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DNA Isolation
Where is the DNA?
Eukaryotes (that is
us!) have nucleated
The nucleus contains
chromosomes made
out of DNA.
What about
organisms that don't
have a nucleus?
Where is their DNA?
Step 1: Cells in Solution
Peas + blender → cell soup
Why are we adding salt?
Osmotic Pressure
This is a hypertonic solution.→
(high concentration outside cell)
Step 1: Cells in Solution
Peas + blender → cell soup
Why are we adding salt?
Osmotic Pressure
The concentrations outside
of the cell and inside of the
cell will try to balance.
Water will run out of the cell,
and it will shrivel up.
Step 1: Cells in Solution
Peas + blender → cell soup
Why are we adding salt?
Osmotic Pressure
This is a hypotonic solution. →
(low concentration outside cell)
Step 1: Cells in Solution
Peas + blender → cell soup
Why are we adding salt?
Osmotic Pressure
The concentrations outside
of the cell and inside of the
cell will try to balance.
Water will run in to the cell,
and it will swell.
Step 1: Cells in Solution
Peas + blender → cell soup
Why are we adding salt?
Osmotic Pressure
The concentrations outside
of the cell and inside of the
cell will try to balance.
Or burst.
Step 1: Cells in Solution
Peas + blender → cell soup
Why are we adding salt?
Osmotic Pressure
If our solution has just the right
number of molecules dissolved, it
will match the concentration of
the cell.
This is an isotonic solution.→
(Now, everyone is happy.)
Step 2: Removing the Membranes
Plasma membrane
Nuclear membrane
Hydrophilic = water loving
Hydrophobic = water fearing
Step 2: Removing the Membranes
Breaks down membranes
Also breaks down some proteins
Step 3: Eliminating the Proteins
Stuck to DNA
Will destroy your DNA
We will use a
protease to chew up
the proteins in
Step 4: Separating the DNA
Isopropyl Alcohol
Will precipitate DNA
Will dissolve DNA