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Physics 111: Mechanics
Lecture 12
Dale Gary
NJIT Physics Department
Linear Momentum
and Collisions
of Energy
of Momentum
1-D Collisions
2-D Collisions
The Center of Mass
May 22, 2017
Conservation of Energy
D E = D K + D U = 0 if conservative forces are the only
forces that do work on the system.
The total amount of energy in the system is constant.
1 2
mv f  mgy f  kx2f  mvi2  mgyi  kxi2
D E = D K + D U = -fkd if friction forces are doing work
on the system.
The total amount of energy in the system is still
constant, but the change in mechanical energy goes
into “internal energy” or heat.
 1
 f k d   mv 2f  mgy f  kx2f    mvi2  mgyi  kxi2 
 2
May 22, 2017
Linear Momentum
This is a new fundamental quantity, like force, energy.
It is a vector quantity (points in same direction as
The linear momentum p of an object of mass m moving
with a velocity v is defined to be the product of the
mass and velocity:
p  mv
The terms momentum and linear momentum will be
used interchangeably in the text
Momentum depend on an object’s mass and velocity
May 22, 2017
Momentum and Energy
Two objects with masses m1 and m2
have equal kinetic energy. How do the
magnitudes of their momenta
(A) p1 < p2
(B) p1 = p2
(C) p1 > p2
(D) Not enough information is given
May 22, 2017
Linear Momentum, cont’d
Linear momentum is a vector quantity p  mv
 Its direction is the same as the direction of
the velocity
 The dimensions of momentum are ML/T
 The SI units of momentum are kg m / s
 Momentum can be expressed in component
px = mvx py = mvy pz = mvz
May 22, 2017
Newton’s Law and Momentum
Newton’s Second Law can be used to relate the
momentum of an object to the resultant force
acting on it
Dv D(mv )
Fnet  ma  m
The change in an object’s momentum divided by
the elapsed time equals the constant net force
acting on the object
Dp change in momentum
 Fnet
time interval
May 22, 2017
When a single, constant force acts on the
object, there is an impulse delivered to the
 
I  FDt
I is defined as the impulse
The equality is true even if the force is not constant
Vector quantity, the direction is the same as the
direction of the force
Dp change in momentum
 Fnet
time interval
May 22, 2017
Impulse-Momentum Theorem
The theorem states
that the impulse
acting on a system is
equal to the change
in momentum of the
 
Dp  Fnet Dt  I
I  Dp  mv f  mvi
May 22, 2017
Calculating the Change of Momentum
Dp  pafter  pbefore
 mvafter  mvbefore
 m(vafter  vbefore )
For the teddy bear
Dp  m 0  (v)  mv
For the bouncing ball
Dp  mv  (v)  2mv
May 22, 2017
How Good Are the Bumpers?
In a crash test, a car of mass 1.5103 kg collides with a wall and
rebounds as in figure. The initial and final velocities of the car are vi=-15
m/s and vf = 2.6 m/s, respectively. If the collision lasts for 0.15 s, find
(a) the impulse delivered to the car due to the collision
(b) the size and direction of the average force exerted on the car
May 22, 2017
How Good Are the Bumpers?
In a crash test, a car of mass 1.5103 kg collides with a wall and
rebounds as in figure. The initial and final velocities of the car are vi=-15
m/s and vf = 2.6 m/s, respectively. If the collision lasts for 0.15 s, find
(a) the impulse delivered to the car due to the collision
(b) the size and direction of the average force exerted on the car
pi  mvi  (1.5 103 kg)( 15m / s)  2.25 10 4 kg  m / s
p f  mv f  (1.5 103 kg)(2.6m / s)  0.39 104 kg  m / s
I  p f  pi  mv f  mvi
 (0.39 10 4 kg  m / s )  (2.25 10 4 kg  m / s )
 2.64 10 4 kg  m / s
Dp I
2.64 104 kg  m / s
Fav 
 1.76 105 N
Dt Dt
May 22, 2017
Impulse-Momentum Theorem
A child bounces a 100 g superball on the
sidewalk. The velocity of the superball
changes from 10 m/s downward to 10 m/s
upward. If the contact time with the
sidewalk is 0.1s, what is the magnitude of
the impulse imparted to the superball?
2 kg-m/s
20 kg-m/s
200 kg-m/s
2000 kg-m/s
I  Dp  mv f  mvi
May 22, 2017
Impulse-Momentum Theorem 2
A child bounces a 100 g superball on the
sidewalk. The velocity of the superball
changes from 10 m/s downward to 10 m/s
upward. If the contact time with the
sidewalk is 0.1s, what is the magnitude of
the force between the sidewalk and the
(A) 0
 I
Dp mv f  mvi
(B) 2 N
(C) 20 N
Dt Dt
(D) 200 N
(E) 2000 N
May 22, 2017
Conservation of Momentum
In an isolated and closed system,
the total momentum of the
system remains constant in time.
Isolated system: no external forces
Closed system: no mass enters or
The linear momentum of each
colliding body may change
The total momentum P of the
system cannot change.
May 22, 2017
Conservation of Momentum
Start from impulse-momentum
F21Dt  m1v1 f  m1v1i
F12Dt  m2v2 f  m2v2i
F21Dt   F12Dt
 Then m1v1 f  m1v1i  (m2 v2 f  m2 v2i )
m1v1i  m2 v2i  m1v1 f  m2v2 f
May 22, 2017
Conservation of Momentum
When no external forces act on a system consisting of
two objects that collide with each other, the total
momentum of the system remains constant in time
 
Fnet Dt  Dp  p f  pi
 When Fnet  0
 For an isolated system
Dp  0
p f  pi
Specifically, the total momentum before the collision will
equal the total momentum after the collision
m1v1i  m2 v2i  m1v1 f  m2v2 f
May 22, 2017
The Archer
An archer stands at rest on frictionless ice and fires a 0.5-kg arrow
horizontally at 50.0 m/s. The combined mass of the archer and bow is
60.0 kg. With what velocity does the archer move across the ice after
firing the arrow?
pi  p f
m1v1i  m2 v2i  m1v1 f  m2v2 f
m1  60.0kg, m2  0.5kg, v1i  v2i  0, v2 f  50m / s, v1 f  ?
0  m1v1 f  m2 v2 f
v1 f  
v2 f  
(50.0m / s)  0.417m / s
May 22, 2017
Conservation of Momentum
A 100 kg man and 50 kg woman on ice
skates stand facing each other. If the woman
pushes the man backwards so that his final
speed is 1 m/s, at what speed does she recoil?
(A) 0
(B) 0.5 m/s
(C) 1 m/s
(D) 1.414 m/s
(E) 2 m/s
May 22, 2017
Types of Collisions
Momentum is conserved in any collision
 Inelastic collisions: rubber ball and hard ball
Elastic collisions: billiard ball
Kinetic energy is not conserved
Perfectly inelastic collisions occur when the objects
stick together
both momentum and kinetic energy are conserved
Actual collisions
Most collisions fall between elastic and perfectly
inelastic collisions
May 22, 2017
Collisions Summary
In an elastic collision, both momentum and kinetic
energy are conserved
 In a non-perfect inelastic collision, momentum is
conserved but kinetic energy is not. Moreover, the
objects do not stick together
 In a perfectly inelastic collision, momentum is conserved,
kinetic energy is not, and the two objects stick together
after the collision, so their final velocities are the same
 Elastic and perfectly inelastic collisions are limiting cases,
most actual collisions fall in between these two types
 Momentum is conserved in all collisions
May 22, 2017
More about Perfectly Inelastic
When two objects stick together
after the collision, they have
undergone a perfectly inelastic
Conservation of momentum
m1v1i  m2 v2i  (m1  m2 )v f
m1v1i  m2 v2i
vf 
m1  m2
Kinetic energy is NOT conserved
May 22, 2017
An SUV Versus a Compact
An SUV with mass 1.80103 kg is travelling eastbound at
+15.0 m/s, while a compact car with mass 9.00102 kg
is travelling westbound at -15.0 m/s. The cars collide
head-on, becoming entangled.
Find the speed of the entangled
cars after the collision.
(b) Find the change in the velocity
of each car.
(c) Find the change in the kinetic
energy of the system consisting
of both cars.
May 22, 2017
An SUV Versus a Compact
Find the speed of the entangled m  1.80 103 kg, v  15m / s
cars after the collision.
m2  9.00 10 kg, v2i  15m / s
pi  p f
m1v1i  m2 v2i  (m1  m2 )v f
m1v1i  m2 v2i
vf 
m1  m2
v f  5.00m / s
May 22, 2017
An SUV Versus a Compact
Find the change in the velocity
of each car.
v f  5.00m / s
m1  1.80 103 kg, v1i  15m / s
m2  9.00 102 kg, v2i  15m / s
Dv1  v f  v1i  10.0m / s
Dv2  v f  v2i  20.0m / s
m1Dv1  m1 (v f  v1i )  1.8 104 kg  m / s
m2 Dv2  m2 (v f  v2i )  1.8 104 kg  m / s
m1Dv1  m2 Dv2  0
May 22, 2017
An SUV Versus a Compact
Find the change in the kinetic
kg, v1i  15m / s
energy of the system consisting 1
m2  9.00 102 kg, v2i  15m / s
of both cars.
v f  5.00m / s
KEi  m1v1i  m2 v22i  3.04 105 J
KE f  m1v1 f  m2 v22 f  3.38 10 4 J
DKE  KE f  KEi  2.70 105 J
May 22, 2017
More About Elastic Collisions
Both momentum and kinetic energy
are conserved
m1v1i  m2 v2i  m1v1 f  m2 v2 f
m1v1i  m2 v2i  m1v1 f  m2 v22 f
Typically have two unknowns
Momentum is a vector quantity
Direction is important
Be sure to have the correct signs
Solve the equations simultaneously
May 22, 2017
Elastic Collisions
A simpler equation can be used in place of the KE
m1v1i  m2 v2i  m1v1 f  m2 v22 f
m1 (v12i  v12f )  m2 (v22 f  v22i )
v  v  ( v  v )
m1 (v11i i v1 f )(v21ii  v1 f )  m21(fv2 f  v22i )(f v2 f  v2i )
m1v1i  m2 v2i  m1v1 f  m2 v2 f
m1 (v1i  v1 f )  m2 (v2 f  v2i )
v1i  v1 f  v2 f  v2i
m1v1i  m2 v2i  m1v1 f  m2 v2 f
May 22, 2017
Summary of Types of Collisions
In an elastic collision, both momentum and kinetic
energy are conserved
v1i  v1 f  v2 f  v2i
m1v1i  m2 v2i  m1v1 f  m2 v2 f
In an inelastic collision, momentum is conserved but
kinetic energy is not
m1v1i  m2 v2i  m1v1 f  m2 v2 f
In a perfectly inelastic collision, momentum is conserved,
kinetic energy is not, and the two objects stick together
after the collision, so their final velocities are the same
m1v1i  m2 v2i  (m1  m2 )v f
May 22, 2017
Conservation of Momentum
An object of mass m moves to the right with a
speed v. It collides head-on with an object of
mass 3m moving with speed v/3 in the opposite
direction. If the two objects stick together, what
is the speed of the combined object, of mass 4m,
after the collision?
(A) 0
(B) v/2
(C) v
(D) 2v
(E) 4v
May 22, 2017
Problem Solving for 1D Collisions, 1
Coordinates: Set up a
coordinate axis and define
the velocities with respect
to this axis
It is convenient to make
your axis coincide with one
of the initial velocities
Diagram: In your sketch,
draw all the velocity
vectors and label the
velocities and the masses
May 22, 2017
Problem Solving for 1D Collisions, 2
Conservation of
Momentum: Write a
general expression for the
total momentum of the
system before and after
the collision
Equate the two total
momentum expressions
Fill in the known values
m1v1i  m2 v2i  m1v1 f  m2 v2 f
May 22, 2017
Problem Solving for 1D Collisions, 3
Conservation of Energy:
If the collision is elastic,
write a second equation
for conservation of KE, or
the alternative equation
This only applies to perfectly
elastic collisions
v1i  v1 f  v2 f  v2i
Solve: the resulting
equations simultaneously
May 22, 2017
One-Dimension vs Two-Dimension
May 22, 2017
Two-Dimensional Collisions
For a general collision of two objects in twodimensional space, the conservation of momentum
principle implies that the total momentum of the
system in each direction is conserved
m1v1ix  m2 v2ix  m1v1 fx  m2 v2 fx
m1v1iy  m2 v2iy  m1v1 fy  m2 v2 fy
May 22, 2017
Two-Dimensional Collisions
The momentum is conserved in all directions
m1v1ix  m2 v2ix  m1v1 fx  m2 v2 fx
 Use subscripts for
Identifying the object
m1v1iy  m2 v2iy  m1v1 fy  m2 v2 fy
Indicating initial or final values
The velocity components
If the collision is elastic, use conservation of
kinetic energy as a second equation
Remember, the simpler equation can only be used
for one-dimensional situations
v1i  v1 f  v2 f  v2i
May 22, 2017
Glancing Collisions
The “after” velocities have x and y components
Momentum is conserved in the x direction and in the
y direction
Apply conservation of momentum separately to each
mv m v mv m v
1 1ix
2 2 ix
1 1 fx
2 2 fx
m1v1iy  m2 v2iy  m1v1 fy  m2 v2 fy
May 22, 2017
2-D Collision, example
Particle 1 is moving at
velocity v1i and
particle 2 is at rest
 In the x-direction, the
initial momentum is
In the y-direction, the
initial momentum is 0
May 22, 2017
2-D Collision, example cont
After the collision, the
momentum in the x-direction is
m1v1f cos q  m2v2f cos f
After the collision, the
momentum in the y-direction is
m1v1f sin q  m2v2f sin f
m1v1i  0  m1v1 f cos q  m2 v2 f cos f
0  0  m1v1 f sin q  m2 v2 f sin f
If the collision is elastic, apply
the kinetic energy equation
m1v12i  m1v12f  m2 v22 f
May 22, 2017
Collision at an Intersection
A car with mass 1.5×103 kg traveling
east at a speed of 25 m/s collides at
an intersection with a 2.5×103 kg van
traveling north at a speed of 20 m/s.
Find the magnitude and direction of
the velocity of the wreckage after the
collision, assuming that the vehicles
undergo a perfectly inelastic collision
and assuming that friction between the
vehicles and the road can be
mc  1.5 103 kg, mv  2.5 103 kg
vcix  25m / s, vviy  20m / s, v f  ?q  ?
May 22, 2017
Collision at an Intersection
mc  1.5 103 kg, mv  2.5 103 kg
vcix  25 m/s , vviy  20 m/s , v f  ?q  ?
 mc vcix  mv vvix  mc vcix  3.75 104 kg  m/s
 mc vcfx  mv vvfx  (mc  mv )v f cosq
3.75 104 kg  m/s  (4.00 103 kg)v f cosq
 mc vciy  mv vviy  mv vviy  5.00 104 kg  m/s
 mc vcfy  mv vvfy  (mc  mv )v f sin q
5.00 104 kg  m/s  (4.00 103 kg)v f sin q
May 22, 2017
Collision at an Intersection
mc  1.5 103 kg, mv  2.5 103 kg
vcix  25m / s, vviy  20m / s, v f  ?q  ?
5.00 104 kg  m/s  (4.00 103 kg)v f sin q
3.75 104 kg  m/s  (4.00 103 kg)v f cosq
5.00 104 kg  m / s
tan q 
 1.33
3.75 10 kg  m / s
q  tan 1 (1.33)  53.1
5.00 104 kg  m/s
vf 
 15.6 m/s
(4.00 10 kg) sin 53.1
May 22, 2017
The Center of Mass
 How
should we define
the position of the
moving body ?
 What is y for Ug =
mgy ?
 Take the average
position of mass. Call
“Center of Mass”
(COM or CM)
May 22, 2017
The Center of Mass
 There
is a special point in a system or
object, called the center of mass, that
moves as if all of the mass of the system
is concentrated at that point
 The CM of an object or a system is the
point, where the object or the system can
be balanced in the uniform gravitational
May 22, 2017
The Center of Mass
The center of mass of any symmetric object lies on an
axis of symmetry and on any plane of symmetry
 If the object has uniform density
The CM may reside inside the body, or outside the body
May 22, 2017
Where is the Center of Mass ?
The center of mass of particles
Two bodies in 1 dimension
m1 x1  m2 x2
m1  m2
May 22, 2017
Center of Mass for many
particles in 3D?
May 22, 2017
Where is the Center of Mass ?
Assume m1 = 1 kg, m2 = 3 kg, and x1 =
1 m, x2 = 5 m, where is the center of
mass of these two objects? x  m1 x1  m2 x2
m1  m2
A) xCM = 1 m
B) xCM = 2 m
C) xCM = 3 m
D) xCM = 4 m
E) xCM = 5 m
May 22, 2017
Center of Mass
for a System of Particles
Two bodies and one dimension
General case: n bodies and three dimension
where M = m1 + m2 + m3 +…
May 22, 2017
Sample Problem : Three particles of masses m1 = 1.2 kg,
m2 = 2.5 kg, and m3 = 3.4 kg form an equilateral triangle of
edge length a = 140 cm. Where is the center of mass of this
system? (Hint: m1 is at (0,0), m2 is at (140 cm,0), and m3 is
at (70 cm, 120 cm), as shown in the figure below.)
m1 x1  m2 x2  m3 x3
mi xi 
m1  m2  m3
i 1
m1 y1  m2 y2  m3 y3
mi yi 
m1  m2  m3
i 1
xCM  82.8 cm
yCM  57.5 cm
May 22, 2017
Motion of a System of Particles
 Assume
the total mass, M, of the system
remains constant
 We can describe the motion of the system
in terms of the velocity and acceleration of
the center of mass of the system
 We can also describe the momentum of
the system and Newton’s Second Law for
the system
May 22, 2017
Velocity and Momentum of a
System of Particles
The velocity of the center of mass of a system of
particles is
vCM 
d rCM
  mi v i
M i
The momentum can be expressed as
MvCM   mi vi   pi  ptot
The total linear momentum of the system equals
the total mass multiplied by the velocity of the
center of mass
May 22, 2017
Acceleration and Force of the
Center of Mass
The acceleration of the center of mass can be
found by differentiating the velocity with respect
to time
aCM 
The acceleration can be related to a force
MaCM   Fi
If we sum over all the internal forces, they
cancel in pairs and the net force on the system
is caused only by the external forces
May 22, 2017
Newton’s Second Law
for a System of Particles
Since the only forces are external, the net
external force equals the total mass of the
system multiplied by the acceleration of the
center of mass:
 MaCM
The center of mass of a system of particles of
combined mass M moves like an equivalent
particle of mass M would move under the
influence of the net external force on the system
May 22, 2017