesophytic; G. Transitional
(disturbed or successional); H. Former Barrens.
The purpose of
ordination is to assist
one in uncovering
pattern in data sets
that are otherwise too
complicated to
interpret. Ordination
should identify the
most important
dimensions in a data
set, and minimize the
"noise", in order to
show these patterns.
However, ordination
techniques are meant
primarily as
exploratory tools,not
for testing hypotheses.
Concepts of Community Ecologists:
CENTRAL CONCEPT Niche: An organism’s place in the community and what environmental
factors limit it to that space (Grinnell) – environmental emphasis
An organism's role in its community (Elton) – species emphasis
An organism's "ecological position in the world" (Vandermeer 1972).
Today: environmental requirements for species as well as the impact of
a species on other organisms in the community (Leibold 1995
Fundamental vs. realized niche…
As always seems to be the case…
Despite its strong synthetic role and its crucial importance
in community theory, the niche concept remains unclear:
"most [ecologists] would agree that niche is a central
concept of ecology, even though we do not know exactly
what it means" (Real and Levin 1991).
The word niche is a “pseudocognate”. A pseudocognate is
a term in which each individual who uses it feels that all
readers share his/her own intuitive definition, but in reality
each individual has their own distinct definition.
A long running major interest: explaining why so many
species co-exist and patterns of species diversity
Many concepts based on the Equilibrium paradigm…
Gause – competitive exclusion principle - two species cannot
coexist if they share the same resource (Gause 1934)
resource partitioning…
Hutchinson – niche (multi-dimensional) can be defined and
Principle of limiting similarity -how different do the niches of
two species have to be in order for them to coexist? (1.3 ratio?)
niche partitioning…
Today -Functional trait approach – traits that are easily
measured and highly informative regarding ecological and life-history
strategies. Plant examples: seed size vs. number, Specific leaf area
(area/mass)… Can two species co-exist if they occupy the same
Stoichiometric axes….and homoeostasis…
Experimental addition
of N & P to calculate H
Yu et al. 2010
Ecology Letters
H over time (27 years)
H over space (2700 km)
Equilibrium paradigm
MacArthur & Wilson – Species area and island biogeography
Paine – Keystone species
Tilman – Resource ratio hypothesis
Non-equilibrium components creep in…
Connell – Disturbance regimes
Ricklefs – Regional vs. local processes and history
Keystone species concept
Keystone species is one whose impacts on its community or ecosystem
are large and greater than would be expected from its relative
abundance or total biomass
In contrast, dominant species (foundational species)- trees, giant kelp,
prairie grasses, and reef-building corals all have impacts that are large
but not disproportionate to their total biomass, and therefore they are not
keystone species
Keystone species can
reduce or increase
Problem with concept:
Difficult to quantify
Few actual comparative studies
Concept important because it
convinced managers and
conservationists alike that the
ecological impact of single species
matters. To manage, understand, and
restore ecological assemblages, the
roles of individual species have to be
understood and considered
Thursday Discussion:
Hutchinson – conceptual and reflective
Ricklefs – regional perspective
Hairston et al. – one big idea – Why is the world green?
But first – Finish lecture…a bit more of the world of
community ecology according to me…
And then the story of Joe Wright…
One of the most fundamental ecological relationships is that as the area of a region
increases, so does the number of different species encountered
Simply put, the number of species increases with area (not exactly astounding!).
But, a less obvious insight occurred later: the increase in species occurs at a
decreasing rate
Important issue for
conservation: the loss of
species numbers occurs at an
increasing rate as area gets
“z” (the slope of increase
or decrease) can vary by taxa
and by site
Link to Island Biogeography
Island Biogeography
MacArthur and Wilson proposed the "equilibrium model of island biogeography"
in the 1960s. The basic idea of the model is that the number of species on an
island is determined by the immigration of new species and the extinction of
species already present; when these two rates balance one another, the species
number is at equilibrium
rate greater
Large vs.
rate reduced
Near vs.
Testing Island Biogeography Theory –
Whole Island “species removal” experiments
Community saturation experiments
Conservation issues –
Can reserves be viewed as islands?
Many small vs. few large issues?
Connectivity and meta-populations
Many factors influencing community composition and key community
processes….and many other issues in community ecology
Trophic interactions (Top down – bottom up control, food webs)
J.H. Brown, Univ. New Mexico
J.L. Maron, Univ. California
What is the most fundamental question being
pondered by community ecologists today?
Ecosystem function
Do species matter and how do they matter?
Species number
S. Joseph Wright
Community Ecologist:
The Dream Job
Research Biologist
Smithsonian Tropical Research
APO AA 34002-0938, United States
Apdo 2072, Balboa, Republic of
Presenting Team:
Jeremy Sueltenfuss
Gloria Summay
Chris Davis
Ecology 505
Dave Gebben
Hutchinson – conceptual and reflective
Ricklefs – regional perspective
Hairston et al. – one big idea – Why is the world green?
General comments?
What did you like?
What did you find a waste of time?
Why are these papers considered “Classics”?
Impact –
Hutchinson (1959) - cited 1518 times, 29/yr…93 times in
2010 already!
Hairston et al (1960) – cited 1325 times, 26/yr… 53 times
in 2010.
Ricklefs (1987)- cited 784 times, 33/yr…31 times in 2010.
Hairston et al.
Why do they have such an impact?
Why are there so many species of animals?
• Trophic argument – complexity (diversity) leads to stability (?)
• Heterogeneity of terrestrial habitats – leads to greater diversity
(because heterogeneity can be greater at small scale, small animals are
the most diverse…)
His long drawn out account of the story of Santa Rosalia
conjured up images of an old man spinning tales in front of
a fireplace to a less than attentive crown of grandkids. Not
usually an image I have reading more contemporary
got into
the importance
meat of his
of scale
storytelling (about 3 pages in) it became a bit more
Predictions that can be tested broadly….
Hairston et al…. Trophic Interactions and conflicting evidence
Top-down regulation Predator controlling herbivore controlling plants
Bottom-up regulation Energy/nutrients limiting plants limiting herbivores
limiting predators
Why is the world
green?model -- predators
regulate herbivores (as
indicated by downward
solid arrows), but
herbivores have relatively
little effect on plant
abundance (as indicated by
dashed lines).
• Green biomass accumulates in mature terrestrial ecosystems because predators
keep herbivores in check.
• Predictions regarding the strength of competitive interactions are also made…
Addresses a polarized issue….
Predictions that can be tested broadly…
Still generating research today…
Ricklefs 1987
“…ecological investigations are largely founded on the premise that local
diversity… is the deterministic outcome of local processes within the
biological community”
“Ecologists have ignored history because it was impractical to do
“Ecologists must accept the possibility of communities in transition
between equilibria; the equilibria may have been shifted by changes in
“Conceivably, the equilibrium…may shift much more rapidly than the
community can approach it.”
Perhaps it has high impact because of the number of
provocative statements…
I really liked the Ricklefs article and his view that regionalhistorical viewpoint should be included in ecological
Hutchinson's paper annoys me…He drones on endlessly…
In a staccato note, the authors assumed the best defense is a
good offense and peppered their arguments with preemptive
idealogical strikes ( e.g., "the logic used is not easily refuted“)
I found Ricklefs article the most interesting
I very much enjoyed all 3 papers this week, despite the fact that they
were mainly what you would call "armchair ecology".
As I read the articles I was struck not so much by the science, but
instead by the lack of data that was used to write the papers. It
appears that all that was needed was a good idea, a good grasp of the
written word and you were off to publishing papers.
…a useful, if somewhat long-winded, description of the various
mechanisms through which top-down controls on populations are
thought to occur. Typical of American Naturalist, there is little actual
Like so many of the older papers we've discussed, Hutchinson overreaches by relying on logical deduction in the absence of sufficient
observational or experimental evidence. Given the enormous
complexity of ecological systems, it is unlikely that any simple set of
premises can be relied upon without frequent verification, because
Perhaps this is why they are cited so much?!?! Should we be publishing more on ideas
and be less fixed on data?
Hairston (1960): This article provides definitive conclusions from the authors about the factors that mediate
populations. However, these conclusions are provided without an ounce of scientific evidence and barely
even a citation.
We know ecological systems are complex….and we know its really, really, really hard
to experiment with, and study systems that are very complex.
Are we are drawn to logical statements/concepts/idea that appeal to underlying
simplicity and structure?…Particularly if those ideas are amenable to verification or
falsification via experiments or by testing predictions?
Is this a valuable way to make progress in ecology?
It’s amazing how some passionately written ideas can later turn to be
invalid, criticized and rejected. I think I will be very careful in
concluding the results of my own research, lest I become one of those
mistaken examples when this decade becomes history to future
ecologists but I am afraid if everybody does so then we will never have