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Chapter 3 Force and Newton’s
Section 3-1 Classical mechanics
• The approach to the dynamics we consider
here is generally called classical mechanics.
Galileo Galilei
Issac Newton
• In this chapter, we will study in detail the
bases of classical mechanics: Newton’s
three laws.
• Classical mechanics was found not to
describe well the motions in certain realms.
• For ordinary objects, classical mechanics
is important and very useful.
Section 3-2 Newton’s first law
 What can cause the motion of a body?
Take the apple’s freely falling motion as an example
 What will be the states of the body if there is no
any interactions between it and its environment?
(an isolated system) At rest or 1D uniform motion
 Newton’s first law :
Every body continues in its state of rest or uniform
motion in a straight line, unless it is compelled to
change that state by forces impressed on it.
1. Newton’s first law tells us:
Consider a body on which no net force acts.
1) If the body is at rest, it will remain at rest;
2) If the body is moving with constant velocity, it
will continue to do so, no force is needed to keep it
2. The correctness of Newton’s laws is
dependent on the reference frames!
See an example in
动画库/力学夹/2-01牛顿定律适用的参照系.exe 1
3. Inertial frames(惯性参考系):
• The reference frames to which Newton’s law
applies (适用) are called “inertial frames”.
• The tendency of a body to remain at rest or in
uniform linear motion is called “inertia”.
No net force or No acceleration
• Can we find inertial frames in the nature?
地心系, 地球赤道加速度 a=3.4x10-2m/s2
日心系, 地球公转轨道加速度 a=6x10-3m/s2
银河系, 太阳向心加速度 a=3x10-10m/s2
• A frame that keeps rest or uniform linear motion,
relative to any inertial frames, is an inertial frame.
• Newton’s first law is often called the law of inertia.
See 动画库/力学夹/2-01德行与惯性.exe
Section 3-3 Force
 Newton’s first law tell us that force causes
 
the change in the motion states (~ v). F  a
 For a fixed body, a larger force applied to
the body will generate a larger acceleration
for the body.
 The force is determined through the
measure of acceleration the body gets under
the force.
Section 3-4 Mass
It is much easy to accelerate a bicycle than
a car by pushing it.
Clearly same force produces different
acceleration when applied to different bodies.
What makes the difference??? Mass
In experiments, it is easy to prove that the
magnitude of the acceleration is proportional
to that of the force applied to a given body.
a  F
This ratio is called the mass of the body.
Mass :The property of a body that determines
its resistance to a change in it’s motion.
The mass defined in Newton’s law is an inertial
One method to quantitatively determine the
mass of a body, (relative to others’)
Suppose we apply a certain force F to a
body having mass m1 and observe an
acceleration of a1 . We then apply the same
force to another body of mass m2 ,observing
an acceleration a 2 . Thus
m a m a
Section 3-5 Newton’s second law
The mathematical statement of Newton’s
second law of motion is
 F i  ma
1. Here  F i is the vector sum of all the
forces acting on the body.
2. Is the first law not totally contained in
second law? No.
3. Equation (3-4) is a vector equation. We can
write it as three one-dimensional equation:
 ma x
 ma y
 ma z
Here  F (or  F , F ) is the algebraic sum of
the x (or, y, z) components of all the forces
acting on m.
4. If we measure the mass in kg and the
acceleration in m / s 2 ,Newton’s second law
gives the force in N. 1N  1kg  m / s 2
Sample problems
1. A worker pushes a loaded sled, whose
mass m is 240 kg for a distance d of 2.3 m
over the surface of a frozen lake. The sled
moves with negligible friction on the ice. The
worker exerts a constant horizontal force of
130 N as she does so. If the sled starts from
rest, what is its final velocity?
2. The worker in Sample Problem 1 wants to
reverse the direction of the velocity of the
sled in 4.5s. With what constant force must
she push on the sled to do so?
with an
3. An object is moving north. From only this
information one can conclude:
(A) that there is a single force on the object
directed north.
(B) that there is a net force on the object
directed north.
(C) that there may be several forces on the
object, but the largest must be directed
(D) nothing about the forces on the object.
Section 3-6 Newton’s third law
1)Newton’s third law is:
To every action there is an equal and 
reaction. If the body B exerts a force F on body A;
experiment shows that body A exerts a force F on
body B. These forces are related by
F AB   F BA
Note: the action and reaction forces always act on
different bodies.
2)Dynamical analysis using Newton’s laws
In analyzing problems using Newton’s law, there
are several steps that we should follow:
1. choose a suitable inertial reference frame.
2. For each object in the problem, draw a “free
body diagram”, showing all of the forces acting on
that body.
3. For each body, find the vector sum of all the
forces. In practice, this usually means separately
adding the x, y, z components of the forces. Then
use Eqs (3-5) to find acceleration components
Sample problems
1. A worker W is pushing a packing crate of
mass m1=4.2 Kg. In front of the crate is a
second crate of mass m2=1.4 Kg. Both
crates slides across the floor without friction.
The worker pushes on crate 1 with a force
F1w=3.2 N. Find the accelerations of the
crates and the force exerted by crate 1 on
crate 2.
2. See 动画库/力学夹/2-02牛顿定律例题 例1