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• Where did you locate your civilizations?
The First Civilizations
Location of Early Civilization
• Egypt
• China
• India
• Mesopotamia
Empire of Hummurabi (1792 BC)
• Conquered the small city
states and united them.
• Created the “Code of
– One of first know common
– Eye for an Eye
– No concept of equality and
very patriachal.
Based out of the city of
Ancient Egypt
• Old Kingdom (2700-2200 B.C):
– Developed advanced irrigations
– Concept of a “Pharaoh”: Believed to be
on of many gods.
– Believed obeyed divine Pharaoh would
help society.
• Middle Kingdom (2200-1650 B.C):
– Invaded by Hyksos, learned to make
bronze and drove them out.
• New kingdom (1650-1085 B.C):
– Grew so big it collapsed from within.
– Attack of the sea people.
The Israelites
• By 1200 BC both Egypt
and Mesopotamia are in
decline. Opens door for
new civilizations.
• King Solomon, and The
Kingdom of Israel.
– Split into two kingdoms:
Israel and Judah.
– Eventually overrun by the
– Judaism survived but
became stateless.
Importance: Monotheistic
• Belief in Yahweh a
single God.
• A Covenant: contract
with the people. Obey
the commandments and
he will guide the people.
• A supreme being who
watches of them.
– Later would influence
both Islam and
– Prophets
Ancient China
The Zhou and Han Dynasties
• Zhou (1045-256 B.C):
– Family Core, devotion to the family = stable society
– “Mandate from Heaven” rulers.
• Han (202 B.C. – 221 A.D):
– Mass Expansion of the Empire. (Great Wall)
• Confucius: Philosopher, asked: How do we
restore order?
– People naturally good.
– Learn to act moral in the real world, not
– Virtuous leaders and obedience to leaders.
Confucius Quotes
• “Before you embark on a
journey of revenge, dig two
• “Forget injuries, never forget
• “Do not impose on others
what you yourself do not
• “He who learns but does not
think, is lost! He who thinks
but does not learn is in great
Confucius presenting Buddha
Great Wall of China
Indus Valley
Ancient India
• Hinduism:
– A life of enlightenment
– Reincarnation, Karma, Goal = get closer to
• Buddhism:
– Siddhartha Guatama
– “Awakening” oneself with wisdom.
Overview of the Ancient Societies:
• How did each of the following maintain
– Mesopotania
– Egypt
– Israelites
– China
– India
• What do you feel is the best method for a
government to maintain order amongst its
Journal Question?
• What is Democracy?
• What would life/society be like if we didn’t
have a democratic society?
• Is your home democratic? Explain?
Athens and its Allies and Enemies
Athens V. Sparta
• Athens: Birthplace of democracy. (400BC)
• Democracy: Government run by the
• Every year, 1000 public officials were
chosen from the people and no one could
repeat the same office
Athenian Life
• Intellectual based
• Study of the Arts
• The Olympics
• Sparta: "Either come
back with your shield or
on it"
• Education= military
training and physical
• Ages 7-18 boys lived in
training camps.
• 20-30 full time soldiers,
lived in barracks
• Post-30 men could go
home at night.
• In army until 60!!!
Spartan Youth
• Intellectual aspects of life were not
considered important.
• They were only given a cloak - no shoes
or other clothes, and not enough food, so
they had to steal (to learn survival skills).
• Slave state, meant that they needed a
strong military.
Peloponnesian War
• Involved all Greek
• Athens vs. Sparta
• The war went on for a
full generation
• Athens surrendered in
404 B.C.
• What is the role of women in society
today? Explain?
• Is it changing, or has it changed in recent
history? Explain?
• What was the role of
women in Athens?
• Life, controlled by the
men in their lives
• Their father controlled
them before they were
• Their husbands
controlled them once
they were married
• Divorce was difficult
because they had to have
a male guardian
• Married in teens to
men in 30s
• Virgins
• Didn’t meet
• Didn’t eat at same
table as men.
• No education
• An Athenian writer wrote: "Teaching a
woman to read and write? What a terrible
thing to do! Like feeding a snake more
• Aristotle wrote that women didn’t have
the ability to reason, thus were not fit to
Athenian Democracy
• Direct Democracy:
– One person, one vote.
• Every decision by the
state had to be
approved by the
popular assembly.
• To Athenian citizens, the welfare of the
state was more important than the welfare
of the individual.
• too much pride was damaging to the
Greek Culture (Theater)
Greek theatre focused on the meaning of human existence
Greek Theatre
• Death to all, no happy endings (tragedy)
• It was an educational experience for the
– A form of schooling.
Reading Assignment: chapter 1, section 2
1.) Identify and describe the three famous
Greek philosophers
a. Socrates
b. Plato
c. Aristotle
2.) Write a paragraph describing the
differences between Sparta and Athens.
• Socrates: Teacher
of ideas.
• Socratic Method:
way to teach people
through only asking
questions and them
discovering the
answer on their
Socrates’ famous lines
• “Be as you wish to seem."
• "I am the wisest man alive, for I
know one thing, and that is that I
know nothing."
• "Be slow to fall into friendship, but
when thou art in, continue firm and
• "Wisdom begins in wonder.”
“All human virtues increase and
strengthen themselves by the practice
and experience of them."
"The greatest way to live with honor in
this world is to be what we pretend to
"Only the extremely ignorant or the
extremely intelligent can resist change."
“I do not think that I know what I do not
• Sentenced to death for “corrupting the
youth”. Died on his principles. A new hero.
• How can a youth that thinks be dangerous
to those in power?
Closing Activity
• Each student in class come up a few thesis
statement you believe to be true, but that are
opinion based.
– Example: PB&J’s are the best sandwiches. Or
everyone should have the right to vote.
• Hand them to your partner. Now try to educate
them on why they are wrong by asking them
only questions. No statements are allowed!!
• Spend 10 minutes doing this, then switch roles.