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Chapter Introduction
Lesson 1
Newton’s First Law
Lesson 2
Gravity and Friction
Lesson 3
Second Law
Lesson 4
Newton’s Third Law
Chapter Wrap-Up
How do forces
change the motion
of objects?
What do you think?
Before you begin, decide if you
agree or disagree with each of
these statements.
As you view this presentation,
see if you change your mind
about any of the statements.
Do you agree or disagree?
1. You pull on objects around you with
the force of gravity.
2. Friction can act between two
unmoving, touching surfaces.
3. Forces acting on an object cannot be
Do you agree or disagree?
4. A moving object will stop if no forces
act on it.
5. When an object’s speed increases,
the object accelerates.
6. If an object’s mass increases, its
acceleration also increases if the net
force acting on the object stays the
Do you agree or disagree?
7. If objects collide, the object with
more mass applies more force.
8. Momentum is a measure of how
hard it is to stop a moving object.
Gravity and Friction
• force
• mass
• contact force
• weight
• noncontact force
• friction
• gravity
Newton’s First Law of Motion
• According to Newton’s first law of
motion, an object at rest will stay at
rest, and an object in motion will
continue moving unless acted upon
by an unbalanced force.
Types of Forces
• A push or a pull is called a force.
• An object or a person can apply a force
to another object or person.
from Latin fortis, means “strong”
Identifying Forces (cont.)
• Balanced forces forces on an object
that are equal in size and opposite in
direction . Net force = 0
Do not cause motion.
• Forces that combine and form a
net force >zero are unbalanced forces.
Cause motion.
Newton’s First Law of Motion (cont.)
• Balanced forces acting on an object do
not change the object’s speed and
• Newton’s first law of motion only applies
to balanced forces acting on an object.
• When unbalanced forces act on an
object, the object’s velocity changes.
Types of Forces (cont.)
• A contact force is a force that is applied
when two objects touch.
• A force that one object can apply to
another object without touching it is a
noncontact force.
Types of Forces (cont.)
Can you think of an example of a contact
Can you think of an example of a
noncontact force?
• Contact: Pushing a book off of a
• Noncontact: Gravity or magnetic
• Agree or Disagree: A moving object will
stop if there are no forces acting on it?
• Think About it: If you kick a soccer ball
across a field will it go on forever?
• What forces will cause it to stop?
• If there where no forces acting on it
(friction, gravity, walls, people) would the
soccer ball continue to move?
Identifying Forces
• The sum of all the forces acting on an
object is the net force.
• The net force depends on the directions
of the forces applied to an object.
• Because forces have direction, you have
to specify a reference direction when you
add forces.
Identifying Forces (cont.)
• When forces act in opposite direction on
an object, the net force is still the sum of
the forces.
• The net force is the sum of the
positive and negative forces.
• Inertia- the tendency of an object to
resist changes in motion
• Examples…
• An object with less mass has less
inertia and an object with more mass
has more inertia
• Can you think of any examples?
Types of Forces (cont.)
Is it easier to throw a baseball
or a bowling ball? Explain
Explain which has greater
inertia: a jet plane sitting on
the runway or a speeding car?
• Unbalanced forces cause an object
to move.
• According to Newton’s first law of
motion, if the net force on an object
is zero, the object’s velocity does not
• Inertia is a property that resists a
change in the motion of an object.
• Unbalanced
forces cause an
object to speed
up, slow down,
or change
Gravity and Friction
• Friction and gravity are two forces that
can change the motion of an object.
• What is the law of universal
• How does friction affect the motion of
two objects sliding past each other?
• Friction is a force that opposes the
movement between two touching
• There are several types of friction.
• static friction
• sliding friction
• fluid friction
Friction (cont.)
• What causes friction between surfaces?
– When the microscopic dips and bumps on
one surface catch the dips and bumps on
another surface, the microscopic roughness
slows sliding.
Friction (cont.)
• Static friction prevents surfaces from
sliding past each other.
• Up to a limit, the strength of static friction
changes to match the applied force.
• Sliding friction opposes the motion of
surfaces sliding past each other.
Friction (cont.)
• Fluid friction is friction between a surface
and a fluid—any material, such as water or
air, that flows.
• Fluid friction between a surface and air is
air resistance.
• The greater the surface area of an object,
the more air resistance it will experience.
Friction (cont.)
How does friction affect the
motion of two objects sliding
past each other?
Reducing Friction
• Lubricants decrease
friction and with less
friction, it is easier for
surfaces to slide past
each other.
•What reduces friction
between a door and a
•What reduced friction
between two bones in
a joint?
• Increasing Friction
– How would you increase the friction between
your foot and the ice on the sidewalk?
What is gravity?
• Gravity is an attractive force that exists
between all objects that have mass.
• Objects fall to the ground because Earth exerts
gravity on them.
• Earth’s gravitational force pulls objects towards
Earth’s surface.
• Mass is the amount of matter in an object.
• Mass is often measured in kilograms (kg).
What is gravity? (cont.)
• Sir Isaac Newton developed the law of
universal gravitation in the late 1600s.
• The law of universal gravitation states
that all objects are attracted to each
other by a gravitational force.
What is gravity? (cont.)
• The strength of force
depends on the mass
of each object and the
distance between them.
• When the mass of one
or both objects increases,
the gravitational force
between them also increases.
What is gravity? (cont.)
• Weight is the gravitational force exerted
on an object.
• Near Earth’s surface, an object’s weight
is the gravitational force exerted on the
object by Earth.
• Because weight is a force, it is measured
in newtons.
What is gravity? (cont.)
• An object’s weight is proportional to its
• Near Earth’s surface, the weight of an
object in newtons is about ten times
(9.8x) its mass in kilograms.
Why do objects stop moving?
• For an object to start moving, a force
greater than static friction must be
applied to it.
• To keep an object in motion, a force at
least as strong as friction must be
applied continuously.
• Objects stop moving because friction or
another force acts on them.
• Gravity is an attractive force that acts
between any two objects that have
mass. The attraction is stronger for
objects with greater mass.
• Friction can reduce the speed of
objects sliding past each other. Air
resistance is a type of fluid friction that
slows the speed of a falling object.
Which refers to gravitational force
exerted on an object?
A. contact force
B. gravity
C. mass
D. weight
Which is proportional to an
object’s weight?
A. gravitational force
B. length
C. mass
D. noncontact force
Do you agree or disagree?
1. You pull on objects around you with the
force of gravity.
2. Friction can act between two
unmoving, touching surfaces.
A push or a pull is called a?
A. Gravity
B. Newton
C. Force
D. Motion
Which is a force that opposes the
movement between two touching
A. net force
B. lubricant
C. gravity
D. friction
Which refers to forces that
combine and form a net force that
is greater than zero?
A. balanced forces
B. inertia
C. net force
D. unbalanced forces
Which could cause an object to
stop moving?
A. friction
B. inertia
C. unbalanced forces
D. velocity
When equal forces act on an object
in opposite directions, what is the
net force on the object?
A. zero
B. one
C. equal
D. balanced
Do you agree or disagree?
2. Friction can act between two unmoving,
touching surfaces.
3. Forces acting on an object cannot be
Newton’s Second Law
• What is Newton’s second law of
• How does centripetal force affect
circular motion?
How do forces change motion?
• Forces change an object’s motion by
changing its speed, its direction, or
both its speed and its direction.
• Velocity is speed in a certain direction.
• Only unbalanced forces change an
object’s velocity.
• Unbalanced forces make an object
accelerate by changing its speed, its
direction, or both.
Acceleration—Changes in
• Acceleration is a measure of how
much the velocity of an object changes
in a unit of time.
• An object accelerates when its velocity
changes as a result of increasing
speed, decreasing speed, or a change
in direction.
How do forces change motion? (cont.)
• When unbalanced forces act on an object at
rest, the object begins moving
– in the same direction of the net force.
• If the net force acting on a moving object is in
the same direction that the object is moving
– the object will speed up.
• If the direction of the net force on an object is
opposite to the direction the object moves
– the object slows down.
Newton’s Second Law of Motion
According to Newton’s second law of
motion, the acceleration of an object is
equal to the net force acting on the object
divided by the object’s mass.
• As the mass of an object increases the
amount of force required to move the
– Increases
• As the force applied to an object increases
the acceleration of the object will:
– Increase
Newton’s Second Law of Motion (cont.)
• Force = Mass x Acceleration
• Acceleration is expressed in meters per
second squared (m/s2),
• Mass in kilograms (kg),
• Force in Newtons (N).
Which term refers to speed in a
certain direction?
A. acceleration
B. centripetal force
C. inertia
D. velocity
Which refers to a change in
velocity over time?
A. inertia
B. acceleration
C. circulation motion
D. centripetal force
Do you agree or disagree?
5. When an object’s speed increases,
the object accelerates.
6. If an object’s mass increases, its
acceleration also increases if the net
force acting on the object stays the same.
• The SI unit for force is the newton (N).
• Arrows can be used to show both the
strength and direction of force.
Newton’s Third Law
• What is Newton’s third law of motion?
• Why don’t the forces in a force pair
cancel each other?
• What is the law of conservation of
Newton’s Third Law
• Newton’s third law of motion
• force pair
• momentum
• law of conservation of momentum
Newton’s Third Law of Motion
According to Newton’s third law of
motion, for every action there is an
equal and opposite reaction.
•Ex: When you jump on a trampoline
you exert a downward force on the
trampoline and it exerts an upward
force on you.
–The more force you use to jump down
with, the higher you bounce back into the
Newton’s Third Law of Motion (cont.)
• A force pair is the forces two objects
apply to each other.
• In a force pair, one force is called the
action force and the other force is
called the reaction force.
Using Newton’s Third Law of Motion
• When you push against an object, the
force you apply is called the action
• The force applied by the object back
against you is called the reaction
• Can you think of some examples that
illustrate Newton’s 3rd law?
– Parachute- downward force of you falling,
upward force of air
– Swimming pool- backward force of you
pushing, forward force of you moving
away from wall
• If the forces of a force pair always act
in opposite directions and are always
the same strength, they do not cancel
each other out because each force acts
on a different object.
• Discuss: What is momentum?
• Which object will have the
most momentum (tennis ball,
wiffle ball, or a lacrosse ball?)
Momentum is a measure of how hard it is
to stop a moving object.
from Latin momentum, means
“movement, impulse”
• Read through the lab
• Answer the pre-lab questions
• What safety precautions should we take
while completing this lab
Momentum (cont.)
Momentum is the product of an object’s
mass and velocity.
Momentum (cont.)
• An object’s momentum is in the same
direction as its velocity.
• According to Newton’s first law, if the net
force on an object is zero, neither its
velocity nor its momentum change.
• Because momentum is the product of
mass and velocity, the force on an object
equals its change in momentum.
Conservation of Momentum
According to the law of conservation of
momentum, the total momentum of a group
of objects stays the same unless outside
forces such as friction act on the objects.
What is the law of conservation
of momentum?
Conservation of Momentum (cont.)
• When colliding objects bounce off each
other, it is an elastic collision.
• If objects collide and stick together, the
collision is inelastic.
• No matter the type of collision, the total
momentum will be the same before and
after the collision.
• Newton’s third law of motion
describes the force pair between two
• For every action force, there is a
reaction force that is equal in
strength but opposite in direction.
• In any collision, momentum is
transferred from one object to
Which law explains that every
force has a reaction force in the
opposite direction?
A. Newton’s third law of motion
B. Newton’s second law of motion
C. Newton’s first law of motion
D. law of conservation of momentum
Which is a measure of how hard it
is to stop a moving object?
A. velocity
B. momentum
C. inertia
D. elastic collision
Which refers to the forces two
objects apply to each other?
A. velocity
B. momentum
C. force pair
D. collision
Do you agree or disagree?
7. If objects collide, the object with more
mass applies more force.
8. Momentum is a measure of how hard it
is to stop a moving object.
Key Concept Summary
Interactive Concept Map
Chapter Review
Standardized Test Practice
An object’s motion
changes if a net force
acts on the object.
Lesson 1: Gravity and Friction
• Friction is a contact force. Magnetism is a
noncontact force.
• The law of universal gravitation states that all
objects are attracted to each other by gravity.
• Friction can stop or slow down objects sliding past
each other.
Lesson 2: Newton’s First Law
• An object’s motion can only be changed by
unbalanced forces.
• According to Newton’s first law of motion, the motion
of an object is not changed by balanced forces
acting on it.
• Inertia is the tendency of an object to resist a
change in its motion.
Lesson 3: Newton’s Second Law
• According to Newton’s second law of motion, an
object’s acceleration is the net force on the object
divided by its mass.
• In circular motion, a centripetal force pulls an object
toward the center of the curve.
Lesson 4: Newton’s Third Law
• Newton’s third law of motion states that when one
object applies a force on another, the second object
applies an equal force in the opposite direction on
the first object.
• The forces of a force pair do not cancel because
they act on different objects.
• According to the law of conservation of momentum,
momentum is conserved during a collision unless an
outside force acts on the colliding objects.
Which term refers to the amount
of matter in an object?
A. weight
B. mass
C. inertia
D. gravity
Which refers to a force that is
applied when two objects touch?
A. contact
B. gravity
C. mass
D. noncontact
Which term refers to forces that
combine with a net force of zero?
A. unbalanced
B. terminal
C. centripetal
D. balanced
The tendency of an object to
resist a change in its motion is
called what?
A. velocity
B. terminal velocity
C. net force
D. inertia
Which law states that the total
momentum of a group of objects
stays the same unless outside
forces act on the objects?
A. Newton’s third law of motion
B. Newton’s second law of motion
C. Newton’s first law of motion
D. law of conservation of momentum
Which term refers to a force that
one object can apply to another
without touching?
A. weight
B. noncontact
C. inertia
D. contact
Which describes the magnetic
A. contact
B. gravitational
C. noncontact
D. static
Which describes the net force
of different forces acting in the
same direction?
A. unbalanced
B. proportional
C. noncontact
D. negative
If the net force acting on a moving
object is in the direction that the
object is moving, the object does
A. stops
B. speeds up
C. slows down
D. changes direction
Which refers to the collision of
objects that bounce off each
A. elastic
B. friction
C. inelastic
D. inertia