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Forces, Waves, and Electricity
Georgia High School Graduation Test:
Science Review
Speed and Velocity
Speed = distance divided by time
s = d/t
Units of speed = m/s
Velocity = speed in a given direction
55 mph = speed, no direction
55 mph north = velocity, speed & direction
What is Newton's First Law of Motion?
A.) An object at rest will remain at rest
B.) An object at rest will remain at rest and an
object in constant motion on by an balanced
C.) An object at rest will remain at rest and an
object in constant motion will remain in constant
D.) all of the above
motion unless acted on by an unbalanced force.
What is friction?
A.) a push or a pull
B.) direction of acceleration
C.) sum of all forces acting on an object
D.) force that always opposes motion
measure of the amount of matter in an
measured in kilograms
does not depend on location
an object’s mass on Earth is the same
its massofon
A.) measure
of matter in an object
B.) measured in kilograms
C.) an object’s mass on Earth is the same as its
mass on the Moon
D.) A and C
E.) All of the above
What is weight?
A.) measure of the force of gravity on an object
B.) measured in Newtons
C.) measured in Newtons
D.) All of the above
E.) D and C only
What is an attractive force between two
objects that have mass?
A.) force
B.) speed
C.) velocity
D.) gravity
What is Newton's 3rd law of motion?
A.) For every action, there is an equal but same
B.) For every action, there is an equal but
opposite reaction
C.) For every action, there is an unequal but
opposite reaction
D.) For every second action, there is an equal
but opposite reaction
What is Newton's second law of motion?
A.) Force = anit-speed x acceleration
B.) Force = velocity x acceleration
C.) Force = speed x acceleration
D.) Force = mass x acceleration
What is net force?
A.) a push or a pull
B.) sum of all forces acting on an object
C.) direction of acceleration
D.) force that always opposes motion
What is force?
A.) always opposes motion
B.) a push or a pull
C.) sum of all forces acting on an object
D.) direction of acceleration
What is acceleration?
A.) units of speed
B.) rate at which velocity changes
C.) Units of acceleration = m/s2
D.) velocity standing still
What is Velocity?
A.) Units of cells
B.) Units of speed
C.) s = d/t
D.) speed in a given direction
What is speed?
A.) Units of speed
B.) speed in a given direction
C.) distance divided by time
D.) rate at which velocity changes
Distance versus Time Graph
versus time
 Straight
Acceleration = rate at which velocity
Involves a change in speed OR direction
a = (vf – vi )/ t
Units of acceleration = m/s2
Example: 0 to 60 mph in 5 seconds
For acceleration to occur a net
(unbalanced) force must be applied
Distance versus Time Graph Revisited
 Non-linear
 Parabola =
Sample Question #1
Use the equations for velocity and
acceleration to solve the following examples:
A ball rolls in a straight line very slowly across the
floor traveling 1.0 meter in 2.0 seconds. Calculate
the velocity of the ball.
Answer: v = 0.50 m/s
If the ball from the above question rolls to a stop in
2.0 seconds, calculate the acceleration
(deceleration) of the ball.
Answer: a = -0.25 m/s2
 Force = a push or a pull
 Net Force = sum of all
forces acting on an
 Free-body diagram
shows all forces with
vector arrows
 Direction of force =
direction of acceleration
 Friction is a force that
always opposes motion
Determining the Net Force
Newton’s 1st Law of Motion
An object at rest will
remain at rest and
an object in constant
motion will remain in
constant motion
unless acted on by
an unbalanced
Reason for seatbelts
Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion
 Force = mass x acceleration
F = ma
Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion
For every action,
there is an equal
but opposite
Punch a wall, it
punches back
Rocket propulsion
 Gravity = attractive force between two objects
that have mass
 Makes falling objects accelerate (g = 9.8 m/s2)
 Depends on mass and distance
Sample Question #2
What causes an object to accelerate as it
Answer: The force of gravity causes an object
to accelerate at a rate of 9.8 m/s2 toward Earth.
Mass versus Weight
 measure of the amount  measure of the force of
of matter in an object
gravity on an object
 measured in kilograms  measured in Newtons
 does not depend on
 does depend on
an object’s mass on
Earth is the same as its
mass on the Moon
an object’s weight on
Earth is more than its
weight on the Moon
Sample Question #3
Explain the difference between mass and
Answer: Mass is the quantity of matter of an
object while weight is the measure of the force
of gravity on that object. Mass is conserved
while weight may change depending on
Energy and Work
Energy = The ability to do work
Work = transfer of energy by applying a
force to move an object
W = Fd
where force and distance are in same
Both work and energy are measured in
Joules (J)
Examples of Work and No Work
 Hammer applies
a force to move
the nail in the
same direction =
 Waiter applies a
force upward
while the tray
moves forward =
Sample Question #4
Use the formula for work to solve the
following example:
A woman picks up her 10 Newton child lifting
him 1 meter. She then carries him 5 meters
across the room. How much work is done on
the child?
Answer: 10 Joules
• the 5 meters is not added to the 1 meter because the
distance moved (5 meters) is perpendicular to the force
Mechanical Advantage
 Mechanical Advantage is a value that shows how
useful the machine is. It shows the ratio of work into
the machine compared to work out of the machine.
 The larger the mechanical advantage the more work
the machine is doing compared to you. It should
always be larger than 1.
 There are no units for mechanical advantage
because they cancel in the calculation.
Types of Mechanical Energy
 Kinetic = energy of motion
 Potential = stored energy
due to position
Conservation of Energy
 Light is a form of electromagnetic radiation (EM)
 EM spectrum shows the forms of radiation in
order of increasing frequency (and energy) and
decreasing wavelength
Color of Light
 We see different colors depending on the
frequency of light emitted or reflected
 This is the reason blue flames are hotter than
yellow. Blue has a higher frequency so more
Sample Question #5
How are the frequency and wavelength
related to the energy carried by waves?
Answer: Higher frequency waves have more
energy while longer wavelength waves have
less energy. Frequency and energy are directly
related while wavelength and energy are
inversely related. Radio waves (long
wavelength) have less energy than gamma
waves (high frequency).
Sample Question #6
How are frequency and wavelength
Answer: Frequency and wavelength are
inversely related. High frequency waves have
short wavelengths.
Electromagnetic Wave (EM) versus
Mechanical Wave
 does not require
matter to transfer
 CAN travel through a
 example: light
 does require matter to
transfer energy
 CANNOT travel
through a vacuum
 example: sound
Sample Question #7
Compare electromagnetic and mechanical
Answer: Electromagnetic waves (light) do not
require matter to transfer energy while
mechanical waves (sound) require matter to
transfer energy. In other words, EM waves will
travel in a vacuum while mechanical waves will
Reflection of Light
 When light strikes a
boundary, it reflects.
 The angle at which the
wave approaches a flat
reflecting surface is equal
to the angle at which the
wave leaves the surface
(like a bounce pass of a
 Reflection results in
image formation.
Refraction of Light
 Light waves travel
faster in air than in
water and slower in
glass than water.
 More dense =
slower light
 When light enters a
different medium,
speed changes and
it bends.
 Bending of light due
to change in speed
Wave Interference
 the phenomenon
which occurs when
two waves meet while
traveling along the
same medium
 constructive =
waves add to produce
a larger wave
 destructive = waves
cancel to produce a
smaller wave
The Doppler Effect
 observed whenever
the source of waves
is moving with
respect to an
 an apparent change
in frequency occurs
 toward = higher
 away = lower
Electrons carry a negative charge.
Lost electrons = positive charge
Gained electrons = negative charge
Like charges repel
Opposites attract
Electrical Circuits
 Current flows in a
closed circuit
 Ohm’s Law
V = IR
 Two types of circuits:
Series (single path)
Parallel (poly paths)
 One can make an electromagnet with a nail,
battery, and wire
 When current flows through the coiled wire, the
nail becomes magnetized.
Aristotle claimed that objects fell at a
rate proportional to their weight, so
that heavier objects fell faster than
lighter objects. Explain why you think
he was correct or he was wrong. How
could one determine whether or not
he was correct?
Lesson Summarized
Write a sentence that explains the
system being discussed.
Draw a graphic organizer for each
system in this lesson. Show the
relationship of the parts of the
system to the whole within each
Short Quiz Answers
A force is a push or a pull. Unbalanced (net)
forces result in acceleration.
The object ejected from a spacecraft near Earth
will most likely fall into the Earth due to gravity
while the object ejected in deep space will travel at
a constant speed until acted on by an unbalanced
force (Newton's First Law of Motion).
Sound and ocean waves are both mechanical
waves because they both require matter to
transmit energy.
Light and sound both transfer energy, but light
does not require matter to transfer energy while
sound does. In other words, light waves will travel
in a vacuum while sound waves will not.