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BBA(Hons) - MAJU
Whole cosmic system of matter and
energy of which Earth is a part. Its main
constituents are the galaxies, within
which are stars and stellar groupings and
nebulae. Earth's Sun is one star among
the billions of stars in the Milky Way
Galaxy. All atoms, subatomic particles,
and everything they compose are also
part of the universe.
• Earth-Like Planet Discovered in Libra.
• Discovery of water vapor in the
atmosphere of an exoplanet.
• Two new satellites found around Pluto.
• New Solar System discovered.
Astronomers captured photo of extrasolar
Earth-Like Planet Discovered in Libra
Earth-Like Planet Discovered in Libra
• Astronomers have discovered the most
Earth-like planet yet in another solar
system. It is the first planet outside of our
solar system that could be home to liquid
water. Above is an artist's illustration of the
planet, which scientists think is either rocky,
or covered with oceans.
Discovery of water vapor in the atmosphere of an
Discovery of water vapor in the atmosphere of an
• Scientists have reported the first
conclusive discovery of water vapor in the
atmosphere of an exoplanet, or a planet
beyond our solar system.
• This shows a gas-giant exoplanet
transiting across the face of its star..
The planet, HD 189733b, lies 63 lightyears away in the constellation Vulpecula.
It was discovered in 2005 as it transited its
parent star, dimming the star's light by
some three percent.
Two new satellites found around Pluto
Two new satellites found around Pluto
• images revealing Pluto, its large
moon Charon, and the planet's two
new satellites. The candidate moons
aren't visible in the short-e
New Solar System discovered
New Solar System discovered
• The discovery of a Jupiter-like planet in a
Jupiter-like orbit around nearby Sun-like
star 55 Cancri, gives a new indication that
planetary systems similar to our Solar
System likely exist elsewhere.
• The planet, discovered by G. Marcy (UC
Berkeley) and by collaborators, is one of
two new planets found around 55 Cancri
in 1997 a Jupiter-massed planet was
found orbiting very close in.
• The star 55 Cancri, is visible with
binoculars towards the constellation of
Astronomers captured photo of extrasolar planet
Astronomers captured photo of extrasolar planet
• After a few close calls, astronomers have
finally obtained the first photograph of a
planet beyond our solar system.
The object is about 14 times further away
from its star than the Earth is from our
Sun, placing it slightly further out than the
planet Saturn. This is the first companion
imaged in an orbit similar to those of the
giant planets.
• Moon The natural satellite of Earth, visible by
reflection of sunlight and having a slightly
elliptical orbit, approximately 356,000
kilometers (221,600 miles) distant at perigee
and 406,997 kilometers (252,950 miles) at
apogee. Its mean diameter is 3,475 kilometers
(2,160 miles), its mass approximately one
eightieth that of Earth, and its average period of
revolution around Earth 29 days 12 hours 44
minutes calculated with respect to the sun.
• A natural satellite revolving around a planet.
• The fourth planet from the sun, having a
sidereal period of revolution about the sun
of 687 days at a mean distance of 227.9
million kilometers (141.6 million miles) and
a mean diameter of approximately 6,794
kilometers (4,222 miles).
• Mars has a reddish color, and at times is the
third brightest object in the night sky (the
Moon and Venus are first and second,
• The atmosphere is composed chiefly of
carbon dioxide (95.3% by volume),
nitrogen (2.7%) and argon (1.6%).
• Surface winds can be up to 40 m/s (80
• There are local dust storms, or dust devils,
and global dust storms.
• The surface temperature averages -53 °C
(-64 °F) and varies between -128 and 27
°C (-199 and 80 °F).
Possibility Of Life On Mars
• Mars may hold water ice under surface
Big floods on Mars in recent past.
Antarctic find boosts prospects for Mars
• Mars soil gives hints of green planet.
Mars may hold water ice under surface
• Scientists say they may have solved the
mystery of where Mars' water went. Large
amounts of hydrogen have been detected
under the surface -- perhaps in the form of
water ice.
Does the possible presence of water on
Mars mean life exists there?
• Scientists say it raises the chances, but it's
by no means conclusive.
• If life exists there now, it's most likely in
the form of some type of microbe.
Experts say the best chance for finding
conclusive evidence of such life would
involve a "sample return mission."
• A unmanned probe would land on the
planet, scoop up a soil sample that might
harbor these Martian microbes, and then
return it to earth for analysis.
Big floods on Mars in recent past
• The most recent great floods on Mars took
place in the recent geologic past, not
billions of years ago as previously
estimated, according to scientists.
• The water here gushed from volcanotectonic fissures. While the fissures
themselves may be older, the latest
eruption of the water was probably only
about 10 million years ago.
Antarctic find boosts prospects for Mars life
• The unexpected discovery of organisms
buried underneath a dreary stretch of
Antarctic desert has bolstered hopes that
life could exist in similar conditions on
• The microorganisms thrived in soil with
salt concentrations as high as 3,000 parts
per million, according to William Mahaney
of York University in Ontario, Canada.
• The salts considerably lower the freezing
point, meaning that despite the big chill
water can remain in liquid form, which all
known life forms require.
Mars soil gives hints of green planet
Mars soil gives hints of green planet
• Mars suggests that the surface contains
chlorophyll, a discovery that could bolster
prospects of finding life on the planet.
• Chlorophyll, the molecule that plants and
algae use to convert sunlight into food,
gives all photosynthetic organisms on our
planet their distinguishing green color.
• The study by Carole Stoker and Pascal
Ashwanden, both work at NASA's Ames
Research Center in California turned up
six potential chlorophyll hot spots. "Two
intriguing cases occur in small areas on
the ground near the spacecraft.
• Extraterrestrial life is life that exists and
originates outside the planet Earth, the
only place in the universe currently known
by humans to support life.
• Its existence is still hypothetical as
there is currently little, if any, evidence to
indicate that other planets can support life,
and there is no evidence of extraterrestrial
life that has been widely accepted by the
scientific community.
• A UFO is a general term used for any
“unidentified flying object” in the sky which
cannot be discerned by an observer.
• Sometimes referred to colloquially as
“flying saucers.”
• Most UFO sightings have prosaic
explanations; there is no hard evidence
that extraterrestrial beings are visiting