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Bellringer: Aug 18
• What are Ms. B’s 5 basic class rules.
• What is the extra credit opportunity when
you read the text book?
Greeks, and Romans, and
Knights, OH MY!
The Classical Civilizations and
Medieval Times
Unit 1: Part 1
• Go over Timeline (BCE to CE)
• Go over Roman Numerals
• 5 key changes in history
– Social
– Political
– Economic
Division of European History
• Euro History is divided into 3 eras:
– Classical Civilization
• 750 BC to 467 AD
• Included the Ancient Greeks and Ancient Romans
– Middle Ages: 467 AD-1500 AD
– Modern Era: 1500-Present
Geography of Greece
• Located on the
continent of
• Surrounded by
• Mountainous
• What does all this
Ancient Greece
• Lasted from 750 BC-146 BC
Is it a City or a State?
• 800-700s BC the Greeks formed independent city states
• City-State- a region controlled by a city (ex: Athens, Sparta,
• Polis- Greek word for a city
• Characteristics of a city-state
Shared a common language and culture
Each polis was politically independent
Greeks were NOT united under a single govt
Ruled by powerful kings
• Polis- Greek word for a city
• Around 650 BC Greeks started to overthrow the
tyrants/kings and thus democracy was established
Its all Greek to me
• Demos: the people
Kratos/cracy-the rule
• Democracy = “the rule of the people”
– A form of government where the people control the
government’s power
• Two forms of Democracy:
– Direct Democracy: each person in society directly
makes the government’s decisions
– Representative Democracy: the people elect
representatives to make decisions for them (aka:
Early Democracy in Athens
• Athens first to establish democracy after
overthrowing their King
• Solon
– Founding father of democracy
– 594 BC; he was chosen to reorganize the govt of
– Divided Athenians into 4 groups based on wealth (only
3 wealthiest groups could hold public office)
– Citizens with rights: adult males (sorry women,
children, and slaves)
The Greek Assembly
• Voted on laws proposed by the 3 wealthiest
• Any male citizen could serve on the Assembly
• All citizens could sit in the assembly (again,
sorry women, children, slaves)
• Assembly was example of DIRECT democracy
• Problem with Solon’s reforms: the wealthy
were able to dominate the Athenian govt.
Alexander the Great
356-323 B.C (33 years old when he died)
King of Macedonia (NE of Greece)
son of Philip II
Philip II: brought the city-states of Greece under one rule
Alexander expanded empire and conquered Persians, died
in Babylon
• Legacy is not his reign or territory but the cultural diffusion
that resulted (Hellenistic culture)
• Issue of who was now in charge created confusion and
tension- 40 years of frequent turnover in leadership
– Empire began to collapse and was later divided into 4 power
Greek Empire under
Alexander the Great
• 334-323 B.C.
The Fall of Greece
• Alex’s empire divided into 4 kingdoms
• Peloponnesian War 431 B.C.- a Civil War
– Athens vs. Sparta, long rivals but both Greek
• Battle of Corinth
– Fought in 146 B.C.
– Romans defeated the Greeks
– City-states and it’s people fell under Roman rule
– Marks the end of Greek rule and the beginning of
the Roman Empire