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1-D motion 2-D
Work & Catch-all
Final Jeopardy
$100 – 1-D Motion
This is the triangle relating distance, time and
$100 Question: 1-D Motion
What is:
And then explain how to use it.
$200 -- 1-D Motion
This is the triangle relating accleration, time and
$200 Question: 1-D Motion
What is:
And then explain how to use it.
$300 -- 1-D Motion
A ball is thrown straight up in the air. This
is the direction of its acceleration after it’s
left your hand.
$300 Question: 1-D Motion
What is down?
$400 -- 1-D Motion
A rock is dropped from rest from a height of 12m.
This is how long it takes to hit the ground.
$400 Question: 1-D Motion
What is 1.56 sec?
$500 -- 1-D Motion
Speedy the snail accelerates from 2 m/s to 15 m/s at
a constant acceleration of 5 m/s2. This is the distance
Speedy covers as he accelerates.
$500 Question: 1-D Motion
What is 22.1m?
$100 -- 2-D Motion
If the passenger in a convertible throws a rock straight
up, this is why it lands back in the passenger’s lap.
$100 Question: 2-D Motion
What is because both the car and the rock have
The same horizontal speed?
$200 -- 2-D Motion
This is the direction of the velocity vector in
projectile motion.
$200 Question: 2-D Motion
What is tangential to the path?
$300 -- 2-D Motion
Of dependent or independent, this is which one
that describes how the vertical and horizontal
motions are related to one another in projectile
$300 Question: 2-D Motion
What is independent?
$400 -- 2-D Motion
If a projectile is fired with V0 = 19 m/s and θ = 200,
This is the projectile’s horizontal range.
$400 Question: 2-D Motion
What is 23.68 m?
Bonus: explain when you are allowed to use
the range equation.
$500 -- 2-D Motion
A projectile is fired at V0 = 19 m/s and θ = 200.
This is the time of flight if the starting and landing
heights are the same.
$500 Question: 2-D Motion
What is 1.33 sec?
$100 -- Vectors
If FX = 20 N and FY = 13 N, this is the magnitude
of F.
$100 Question: Vectors
What is 23.9 N?
$200 -- Vectors
If AX = 6 m/s2 and AY = 7 m/s2, this is the direction
(angle) of the acceleration.
$200 Question: Vectors
What is 49.40?
$300 -- Vectors
An ice skater is travelling at 12 m/s at an angle of
380 above the X-axis. These are the x- and ycomponents of his velocity.
$300 Question: Vectors
What are VX = 9.460 m/s and VY = 7.39 m/s?
$400 -- Vectors
These are the short equations for FX and FY if you
know F and θ.
$400 Question: Vectors
What are FX = Fcos(θ) and FY = Fsin(θ)?
$500 -- Vectors
It is the means of finding the direction of a vector if
You know the x- and y- components.
$500 Question: Vectors
What is θ = tan-1(y-comp/x-comp)?
$100 – Forces
ΣF = ?
$100 Question: Forces
What is ma?
$200 -- Forces
This is the equation for the force of static friction.
$200 Question: Forces
What is What is FFS = μSFN?
$300 -- Forces
For a horizontal surface, FN = this.
$300 Question: Forces
What is mg, or the weight of the object?
$400 -- Forces
This is the force of gravity between two 10 kg
objects separated by 4m.
$400 Question: Forces
What is 4.17 X 10-10 N?
$500 -- Forces
These are the magnitude and direction
of the resultant force for the diagram below:
$500 Question: Forces
What are F = 5.83N and θ = 1490?
$100 – Work and Energy
This is the Work-Energy theorem.
$100 Question: Work and Energy
What Work = ∆KE?
$200 -- Work and Energy
This is the full formula for conservation of energy.
$200 Question: Work and Energy
What is mghf + ½ mvf2 = mghi + ½ mvi2?
$300 -- Work and Energy
This is the formula for Work done on an object.
$300 Question: Work and Energy
What is W = Fdcos(θ)?
$400 – Work and Energy
If Tarzan is standing on the branch at rest and has a
potential energy of 11,000J, this is the value of
his kinetic energy when his height above the ground
is zero.
$400 Question: Work and Energy
What is 11,000 J?
$500 -- Work and Energy
This and that are examples of a conservative
and nonconservative force, respectively.
$500 Question: Work and Energy
What are gravity and friction, for example?
$100 -- Catch-all
This is the formula for speed in a circle.
$100 Question -- Catch-all
What is V = 2Πr/T?
$200 -- Catch-all
This is the conversion of 25 mi/hr into m/s.
$200 Question -- Catch-all
What is 11.17 m/s?
$300 -- Catch-all
When a 1 kg rock, 2 kg rock and 3 kg rock are
dropped from the same height, it’s the one that
hits the ground first.
$300 Question -- Catch-all
What is they all hit at the same time?
$400 -- Catch-all
Yes, there is gravity here.
$400 Question -- Catch-all
Where is the moon?
$500 -- Catch-all
This is the definition of power.
$500 Question -- Catch-all
What is work/time or energy/time?
Final Jeopardy
This is the most awesomest school subject
ever and one that all of you should be
thankful you get to take.
Final Jeopardy Answer
What is Physics?