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Ancient Greece: Learning Period 7 Quiz
Learning Period 7: Ancient World History
Student Name: __________________________________________________________________
Date: ____________
Part I Directions: Use the character word bank to match each character with the best statement. (1 Point Each)
Character Word Bank
Alexander the Great
Cyrus the Great
Darius I
Phillip II
Xerxes I
1. _______________________________
I am the famous Greek historian and a writer that changed the way
historians conducted their research.
2. _______________________________
I am the famous Greek military and political leader that encouraged the
spread of democracy. I also led Athens during the Golden Age and
helped rebuild Athens after the Persian Wars.
3. _______________________________
I am the famous Persian emperor who invaded Greece and started the
Persian Wars. I was defeated by the Greeks at the Battle of Marathon.
4. _______________________________
I am the famous Greek poet who wrote two famous Greek epic poems
called the Iliad and the Odyssey that described the deeds of heroes
during and after the Trojan War.
5. _______________________________
I am the famous Macedonian king that defeated the Greek city-states
and was Alexander the Great’s father.
6. _______________________________
I am the famous Athenian military strategist and statesman who
successfully brought about Athenian victory over the Persians at the
Battle of Marathon.
7. _______________________________
I am the famous Greek mathematician who was interested in geometry
and the study of lines, angles, and shapes. I am referred to as the
“Father of Geometry".
8. _______________________________
I am the famous Spartan king whose stand against the invading Persian
army at Thermopylae in central Greece is one of the enduring tales of
Greek heroism.
Ancient Greece: Learning Period 7 Quiz
Learning Period 7: Ancient World History
9. _______________________________
I am the famous Athenian messenger who ran 40 km from the
battlefield near Marathon to Athens to announce the Greek victory over
Persia in the Battle of Marathon.
10. _______________________________
I am the famous Greek female teacher and writer who was a companion
of Pericles. I support women’s rights and I believe the city should
educate woman as it does men.
11. _______________________________
I am the famous Persian ruler who was the son of Darius I. L I tried to
conquer the Greeks like my father, but I too failed. I left Greece after
defeats in the Battle of Salamis and the Battle of Plataea.
12. _______________________________
I am the famous Greek famous Greek philosopher known for asking
questions. My teachings are at the root of modern philosophy. I was
condemned to death for challenging authority and corrupting the minds
of the young.
13. _______________________________
I am the famous Greek philosopher and mathematician that developed
a mathematical theorem that describes the relationship among the
sides of a right triangle.
14. _______________________________
I am the famous Greek doctor known as the father of modern medicine.
I have become famous for my ideas on how doctors should conduct
15. _______________________________
I am the famous Greek philosopher and teacher who was taught by
Socrates. I wrote a book called the Republic, which outlines an ideal
society run by philosophers.
16. _______________________________
I am the famous Persian emperor who created the Persian Empire and
let the people I conquered keep their own customs, which made them
less likely to rebel.
17. _______________________________
I am the famous Macedonian ruler who spread Greek culture
throughout my empire. I am one of the greatest military commanders in
history and I came as close as anyone to ruling the world.
18. _______________________________
I am the famous Greek storyteller who wrote the Tortoise and the Hare.
My fables have survived over the years because of storytelling tradition.
19. _______________________________
I am the famous Greek philosopher and scientist that studied with Plato,
founded the Lyceum, and taught Alexander the Great.
20. _______________________________
I am the famous Greek female poet that established a school of poetry
and music for young women and wrote lyric poems.
I am the famous Athenian playwright that wrote Oedipus Rex.
21. _______________________________
Ancient Greece: Learning Period 7 Quiz
Learning Period 7: Ancient World History
Part II Directions: Use the term word bank to match each term with the best definition. (1 Point Each)
Term Word Bank
Athenian Democracy
Olympic Games
Golden Age
Athenian Education
22. _______________________________
a rich landowner or noble who was a member of the most powerful class in
ancient Greek society.
23. _______________________________
short stories that teach the reader lessons about life or give advice on
how to live.
24. _______________________________
a period of great peace and wealth between 479 and 431 B.C.E when
Athens was the artistic and cultural center of Greece.
25. _______________________________
the peninsula forming the southern part of mainland Greece located on
the plain between the mountains and the sea where the Greek citystate Sparta was located.
26. _______________________________
the search for knowledge that the Athenians pursued through
discussion and debate.
27. _______________________________
the art of writing, acting in, and producing plays.
28. _______________________________
the art of designing buildings, like Greek temples for the Greek gods and
29. _______________________________
an ancient Greek leader who held power through the use of force.
30. _______________________________
Greek warriors named after their heavy, round, bronze-covered wooden
31. _______________________________
32. _______________________________
a famous Greek temple of the Doric order honoring the goddesses
designed to produce good citizens with sharp minds and healthy bodies.
33. _______________________________
a person who makes money by selling goods.
34. _______________________________
a settlement in a distant place.
Ancient Greece: Learning Period 7 Quiz
Learning Period 7: Ancient World History
35. _______________________________
a body of stories about gods and heroes that try to explain how the
world works.
36. _______________________________
small communities or villages in ancient Greece isolated from one
another because of high mountains.
37. _______________________________
the ancient Greece marketplace.
38. _______________________________
a person who has the right to participate in government.
39. _______________________________
the hill above a Greek city where temples were built.
40. _______________________________
Greek games first held in 776 BCE to honor the Greek god Zeus.
41. _______________________________
government system that checked the city-state aristocracy influence
and allowed free male citizens of Athens to participate in the creation of
city laws.
42. _______________________________
Greek word for a city state, which is a political unit consisting of a
city and its surrounding countryside.
Part III Directions: Reflect on our Ancient Greece unit. Think about the influence geography had on the development of
Ancient Greece. Think about the similarities and differences between the Greek city-states. Reflect on art, literature,
mythology, science, and war. Finally, think about the role key unit figures played in the development of Greek culture
and civilization. Assignment: Write a reflection of our unit on Ancient Greece. Write about what you have learned. You
may want to detail some of the successes and failures of the Greeks and/or list some of the accomplishments that
continue to influence us today. Use key character and unit terms in your reflection and underline them. (8 Total Points)
Ancient Greece: Learning Period 7 Quiz
Learning Period 7: Ancient World History
Ancient Greece: Learning Period 7 Quiz
Learning Period 7: Ancient World History