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Greek Art
Chapter 5
Geometric Period
• Very typical of this period were large funerary
vases designed to hold votive offerings
• Decoration was primarily abstract forms, flat
patterns, outlined shapes that represent various
human forms in poses of anguish.
• Repetition used.
Geometric & Orientalizing
• After destruction of Mycenaean palaces, the
bronze age disintegrated, loss of kings as
powerful rulers. Also lost many art forms (how
to construct tombs, citadels, frescoes, sculpt
with stone) also lost writing and reading.
• This was deemed the “Dark Age of Greece”
• Depopulation
• Poverty
• Loss of contact with outside world
Geometric Krater, 740bce
Hero & Centaur, 750-730bce
Orientalizing Period
• More and more attention being paid to the human form/body
• This period was influenced by Eastern works being brought in
for trade, as trade was on the rise. Borrowed motifs from
Egypt and Near East
MantiklosApollo, 700-680bce
Corinthian Black Figure Amphora with Animal Frieze 625-600bce
Athenian Agora, Hellenistic 600-BCE-150CE
Lady of Auxerre, 650-625bce
The 3 styles of Greek Sculpture
• Archaic: stiff body pose, feet together, and
arms close to the body.
• Classical: more lifelike body, more natural
form with movement, calmness, appearance
of the contrapposto pose
• Hellenistic: evokes emotion, more lifelike
detail, greater movement
Archaic Period
• More sense of permanency, temples built of
stone, not mud brick
• The two orders were used (see handout)
• Archaic statuary was usually life-size or larger,
and painted. Most share an expression “archaic
smile”. Possibly used to signify that the subject
was still living.
• Kore/Korai = female youth
• Kouros/Kouroi = male youth
2 important differences between Archaic
Greek and Egyptian sculpture
• Sculptures of men were unclothed
• Sculptures were free from the stone
in which they were carved
Kouros, 600bce
Moschophorus (Calf Bearer), 560bce
Anavyos Kouros, 530bce
Kore, from Peplos, 530bce
Kore, from the Acropolis, 520-510bce
Doric & Ionic
•Doric Temples are found on Greek mainland.
•Ionic Temples are found on the islands.
•Athens is an exception, and you can find many Ionic temples,
characteristics in their designs, especially on the Acropolis.
•Any temple containing a caryatid, is considered Ionic.
Typical Greek Temple Plan
Temple of Hera I, 550bce
West pediment, Temple of Artemis, 600-580bce
Siphnian Treasury, Reconstruction
Siphnian Treasury Frieze from North, 530bce
Vase Painting
• Athens was the main location for the production of vases
during the archaic period.
• Black Figure technique used as well as red-figure technique
Kleitias & Ergotimos, Francios Vase, 570bce
Exekias, Ajax & Achilles Playing a Game, 530 bce
Andokides Painter, Ajax & Achilles Playing a Game 525-520bce
Niobides Krater, 460-450BCE
Temple of Aphaia at Aegina, 500BC
Restored view Temple of Aphaia
Dying Warrior, top (490 bce)west pediment of Temple Aphaia
bottom (480 bce) east pediment of Temple Aphaia
Early Classical Period
• Early 5th century, Greek city states united to fight the Persian
Army, but defeat of Persians came after Athens was already
• Pieces from this period represent a time of transition.
• Temples more compact, columns more spaced out
• Pediment Statuary is more life-size and displays a variety of
movement and action
Temple of Hera II, (closely resemble
Temple of Zeus 470 BC) 460 BC
Seer, from Temple of Zeus pediment 470 BC
Athena, Herakles, Atlas with Apples from metopeTemple of Zeus, 470-465bce
• New concern to render the human form in natural poses that
illustrate how a human usually stands.
Kritios Boy, 480bce
Young Warrior from Riace, 460-450bce
Charioteer, 470bce
Zeus (or Poseidon?), 460-450bce
Myron, Diskobolos, 450bce
Polykleitos, Doryphorus, 450bce
Kresilas, Pericles, 429bce
Athens Acropolis Plan
Acropolis, restored view
Parthenon, 447-438bce
Phidias, Athena Parthenos (model)438bce
Lapith Fighting Centaur, 447-438bce
Helios, horses & Dionysus, pediment at Parthenon
Plaque of the Ergastines
Three Goddesses, east pediment of Parthenon), 438 bce
Horsemen, detail from procession, Parthenon, 447 bce
Propylaia, 437 bce
Erechtheion, Porch of Maidens (caryatids), 421-405bce
Porch of the Maidens
Temple of Athena Nike, 427bce
Nike Adjusting Her Sandal, 410bce
Achilles Painter, 440bce
Grave Stele of Hegeso, High Classical
Late Classical Period
• Arts continued to flourish despite the defeat by Sparta.
Athens never regained their empire status. New art forms
(mosaics) flourished as well as new styles (tholos temple)
Praxiteles, Aphrodite, 350-340 bce
Praxiteles, Hermes and Infant Dionysos, 340bce
Lysippos, Apoxyomenos (The Scraper), 330bce
Lysippos, Weary Herakles, 320bce
Polykleitos’ Doryphorus vs. Apoxyomenos’The
Hellenistic Period
Altar of Zeus, Pergamon
Athena battling Alkyoneos 175bce
Dying Gaul, Epigonos, 230bce
Nike Samothrace, 190bce
Venus de Milo 150-125 BC
Seated Boxer 100-50 BC
Old Market Woman, 150-100 BC
Laocoon sons
Athanadoros, Hagesandros& Polydorso, Head of Odysseus, 1st century ce