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The year is 1492. On a beach on
an island in the Caribbean Sea.
Two Taino girls were walking in the
cool shade of the palm trees eating
roasted sweet potatoes.
Renaissance Explorers
Imagine setting out across
an ocean that may or may
not contain sea monsters
or maps. Imagine sailing
for 96 days with no idea
when you will see land
Jacques Cartier
Sailed for _______
Traded with _________
Cartier’s major routes
Vasco De Gama
Sailed for __________
Found a route from
________ to ________
De Gama’s Major Routes
Ferdinand Magellan
Sailed for __________
First Explorer to
Trade Routes
Christopher Columbus
Italian but sailed
for _________
First to reach:
Columbus’s Major Routes
The Influence of the Renaissance
Map of the World during
the Renaissance
New way of thinking
in _____ and the
Believed in ________
and the _________
Confidence to achieve
their dreams even
with dangers
Exploring to Expand Trade
Trade with the East
Exploring for ________
Exploring to Expand _________
Gold, Glory and God
Trade with the East
Renaissance Europeans spent huge
amounts on luxury goods from the
East… such as:
The Spice Trade
Arab merchants bought spices in
They would bring them to
_______________ and sell them to
Italians would bring them to _______
Every step of the way the price went
up _____________ times the original
The Spice Trade
_______ prices for
luxury goods was a
So was ________
of the trade routes.
____ and _______
shifts affected
Example One
The collapse of
_________ Empire
Example Two
Muslims took over
Consider a Dilemma
You live in Renaissance Italy and you
have inherited a large sum of money.
You have the opportunity to invest in
a trading expedition travelling to
Constantinople or to find a new route
to the Asian spice markets. Which
would you choose and why?
Exploring for Gold
List some uses of currency today?
Can you imagine a time when there
wasn’t enough money to go around?
During the Renaissance there wasn’t
enough Gold
Traders needed gold for business
Coins were used (gold and silver)
European mines were running out
Muslim ruler of ________ (Northwest Africa)
Mali had an important __________ (gold, silver,
salt, ivory and slaves)
1324 went on a pilgrimage to _________
Brought a caravan of thousands
Carried ____ and gave to the poor along the way
Europeans shocked at how _____ this man was!
Exploring to Expand Christianity
The worldview of Renaissance Europe
was to expand ___________.
Quote: Mark 16:15 “Go into all the
world, and proclaim the good news
to the whole creation”
Exploring to Expand Christianity
Renaissance Explorers believed they
were following ________ wishes by
bringing ___________ to the people
they visited.
Islamic Worldview
Five religious duties of Islam and the Qur’an
There is no god but ______________and
______________ is his messanger
Pray ________
Fast during the month of _____________
_______ to the poor
Make a pilgrimage to _________ once in
your life.
Religious Motives for
“Prince Henry was stirred up by
his zeal for the service of
God…he wanted to know if
there were any Christian
Princes in whom the charity
and love of Christ was so much
that they would help him
against the Muslims…He had a
great desire to increase the
faith of Christians “
Gomes Eannes de Azurara, Friend
of Prince Henry
How does Prince
Henry’s religious
worldview affect his
attitude toward the
Prince Henry’s Worldview
Threatened by ___________ to the
south and east
Heard of the story of Christian King
Prester John and a long lost Christian
European Explorers
In Canada explorers were accompanied by
_________ and ________ priests.
Missionaries would preach to ______________.
Example : Robert Rundle of the Methodist Church
1850’s set up a school and church.
Materials needed
Chapter handout
Page 113
1) A
2) A
The Means to Explore
Think about your academic fair due in February.
These are all called means. Renaissance Explorers
had the mental outlook and motivation to
explore to…..
Expand trade, find gold, influence Christianity
Renaissance Explorers borrowed:
Just like you borrow some ideas from peers
who have completed academic fairs before
you…why reinvent the wheel. Renaissance
explorers borrowed from
Ancient Greeks and Romans (math, science
philosophy, art)
Muslim cultures (math, mapping)
Expanding the Known World
Europeans knowledge was ____________
Books by travelers like Marco Polo were full of
___________. (He travelled to China by caravan)
Maps by Italian Monk Fra Mauro (1459)
and Ptolemy’s idea of the world (1482)
How are these two maps similar and different?
Which map do you think might have encouraged
Europeans to look for a sea route to China or
How is the worldview of Fra Mauro’s map
different from that of Psalter Map on page 30
Expanding Navigational Technology
Navigation: The science of determining
_________, _________, and
_________ travelled by ship. It
comes from the Latin word navis
(ship) and agere (to drive)
Prince Henry the Navigator
Prince Henry of _________
Huge interest in ships and
Was wealthy like the
Became a patron of
__________ (sponsored
them with money)
Created a _________ to
study navigation
Instruments for Navigation
Developed in
About 1700 years
Used the North Star or
sun to calculate
___________, the
distance North or
South of the
Invented by ancient
_______, _________
mathematicians and
Used to measure the
_________ of the
Pole star above the
horizon to
determine _______
Invented around
______ for
astronomy and used
in 1514 in
Used to measure the
_________ of the
Sun to determine
Developed in _______
as an ____________
over the cross-staff
Think it through?
Which of these instruments do you
think was the most important for
What tools can we use today for
European Expansion
the actions and attitudes of a state
or country whose goal is to increase
it’s power and territory.
Exploration Begins
Started by Going _________
West coast of Africa
Trading posts along the way
________ trade and ________ trade
Started ________ plantations in the
Caribbean Islands and used ______ slaves
to work the farms.
For 3 centuries millions of African slaves
were captured and millions died on route
from the terrible conditions on slave ships.
Battle of Exploration between Spain and
Vasco De Gama (Portugal) travelling in 1497 and found
Pressure on Spain and Columbus found the “West
Indies” in 1492
Columbus and Magellan
Spanish Explorers
Convinced he could find a shorter route by sailing
Took _____ days to sail across Atlantic
Later years made 3 more trips for _______ and
Died ________ and _________ after his 4th
voyage in 1506.
Magellan sailed around the world and reached the
Was killed after getting involved in a local war but
his ship reached Spain full of spices and
circumnavigated the globe.
Page 126
Questions 1.a,b