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Test Review
Lesson 1: The Nile River
What is the importance of the Nile River?
River provides water, irrigation, fertilization of soil, protection, and
How did it protect Egypt?
Cataracts protect Egypt because it could not be navigated by boats.
3. How did the flooding of the Nile affect Egypt?
Predictable flooding of the Nile allowed the people to have fertile soil for
4. Describe Egyptian farming and writing
Planted wheats, barley, flax seed,
Used irrigation systems, transferred water through shadoof,
Used papyrus to make paper for writing
Wrote using hieroglyphics
5. Describe Egypt’s two kingdoms.
River travels south to north and so the kingdoms are so named.
Upper Egypt: Upper part of Nile River is southern most part
Lower Egypt: Lower part of Nile River is northern most part
6. Who united Egypt for the first time?
Narmer (king of upper Egypt) led army north to lower Egypt. He married lower
Egypt’s princess and unified the kingdoms. Established new capital of Memphis.
His rule continued through a dynasty.
Lesson 2: Life in Ancient Egypt
7. Describe the government in ancient Egypt
Leader was called a pharaoh. Pharaoh appointed bureaucrats to carry out orders.
Egypt was a theocracy. Pharaoh participated in public ceremonies and religious
8. Describe the importance of religion in ancient Egypt
Worshipped many gods. Believed to cause natural forces. Pharaoh was worshipped
aswell. Nile River was also honored.
9. What was the afterlife ?
Life after death was better than current life. Studied the book of the Dead.
Belief that current body and belongings would be needed in next life. Lead to
embalming process and mummification.
10. Why did Egyptians create pyramids?
Pyramids are tombs for burial. Protected bodies from robbers, animals, and flood.
11. What were the different social groups and how did people live?
Pharaoh: Highest position:
Upper Class: Army commanders, nobles, priests: Elegant multistory homes, wore
white linen, had servants
Middle Class: Arcticians, scribes, traders: lived in smaller homes and dressed
more simply
Lower Class: farmers, unskilled workers:small one room mud homes
12. Describe ancient Egyptian families.
Father head of family. Women had rights to own property, buy and sell goods, and
obtain divorces. Women may hold jobs, stay at home, or work with spouse
depending on status. Children did not usually go to school--taught by mothers. As
a teenager boys would get married. Upper class would live with only wife and
children. Lower class may live with extended family members. Oldest children
responsible for burial of parents.
Lesson 3: Egypt’s Empire
13. List and describe all the important events in the Golden Age
Capital moved to Thebes. Golden age was a time of peace that lasted from 2055
to 1650 BC. Concurred new lands. Increased crop production and more irrigation
dams and channels. Channel between the Nile River and Red Sea. Paintings,
sculptures, new architecture. Tombs in cliffs near river called Valley of the Kings.
14. Who was King Tut and what is significant about him?
King Tut became a ruler at age 10. Restored worship of many gods. Ruled for a
short time and died young. Tomb discovered in 1922 and had not been looted.
Because the tomb contained Tut’s mummy, treasures, and a gold mask of
pharaoh’s face.
15. Who was Ramses II and what were his accomplishments?
Increased territory, increased wealth, and built large temples. Signed peace
treaty with Hitties. Built Karnak at Thebes.
16. Why did Egypt decline?
Declined after Ramses II died and pharaohs fought wars. Surrounding groups
attacked Egypt until Assyrians eventually took over.
Lesson 4: The Kingdom of Kush
17. What was Nubia? Describe its importance.
Nubia was later known as Kush. It was located south of Egypt along the Nile
River. Kerma became an important trading center connecting Egypt to southern
18. Describe Egypt’s invasion of Nubia.
Egyptian armies invaded in 1400 BC--the was lasted 50 years. Egyptians ruled for
the next 700 years.
19. How did the Nubians and Egyptians influence one another?
Nubians adopted Egyptian beliefs and customs. They learned to make tools out of
copper and bronze. The Nubians adapted hieroglyphs.
20. How and when did Kush conquer Egypt?
Egyptian rulers become weak, the Kush challenged Egypt in 750 BC.Kashta
invaded Egypt with an army.
21. How did the people of Kush use iron?
Learned how to use iron from the Assyrians. Used iron for hoes, plows, iron
weapons and tools.
22. Describe Meroe and its similarities to Egypt
Kush rulers moved capital to city of Meroe near the cataracts. Nile river
provided protection, and trade and transportation like Egypt. Cities were looked
like those in Egypt. Different because Meroe contained iron furnaces.
23. What did the Kush people trade?
Leopard skins and wood from interior Africa and enslaved people. In return brought back cotton, textiles, and
other goods.