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Review game
Students break into teams of 4
Each team will discuss and answer each question
Scoring sheets are handed in at the end.
5 points to winning team
4 points for 2nd
3 points 3rd
2 points 4th
1 point for 5th
0 for 6th
1- What is the currently most
accepted theory that describes
the formation of the universe?
Big bang theory
2- What type of galaxy is the
milky way?
Spiral galaxy
3- How long a star lasts is
dependent only on its
4- What are stars classified by?
Size, brightness, and
5- The hottest stars are what
6- When a star has used up all of
its hydrogen it will turn into
Red giant
7- How are all galaxies moving in
relation to every other galaxy?
Away from each other
8- All the different types of
electromagnetic waves are know
as what?
Electromagnetic spectrum
9- What is the name of the force
that pulls the matter in stars
10- The distance light can travel
in one year is known as what?
Light year
11- What type of galaxy has
almost no gas or dust?
Elliptical galaxies
12-How old is the universe?
14 to 15 billion years old
13- What types of telescopes
gather and focus visible light?
Reflecting and refracting
14- How do astronomers
determine the chemical
composition of a star?
A spectrograph
15- A nebula is the place where
a star begins its life
16- A star more than 40 times
the mass of the sun will end its
life as a what?
A black hole
17- A star is born when what
starts to occur?
Nuclear fusion
18- When a star has a slight
back and forth motion, it is an
indication of what?
That it has a planet
19- When our solar system
formed, the planets that lost
most of their gases became the
The rocky inner planets
20- Determining the temperature
of a star is aided by using a
A spectrograph
21- Binary stars that become
dimmer at regular intervals are
called what?
Eclipsing binary stars
22- Parallax is a method used to
measure what?
The distance to nearby stars
23- What does the brightness of
a star depend on?
Size and temperature
24- Main sequence stars show
that they increase in brightness
as they increase in temperature
on what kind of diagram?
Hertzsprung-Russel diagram