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3.1 Cell Theory
KEY CONCEPT Cells are the Basic unit of life.
3.1 Cell Theory
The cell theory
• Many scientists contributed to the cell theory.
.• More was learned about cells
as microscopes improved.
• unifying concept of biology.
3.1 Cell Theory
Contributing scientists
– Robert Hooke: Coined the term “cell” after
Review of Cell Theory
observing that cork consisted of tiny
– Anton von Leeuwenhoek: Improved the
microscope and observed tiny living things
in water
– Francesco Redi: Proved that living things
cannot be produced from non-living matter
– Louis Pasteur: Discovered that cells come
only from other living cells
3.1 Cell Theory
More Scientists
• Schleiden- plants made of cells
• Schwann- animals made of cells
Virchow- living things come from living things only
3.1 Cell Theory
The Cell theory has three principles.
– All organisms are made of cells.
3.1 Cell Theory
The Cell theory has three principles.
– All organisms are made of cells.
– All existing cells are produced by other living cells.
3.1 Cell Theory
The Cell theory has three principles.
– All organisms are made of cells.
– All existing cells are produced by other living cells.
– The cell is the most basic unit of life.
3.1 Cell Theory
All cells share certain characteristics.
– Cells tend to be microscopic.
– All cells are enclosed
by a membrane.
– All cells are filled with
cell membrane
(colored SEM; magnification 8800x)
3.1 Cell Theory
There are two cell types:
1. eukaryotic cells
2. prokaryotic cells.
3.1 Cell Theory
Eukaryotic cells have a nucleus.
cell membrane
3.1 Cell Theory
Prokaryotic cells do
not have a nucleus
cell membrane
3.1 Cell Theory
Eukaryote have membrane bound organelles
cell membrane
3.1 Cell Theory
Prokaryotic cells do not
have membrane-bound
cell membrane